chapter 8

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Once home Sheba headed to the kitchen while I wandered upstairs to her room. I picked up a movie from the bin, slipping it into the movie player.
Moments later Sheba came up with popcorn.
"What movie did you pick?" Sheba asked setting the bowl on the bed.
"An adventure of course" I smiled trying not to laugh.
"Oooof course" Sheba pretended to be upset, failing miserably.
"You love them too" I argued crossing my arms.
"Yeah I do" Sheba smiled, climbing onto the bed next to me.
We watched the movie in silence, making small talk during some parts of course.
"Is that what your claws did?" Sheba pointed to big pin holes in my arm.
I nodded dissmising the question, I was happy and that was the last thing I wanted to talk about. She must have gotten the hint because we stopped that conversation.
I must have fallen asleep though because I was awoken by the sunlight. I groaned turning away from the sun to face Sheba who was still sleeping. I smiling remembering when we were younger and use to do this everyday.
It didn't take long for a wave if nausea to pull me out of my thoughts.
I quickly got out if bed and raced to the bathroom, puking up whatever I had eaten the night before.
"Feel?" I heard Sheba asked sleepily from the doorway.
"Yeah?" I groaned leaning over the bowl still.
"You okay?" She walked over and kneeled down next to me.
"Yeah" I sighed, trying to calm my beating heart.
She rubbed my back, helping to calm me down.
When I was sure I was done I flushed the toilet and leaned against the wall.
"Do you want some water?" Sheba asked, giving me a concerned look.
"Yes please Sheba" I replied looking up at her.
She nodded, disappearing before returning with water.
I took the glass from her, gulping it down quickly.
"Thank you" I couldn't stop thanking her for being there for me.
"No problem feel, now get up off that floor" Sheba offered her hands, pulling me up.
"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes tiredly.
"6 am.....couldn't you have waited to be sick. It's way too early" Sheba yawned.
"I couldn't control it sorry....oh I forgot to call ozzy!" I rushed by her to the living room where my phone was charging. I picked up the phone, 100 messages from him. Quickly I typed in his number and called.
"Feel?" I heard he yawn from the other side of the phone.
"Oh I apologize ozzy! I fell asleep at sheba's so I stayed here and forgot to call you-" I started rambling on about how I was sorry.
"Feel it's 6 am slow down" I heard him chuckle.
"I'm sorry" I said taking a deep breath to clear my mind.
"It's okay, I just got really scared" Oswald replied.
"I'll call you next time" I promised him.
"You better, now when arw you coming home?" Oswald asked, I heard him yawn behind the phone again.
"I'll come home right now" I said feeling a bit guilty that I made him worry.
"Okay see you in a few kitten" he mumbled
"See you in a few honey bun" I replied before hanging up.
"Sheba Oswald wants me home" I told her while collecting my things.
"Ooo can I come with?" She asked smiling.
"Of course" I smiled back, I knew she wanted to watch me and be with Mickey.
"Lets go" I motioned for her to come with me.
She nodded, grabbing her coat before following me.

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