chapter 18

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One month later
It was late in the afternoon when Oswald finally woke me up. I started sleeping in more since my morning sickness died down.
"Feel lunch is ready" he was knelt down at the side of the bed.
"Okay" I sat up, I was starving so I was willing to get up.
"Good" Oswald stood up, waiting for me.
I quickly scurried out of bed, stretching my body out.
Oswald waited at the door for me, but I walked towards the bathroom.
I pulled up my shirt, looking at my stomach like I always did.
"It hasn't changed" i heard Oswald say from the doorway.
"But you can tell" I groaned, pulling down my shirt and slipping on his sweatshirt.
"So?" Oswald leaned against the door frame.
"The gang doesn't know" I replied, looking back at the mirror.
"So tell them" oswald rolled his eyes at me.
"I don't want to" I mumbled under my breath.
"What is with you and secrets?" Oswald asked me.
It took me a minute to think of an answer.
"I don't want to disappoint" I finally replied.
"What makes you think you'll disappoint them? It's our child not theirs" oswald crossed his arms over his chest.
"But I'm suppose to be this adventure always tracking and exploring. Here I am with a child" I sighed, looking away from the mirror.
"You can go on adventures again when they are born" Oswald walked towards me.
"But how am I suppose to be an idol? I'm pathetic" I hugged him, enjoying the warmth.
"Your not pathetic, your just over thinking everything." Oswald tried to convince me, but my mind refused to believe it.
"Okay." I replied, the last thing he needed to know was how ashamed I was of my body.
"Now come on let's go eat" Oswald pulled away, grabbing my hand.
I nodded, trying to pull myself together mentally.
"These mood swings are going to get to me one of these days" I thought to myself as me walked.
"I'm only on month 3 too" I groaned at the thought.
"What's wrong?" Oswald looked over at me.
"I was just thinking" I replied, telling the truth this time.
"About what?" Oswald asked, he had been more clingy lately.
"About how I'm only in month 3" I replied.
He chuckled, squeezing my hand a little.
"You'll get through it" he smiled at me softly.
"Yeah says you" I flicked his cheek, smiling.
Oswald rolled his eyes, pulling me into the kitchen.
"It smells delicious" I thought the moment we entered.
"Control yourself feel. Remember the others don't know, you also don't need to eat that much" my brain told me once again.
"I know I know" I argued with it. It was now a routine to fight with my thoughts.
"You'll get them through this." My brain sounded positive, but I noticed how it said them.
"What about me?"

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