Chapter 24 (Back Home)

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A/N: Omgg... I literally flipping out.. When I first published this book I NEVER EVER thought that it would get so popular!! There 6.4 K reads on this book, holy shit! Thank you all SO much for reading. And in full honesty I LOVE reading comments on this book, it makes actually writing this book that much easier XD

Nashi's P.O.V:

"H-Hi Daddy" I whispered. 

"N-Nash" Dad cried, as he quickly pulled me into a tight loving hug.

I laughed weakly and hugged him back, everybody in the room was smiling and cheering. I must of worried everybody.. Well I'm back now and never leaving, so they're stuck with me!

"You scared the shit out of me!" Dad cursed.

"Profanity!" I gasped.  (Aka my friend every time I swear XD)

"H-How... How do you know what that is?" Dad growled.

"I don't know" I smiled innocently.

Dad rolled his eyes playfully and stood up, he stretched his hand out to me.

"Ready to go home, kiddo?" He smiled.

I smiled sweetly, and looked at the werewolf girls. I quickly got off the table I was on and hugged Lilia first, then Yulia, and finally Zelia. I said my bitter goodbyes to them, hoping that our paths would meet again someday. Everybody then walked out of the girl's home with a few more thank-yous and we went on our way. I, of course, stayed by Daddy's side the whole time. Simon just remained quiet and didn't say anything (I'm going to be honest, I totally forgot about Simon XD)

Nova stayed by her parents and I could tell Storm wanted to see his parents desperately. I smiled at Storm to give him some sort of reassurance, it seemed to work but only a little bit. I skipped along side of my father so happy that I get to see Luna, Igneel, Mommy, and everybody else I'm so happy!!

I can't wait to get back home.

We finally got out of the forest and started our long way back to the guild, Daddy says we should be there soon if we walk fast. And if my broken legs can walk fast everybody else's can sure too!


Lucy's P.O.V:

We were called back to the guild, as my team didn't find anything in the weird town. Other than some strange people hanging around there. We also almost got robbed, but luckily they weren't wizards so we easily set them aside and made our way back to the guild hall. 

Maybe the other team found the kids? I shouldn't get my hopes up, but that would be amazing. I just hope everybody is alright, and Igneel.. I wonder if he's fine with the guild, and if anything happened to them all. I have so many questions, and I just hope to see Natsu again and I will ask all these questions....

We got to the train station and waited by for the train, I looked around at my team's discouraged faces. I smiled and looked at them all.

"Don't worry just yet, who knows maybe Team A found the kids" I said, in hopes to cheer them up.

"Yeah, but no matter what we failed in our mission. And we don't know for sure that they found them" Gray muttered softly. 

"Quit being so negative!" I scolded, "Keep your head high!"

"B-But Lucy.. We don't know if they did" Juvia said nervously.

"Well we can always hope! Now come on chin up!" I smiled.

"Lucy's right, we still must hold hope for the kids!" Erza stood up.

"See Erza's got it!" I laughed.

I watched my team's face slowly start to lighten up.

Good last thing we need is a bunch of negative emotion around... Now let's get home and figure this thing out.


Igneel's P.O.V:

I couldn't move.. What is this!? I struggled to get free of this spell of some sort. But I couldn't nothing was working! I hate this! I feel useless! UGH! 

I used all my strength and my arm started to move slightly, I saw a surprise look wash over Nete's face. I tried my best to move, but this burning sensation won't go away! I never get burned what is happening?! What even is this?! I looked down to see my skin starting to show burn marks and bruises and well as cuts. This is some sort of magic...

"WATER CYCLONE!" Slivia cursed.

This sent rapid waters circling round and round straight for Ace, he dodged it with great speed and quickly knocked her to the ground. Rin was also knocked to the ground right afterwards. Michio and Ace started to laugh as I felt my arm twist. I looked over a saw Michio standing there ready to break my arm. I saw someone standing out of the corner of my eye.

"Come.. On Igneel.. We're dragon-slayers these punks.. Shouldn't be anything" Gale said, as she weakly stood up.

"Gale!" I yelped in surprise.

"IRON DRAGON ROAR!" She roared.

The magic attack crashed into the three boys and they laid on the floor, I got control over my body again. Things seem to be turning around! Yes!

Ace raised to his feet, along with Michio and Nete. The three boys connected their hands and pointed towards us. Are they doing a unison raid?! Wait no way!! 

I couldn't even hear anything, all I saw was them talking as I got hit was a large blast of magic power. I remember my eyes closing weakly, as everything slowly faded black...

How are they so powerful...


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