Chapter 6 (Parent Meet) Part 2

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Igneel's P.O.V:

Nashi was standing up tall, showing she wasn't afraid of Haru. He didn't look like he wanted to fight, in fact his face looked full of regret and misery. I almost felt bad for him, I tugged on Nashi's sleeve, and she looked down to me. I shook my 'no' hoping she would get the message. Nashi looked confused and glanced back at Haru, and then a light bulb clicked inside her mind. She walked closer to Haru, placing her hand out to shake.

"Wanna start over?" she asked

I was surprised, I didn't think Nashi had it in her. She's truly amazing! Our mother's heart and beautiful smile, with our father's amazing strength. She's the world's best sister ever! I could go on forever about her. Haru looked surprised himself, as he was looking at the ground not looking Nashi in the face. He finally lifted his head up and looked into her eyes. I stood there frozen, hoping this would go well. Haru smiled weakly, and slowly nodded. Taking her hand, and smiled brightly. 

"Yes Dragneel I do" He spoke truthfully

Nashi smiled and nodded, "Sure thing Sanders" she playfully teased.

Haru laughed a bit, and kept smiling at Nashi. They placed their hands back to their sides and looked happy with each other, not disgusted or like they wanted to rip out each other's throats. This just meant Nashi was growing up, darn it. I want the Nashi that I can annoy easily and run away from like a game of tag. Haru nodded at her and walked off with his friends and Nashi walked back to me. I didn't realize it until now but Yumi was standing next to me, her mouth gaping open. Nashi walked up to Yumi, and closed Yumi's mouth with her pointer finger.

"Don't look so surprised Yumi" She sighed

Yumi finally fell to the floor laughing and Nashi was the one who looked confused now. I simply watched the two girls interact and then looked around for a bit. I spotted Ruv and Lex and ran over to them. They smiled at me, but there was another boy standing by them. He smirked at me devilishly, turning to face me only to throw a rock at my head. It hit me straight on my forehead, I fell backwards and was out like a light.


Nashi's P.O.V:

I was talking with Yumi, Haru, Ryu, and Nero. Ryu and Nero were Haru's friends. I saw Yumi gasp, Haru, Ryu, and Nero all looking stoned and shocked. I heard a loud *THUMP* and turned to see... Igneel on the floor knocked out cold, he had a bad injury on his head I growled and looked towards the boys next to Iggy. I ran over and started to scream. Ruv and Lex were by Igneel's side looking guilty and worried for him. I knew it wasn't them. It was this other boy. 

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" I shouted at him

"My name is Arson, Arson Archer" He bowed

"I don't care about your stupid name! Tell me what you did to Igneel!" I screamed

"Igneel? Huh what an idiotic name, are you his sister?" He asked

"Yes I am!" I said proudly, "That's my little brother you knocked out! He's name means something more and it's a wonderful name! Now tell me what you did to him! NOW!" 

"Oh but I wanted to get to know my future wife a little bit more before we talk about me" He winked

What was this kid playing at?

"What the" Was all I could say

"I simply got annoyed by him and threw a rock at his head, I didn't know he would knock out" He shrugged

I growled and grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him off his feet, "You are so gonna pay" 

But before I could go anything, Dad and Mom walked out. Mom saw Igneel on the floor and gasped, Dad was furious. I dropped Arson on the floor, and kicked him to his butt. I growled lowly at him.

"You are gonna wish you dealt with me, my dad is a monster when mad" I growled

Mom ran over to Igneel, picking him up gently. Ruv and Lex started to explain what Arson pulled, and were saying 'sorry' over and over again. Yumi was next to my mom worried about Igneel also. Dad charged over to Arson his eyes now jade. He was scaring me almost.

"What did you do to my son" Dad tried to stay calm, it obviously wasn't working.

Arson shrugged, "I don't know sir, I simply just playfully threw a rock. I didn't mean any harm" 


"YEAH! YOU JERK!" Lex chimed in

I shook my head at them telling them to leave this to my dad, I stepped back towards my mother. She walked over and placed Igneel back down on the ground. Igneel's head was in my lap as I sat down also with him. Making sure he was gonna be okay. Mom placed a hand on Dad's shoulder shaking her head 'no'. But Dad being well... Dad didn't stop.

"You didn't mean any harm? THEN WHY IS HE UNCONSCIOUS?!" Dad screamed angrily. 

Mom whacked Dad on the head, and started to scream at him to stay calm and stop being so cruel.

"Please explain to me why  you thought it was okay to throw a rock at our son." Mom demanded

Arson took a deep breath, "He was annoying me and I didn't like him" 


Mom shook her head at me, so I then on kept my mouth shut. I had to leave this to Mom and Dad even though I wanted to beat Arson to a bloody pulp. Until he couldn't breath and call out mercy. I was pissed, this is beyond what Haru would do, and it was getting me pissed off. 

Nobody messes with my little brother and gets away with it... 


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