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A/N: Hello! This is my first fan fiction, so I'm sorry if its bad! I hope you all do like it, I love feedback so please feel free! Sorry for the mistakes (if any)

Narrator's P.O.V:

Lucy was in her apartment, sitting on her bed trying to understand was this meant. She was looking down at a positive pregnancy test. She didn't know who the father was, or what to do! She was freaking out, but it only got worse as a pink-haired dragon slayer tapped on the window. She glanced back, with tears in her eyes. His eyes widen as he opened the window, he ran to his friend's aid. 

"Lucy, what happened?" He asked concerned

She held the test in her hands, gripping it tighter. Natsu glanced down and saw something in her hands, he looked back at the blonde mage concerned.

"Lucy, I can't help if I don't know what happened!" He pleaded 

"T-That's the thing... I don't know what happened" Her voice cracked, trying to hold in her thick, warm tears falling down her cheeks. She wiped them to the side, looking at the dragon slayer. He sat down on the bed beside her, looking at her face full of worry. Lucy finally gave in and opened her hands to reveal the positive test. Natsu stared at it, at first not getting the message but finally understood. He gasped and looked at Lucy.

"What are you going to do?" He asked trying to stay strong for her

"I don't know... I don't know anything Natsu!" She wailed

Natsu pulled her into a much needed hug, she cried and wailed into his scarf. He didn't know what else he could've done to help his friend in her time of need. So he just let her cry away her worries, trying to comfort her to the best of his abilities. Finally gathering up his courage to ask the question he didn't know if he wanted to know the answer to.

"Lucy" He pulled out of the hug to look into her brown orbs "Who's the father?" 

Lucy shuttered, and began to think back. How would she just not know? She thought back to the party and how everyone was drunk, she remembered how she woke up in Natsu's house the next morning. She gasped and brought her hands to her mouth looking at Natsu.

"Natsu..." She whimpered

Of course, Natsu didn't understand. Lucy didn't want to continue, but he needed to know. He deserved to know.

"Natsu... Your the father.." She stuttered quietly

Natsu stilled and wasn't moving trying to process what she said. Could it be true? Natsu Dragneel a father? Was this real? Questions raced through his mind, thinking this was just a dream. Deep down he knew it wasn't, he was just too afraid to admit it. He snapped back into reality and finally acted. He stood up, and walked in-front of Lucy and pulled her to her feet. The test dropped to the floor, Natsu broke the test with his foot. Lucy gasped in shocked getting worried as she glanced back at the slayer.

"I say screw the test, what matters is that your happy!" He gave the blonde his famous fanged smile.

Lucy gave him a weak smile, and wrapped her arms around his neck and cried happily into his scarf.

"Lucy, I would love to help you with the child, but I need to know if this is what you want." He slipped his hands around her waist.

She nodded in his scarf wailing happily, she longed to hear those words. 

"I love you..." She said muffled into the scarf, but Natsu's great hearing picked it up with ease.

"I love you too, Lucy" He smiled and pulled apart, looking deeply into her eyes.

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