Chapter 1 (Nashi Dragneel)

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Nashi's P.O.V:


I opened one eye to find my little brother, Igneel, sitting on my floor staring at me intensely. I jumped, and flew off my bed with a loud *THUMP* 

"OW!" I yelped

"Nashi! Are you okay?!" Igneel yelled, rushing to my side.

I begun to laugh and roll around on the floor. He was questioning my actions, I got up from the floor and grabbed my brother's tiny hand and we walked to the kitchen. My mother was making breakfast, it smelt delicious. Wandering into the kitchen, me and Iggy sat down at the table. Waiting for our food, mom always makes the best pancakes!

"Here you go, you two!" My mother said sweetly, placing our food in-front of us.

I thanked her, and began to eat. Like I suspected it was delicious. We finished up eating, and I helped my mother with the dishes, while my brother went to go get ready.

"Want your hair done?" My mother asked, finishing the last plate.

I nodded excited. I love her hair designs, and her fashion sense is amazing! Igneel thinks I'm weird for saying stuff like that, but I have to remind him that I'm a girl, and I like different things. 

"Okay then, go get ready and I lay your outfit on your bed." My mom stated

I nodded, and went into my bathroom. Took a quick shower, and got out to find my outfit for the day on my bed. It was a white dress with a golden ribbon around the waist, along with gold trimming at the bottom of the pearly dress. It had a pink cover up, I slipped the outfit on and I squealed slightly. It was so pretty! White always went with my salmon hair, and brown eyes with ease. I looked at my bed to find my scarf, Daddy made for me. It picked it up, and glanced at the bottom where my name was sewn on, in pink. My brother had a matching scarf, but the stitching was in red. My scarf remained pure white, I treated it like it was glass. While my brothers, and fathers were a little dirty always. I wanted to take it with me, but the kids at my school weren't that nice... I was afraid of getting it dirty, or ripped. I wanted it to stay white, and together so I left it on my bed, and walked out. I found Igneel, in his famous "Dragons" t-shirt and some black shorts. He had his scarf on. 

"Nashi, where's your scarf?" He asked me

"I never take my scarf to school, it could get dirty and torn." I explained, grabbing his hand and walking out the door with our bags in toe.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled and we walked to school.

"Have a good day you two!" I heard my mom yell

I smiled and we walked to school together, we were in the main town walk way and ran into some other kids. No from our school, I didn't recognize them at all. 

"My bad! Sorry" I apologized, and before I could go anywhere.

One of the boys, he had dark hair with beautiful blue eyes. He grabbed my hand.

"Wait!" He called

I turned with Igneel in toe. 

"Yes? Need anything?" I asked

"We are looking for someone, our parents are at least! You seem to know the place, can you help us find our parents.. We kinda lost them" explained a red head boy.

"Yeah sure, our school doesn't start until 9, and its only 8." I examined the clock. "My name is Nashi, and this is Igneel" I explained

"Storm!" The darked haired boy explained

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