chapter 16

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Hours had past, it was slowly getting dark. I decided it was time to finally go home. I forced myself from the park bench and began to walk home. The air had become colder, seeping into my long sleeve shirt.
"I should have brought my jacket" I sighed.
"Should I have? I mean if I freeze out I can't keep thinking like this. I'm not just hurting myself anymore" I argued with my thoughts.
I slowed my pace, looking down at my stomach.
"I'll take care of you" I smiled, wrapping my arms around my stomach protectivly.
"There he is!" I heard Mug's voice from down the street.
"Oh great" I rolled my eyes, letting go of my stomach.
I heard foot steps behind me, but I just kept walking.
"Felix!" I heard Bendy's voice getting closer.
My anger boiled again, I forced it down this time.
"Yes?" I stopped in my tracks, allowing them to catch up.
"Where have you been? We have been searching all over!" Bendy panted, catching his breath.
"None of your business" I shrugged it off, continuing to walk.
"Feel?" Bendy asked, I could tell he was puzzled.
"Just leave me alone will you" I growled.
I heard him stop behind me, so I kept walking.
I heard more footsteps in the distance, but I ignored them.
Finally I reached the house, opening the door and coming in.
It was empty, everyone must have been searching for me. I guess they will be back soon then.
I walked upstairs to my old room and opened the door.
"Why didn't I think of sleeping here before?" I questioned myself in my head.
The blood still stained the floors and I saw a few dried up petals under the bed.
"Memories, bad bad memories" I shook my head, walking over to my bed.
"Your really just like those flowers aren't you?" I laid down, holding my stomach.
"Except you show love....well you're suppose to" I mumbled the last part quietly.
"F-feel?" I heard Oswald's voice from the other side of the door.
"What do you want" I hissed In between my clenched teeth.
"Can we talk?" He asked, his tone was
"What's there to talk about?" I asked, rolling on my side.
"A lot" he replied, his tone was softer this time.
"Fine" I got up and headed toward the door, unlocking it.
He looked at me, his ears were back and he was clutching the papers I had given him.
"So you read them?" I asked, making my tone as blank as possible.
He nodded in reply. I rolled my eyes, heading back to my bed. Oswald came in and closed the door behind him.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, sitting down.
"Well....I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier" he began "you were just hanging out with her so never wanted to do anything together. The most I got was sleeping with you, and half the time you were already asleep" Oswald looked down at his lap where the papers lay.
"I was figuring things out" I repeated my words from earlier.
"I know that now. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He looked at me, his eyes showed he was hurt.
"I didn't want you to leave me. Everytime I thought of it I wanted to pass out. I was scared you wouldn't love me...I don't think I could handle another Hanahaki" I shivered at the memories that came back.
I looked down at the blood stain floor before back up at ozzy. My heart was aching for an answer.
He looked at me blankly.

Memories (Osix) (Hanahaki sequel) Where stories live. Discover now