Chapter 16 (Yulia Fenris)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I was put back into my cell, dark and cold like the usual. My head is pounding like a drum, damn it hurts like hell. I tried to stand up but was forced down by my wonderful friend gravity. Screw you gravity! 

Nova, Storm, and Simon were all awake as they rushed to my side when they saw me move. Nova started to cry and cling to me like I was a lifeline or something. Storm smiled and gave a very weak laugh, as Simon placed a hand on my shoulder. I pulled them all into a giant group hug. Oh man it's good to have familiar faces around. My chest felt like it was burning, but I ignored it to the best of my ability. 

Nova, Storm, and Simon don't need to deal with my problems along with their own, and I will  get them out of here! I can keep my promise for sure! They all hugged me back and we sat there for awhile like this, it was nice...

I heard the cell door slam open to see the cloaked man there, standing proud. Lilia standing by him timidly, as Yulia and Zelia were glaring at the man harshly, what did these girls even want? They do whatever he says but yet they seem to hate him with their guts. I'm starting to get confused again... Ugh.

The man grabbed all three of us and set us up into some sort of machine. Chains were around our arms and ankles, magic restraints. He whipped us and we started to walk in some sort of circle, it felt like my magic was beginning to drain. This machine drains out magic to use for something else! But what? Now that's what's going to scare me for the next few nights, what does this man even want with us. He whipped Nova's leg as she fell to the ground. He whipped her endlessly until she stood again, her back and legs bleeding. I cried for her, as I tried to rip out of the restraints. 

This can't be happening! I want my mother! I want my father! I want Igneel! I DON'T WANT THIS! I WANT TO SEE MY FRIENDS SMILE NOT CRY AND BLEED!! WHY!?!

My emotions raged over me like a wild fire and the room was set fire to again, I watched around and saw Yulia smirking devilishly. She nodded in approval, she wanted me to burn the place down? Fine then, let's make it spark up in here!!

I raged further letting my emotions take over my body completely and the whole room exploded into bright golden flames, I screamed in pure rage as the flames intensified. I saw the magic starting to crack, it couldn't take this much magic at once. If I let all my magic loose on it, it will explode! HA!

Nova, Storm, and Simon took my message, as Nova started to add to my fire with sparks of lighting. Storm caused ice to spike into the machine, and a thousand swords pierced the machine. We all screamed on unison, please let this work!! I WANT OUT!!

Yulia kept her red eyes trained on me, she was smirking. I wonder why she wanted this, maybe she hated the cloaked man as much as I did. The magic was all consumed and the machine didn't even break... shit...

I fell to the floor panting, and Yulia's smirked died immediately. Her smirk turned into a frown, a guilty one. What did that mean?!  The cloaked man took off the chains and dragged us four back into the cell. He threw us all into the wall, as I screamed in pain. He slammed the door behind him and left my vision with a cruel smirk as left the hallway with evil laughs. This man was insane.

I panted harshly to try my best to not pass out once again, this is never going to end... Daddy... Mommy... Please find me... I want out of this hell hole, please.... Help me.


Yulia's P.O.V:

Nashi was one fiery little girl, I was surprised she didn't explode the machine like I thought she would. Looks like my plan is going to take longer than I expected.. Nashi can get that machine to explode, she just needs to do the one thing I know she can't... A dragon's roar. 

Lilia will have to add more strengthener into their food, but it's for the best because they will get stronger and more powerful. Then the machine won't be able to take her magic power, she just needs time and motivation. I walked to the little girl's cell.

"Nashi," I said, "Eat this"

I handed them all a plate of food with different tastes to suit them, all infused with magic strengthener. They can explode this machine I know they can, I don't want to have to kidnap more mages. My heart can't take it anymore it hurts to see this girl so broken inside, but her fire within is still exploding.

I bent down to the cell door to face her.

"Next time think of your family and explode that damn machine, we have faith in you. We can't escape unless you explode that machine and me and my sisters can't help you I'm sorry. But we all know you can" I smiled weakly

Ruffling her hair, I gained a small cute giggle from the pinkette. I stood once again and walked away.

This girl is going to be the reason we can escape and go back to our forest, thank you Nashi...


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