Chapter 23 (The Remedy)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Natsu sat there with his now dead daughter in his arms, her body cold and her heart failed and dead. His body surrounded with flames of emotions, glowing bright as he screamed out in agony. He felt as if a million needles pierced his heart all at once. Everybody quickly left the room to not get burnt by Natsu's vicious flames. The shadowed being stood there smirking and now even laughing at Natsu's pain. 

The flames quickly consumed the shadow's body. He screamed in pain. Natsu started to growl like a vicious dog, but his yell sounded like that of a fierce dragon. He wasn't messing around anymore. Natsu was serious about killing this shadow or man, whatever it was.

"Doesn't feel good does it?!" He screamed, as more flames took over the room.

The heat in the room started to cause some rocks to fall down from the ceiling. Natsu carefully placed Nashi's body on the floor. He launched at the shadow and knocked him to the floor, the shadow was revealed to be a man with several scars running across his face. Natsu kicked him in the gut, causing the man to cough up blood. A large shadow attacked Natsu.

But it quickly vanished in Natsu's burning flames of passion and anger, his face was stained with tears and a malicious scowl running across his face. His eyes pure jade as they were filled with pure rage. He screamed as his flames took over even more of the room. A small heart beat could be heard throughout the room. Natsu's flames died down as he looked at Nashi's body in hope. 

But it wasn't her heartbeat he heard.. It was Yulia. She stood up as Lilia and Zelia reentered the room. Yulia put her hands up showing she wasn't going to fight Natsu.

"We are deeply sorry about your daughter, but we might be able to save her.. If you just listen to us. Please" Yulia said, carefully placing her words.

"What can you do! You're the reason Nashi's dead!" Natsu spat. 

"Nashi may seem dead, but her soul is still here and therefore she can still be revived" Zelia sighed, shaking her head at Natsu's words.

Wendy called, "Natsu trust them!" 

"Why should I?!" Natsu raged.

"Because these girls are close to Hades! You know the Greek God? Of the underworld? They are Cerberus!" 

"Alexandrite" Zelia corrected, "We aren't Cerberus, we are a different version of him. Cerberus is our brothers, Alexandrite is what we call ourselves" she explained.

Natsu calmed down, as the man got to his feet and he tried to run away. Natsu flashed his head around and yanked him to the ground.

"You are still going to pay with your life, so you aren't allowed to leave this shit place" Natsu's eyes glowed with his words.

The man shivered in fear, "No so tough without your magic aren't you?" Natsu laughed cruelly.

"Now come on, Nashi doesn't have much time" Zelia shook her head.

Natsu picked the man up and threw him to the wall, quickly chaining him to the wall and placing magic restraints on his wrists. He kicked in the gut, causing the man to cough up more blood. 

"I want to kill you myself, but I'll let you have the easy way out" Natsu scoffed.

"Pick up Nashi's body and lets head out quickly" Zelia motioned for them to follow her.

Lilia hid behind Zelia, scared of what Natsu might try to do to them. Yulia walked with Zelia, as Natsu walked over to Nashi's cold body. He gently picked her up and held her close to him. As he walked out with the rest of the team.


The team reached a small forest, as the three girls walked into the forest and into a small forest home. Natsu didn't like the feeling he was getting from the girls, as the rest of the team didn't question it. Nova finally woke up but her heart shattered hearing that Nashi was dead. Storm couldn't take the news either. 

"Place Nashi on the table" Zelia said, as she walked into the kitchen.

Natsu did as he was told, Lilia pulled up a seat for him. He thanked her halfheartedly and sat down on next to Nashi. Natsu held her hand and wasn't going to leave her side. He couldn't even think straight, was Nashi really dead? Or would she be alive again? His mind was racing with questions, but nothing was for certain. Nova stayed close with her parents, Laxus and Mira were making sure she wasn't getting out of their sights. Storm stayed with Wendy and Gajeel, as the rest of the team spread across the room.

Zelia walked back into the room, holding a white-colored potion. She stood next to Nashi. Carefully watching Natsu to make sure he wasn't going to try anything. She slowly fed Nashi the white potion and waited by.


Nashi's P.O.V:

What is this place.. It's dark.. My head hurts, and all I can hear is ringing. The last thing I remember was Daddy.. He was crying, why was he crying again? Why is it so dark? What's happening to me? I have so many questions, but where's Daddy now?... I'm lost, and confused. I could hear crying and screaming. But then it turned into silence and now I can only hear this annoying ringing. I looked around this dark place, and I saw a white light. It was shaped like a person, I took a step backwards. I didn't like the feeling I was getting.

The person snapped their figures and the darkness turned into white, as the silhouette turned into a dark shadow. It reminded me of that nightmare shadow... But why can I remember that shadow but not why Daddy was crying? This is getting confused..

The ringing finally stopped, as the person slowly came closer. Tension started to fill the space around us. The figure was defiantly a man, he was a little short than Daddy. He somehow reminded me of Daddy a lot... Who was he?

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"That isn't important.. What is important, is the fact that your time is not up yet."

"What do you mean?" I pondered.

"Your life was short on earth, but it still isn't your time to leave forever."

"So I get to go back?" I squealed, I wanted to see Daddy again.

"Yes, and tell your father I said hello."

"I will, mister! Thank you!" I cheered.

I get to see my family again! YAY! 

Wait.... But does that mean I was dead?.. Was that why Daddy was crying earlier?.. So I'm in the afterlife right now.. That's an uncomfortable thought. I saw a quick flash of bright yellow light.

I could hear my heart beat, it was slowly beating. 

I finally opened my eyes to see a light above my head, I turned my head to the side to see a bright smile spreading across my father's face. Tears forming in his eyes again. Why was he crying this time? I all of a sudden got hit with a flash of memories, it was what happened before I died. 

"H-Hi Daddy" I whispered.


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