Chapter 13 (Screaming)

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A/N: This book is now ranked number two under Nashi, that's insane! Also 2,000 reads! I can't believe this small little book got so popular so quickly. Thank you!! :)

Nashi's P.O.V:

I was knocked out by the wolf girls, I didn't know what else to call them. Since they wouldn't give me their names. I had woken up, and had been awake for about maybe two hours now. I didn't know what they wanted I just wanted to go back home. The smallest of the three wolf girls would stay outside my cell door and wait there with a sorrowful face, looking pale and scared. I would go up to the bars and try and talk with her, but only to be rejected... 

"E-Excuse me?" I asked timidly.

"Leave her alone," A voice boomed

I jumped back and I quickly scurried into my corner not wanting to get hurt, luckily the girls have been scary but not physical. This time a male was at the foot of my cage door, glaring down at me harshly. The two other wolf girls beside him.

"Get her out and bring her to my office," He said lowly.

I was getting more nervous by the second, then the cage door was opened and I was dragged out of the cell. I tried to get them to let go, I really did! But nothing was working I was just getting dragged along like some doll!! I was brought into a nice looking office-like room with pictures hanging on the wall, a bookshelf decorating the bare brown walls. Nothing extremely special but it was nice somehow. I was shoved into a seat and my arms strapped to the chair with... Magic restrainers?! I'm doomed!

The male took off his hood to show a man looking vicious and even insane, he had scars and cuts all over his tan skin. He had dark, ash black hair with glowing red eyes. I didn't like this feeling. Was he related to the wolf girls? No... He didn't have the ears and I wasn't as scared of him as I was the girls. 

"Introduce yourselves to our guest," The man demanded of the girls.

"I'm Yulia," The tallest werewolf said gruffly

"I'm Zelia," She said with a stoic face

"L-Lilia" She said with the quietest voice that almost my wonderful hearing didn't catch her.

"Now for your introduction," The man's red eyes glowed

"N-Nashi..." I spoke quietly

"Dragneel right?" Yulia asked

"Y-Yes" I whispered, scared.

The man started to fill the room with laughs, causing the girls to turn their wolf ears towards him looking surprised and confused. Lilia looked at me sorrowfully and with a hint of determination in her eyes.

A dagger was thrown at my head, luckily barely missing me and cutting my cheek. I screamed as the blood fell down my cheek and onto my arm, I looked horrified at the blood dripping from my cheek. 

Little did I know then, that was nothing...


Natsu's P.O.V:

I swear I'm going to find those girls and beat them until they can't see straight or even breathe correctly!!! Nobody gets away with stealing Nashi! She's my daughter nobody else's! 

"Natsu calm down! She'll be fine!" Erza demanded

"You expect me to just CALM DOWN!? Erza my daughter is missing!" I boomed angrily

Erza tried to hit me with a sword, a set the whole entire floor on fire I was pissed. I wasn't going to deal with Erza's games at the moment and not anybody else's not even Gramps! 

"Natsu please calm down!" Wendy wailed

I raged even further until I was hit with light laser... Shit.. I was sent straight into the wall falling to the floor in a whole world of pain.

"OW!" I yelled in pain.

"Natsu, I'm just as worried as you are but you need to calm down! Raging and running all over the place isn't going to do anything!" Luce told me.

Erza whacked me on the head with the handle of her sword, I caught the blade of the sword and started to melt the metal blade.

"Cut the shit." I growled ferociously.

Erza huffed in annoyance not showing any signs of fear, but I just wasn't going to take it anymore. Not right now anyways. Once Nashi is back safely I'll calm down, but for right now... I need to find Nashi and bring her home.

"Now! Let's think of a plan!" Levy suggested 

I sat down at one of the tables with my head in my hands, I couldn't take this guilt. Igneel carefully approached me and tugged on my sleeve, I raised my head to look at him. He frowned. 

"Daddy... Is Nashi going to be alright?" He teared up.

What happened to the fierce boy on that battle field? He's just shattered, and I needed to be the father I always wanted to be and help him get back up. I picked him up and placed him on my lap, more tears streamed down his innocent little face. His skin was pale and his eyes held fright and sadness. He wasn't in good shape.

"Nashi will be fine, she's tougher than you give her credit for," I smiled comfortingly.

Igneel gave a weak small smile and hugged me tightly. I slowly wrapped my arms around the fragile boy.

"I just want her to be okay.." Igneel whispered, "And I know we'll find her and make them pay."

I smiled at the thought of revenge. People don't mess with my family, whether it be my own, or Fairy Tail. I will protect everybody, and nobody will get in my way to save Nashi. And if anybody does, it will be a fiery day in hell for them. Literally. 

They just declared war on Fairy Tail, and they don't know what's in store for them. 

Time after time we've won countless battles this isn't any different, but this time it means more to me than just some fight. This time it means Nashi's life.

I can only hope she'll be fine...


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