Chapter 18 (Team A)

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A/N: So Team A: Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus and Mira, won the vote, I'm guessing it's because Natsu and Nashi are adorable together XD

Narrator's P.O.V:

Natsu and his team were walking around the forest, in hopes of finding the small children. Laxus and Mira had lost Nova, and Natsu had lost Nashi. These three were in panic mode and not exactly thinking straight. Natsu, Wendy, Laxus, and Gajeel were all dragon-slayers so Team A had an advantage of finding the children with the dragon's powerful senses. 

"This way!" Natsu called out.

"You bonehead it's this way!" Laxus roared.

"No it's not!" Natsu growled, "If I can remind you, my daughter has been gone longer so we will listen to me" Natsu's eyes turned jade.

"Don't test me flame head" Laxus warned

"You two stop it!" Wendy panicked, "We won't get anything done with you two fighting all the time! So please let's work together!" 

"Wendy's right! Come on, fighting is useless!" Mira nodded.

"We will follow me" Laxus glared harshly at a certain fire dragon slayer.

Natsu gaped at Laxus, and growled. Gajeel sighed and stood up straight from the tree he was leaning on earlier.

"You two bone heads need to get along already, let's keep heading north" Gajeel sighed

"You jerk! No way!" Natsu swiftly knocked Gajeel to the ground, "We are heading west!"

Gajeel groaned and sent Natsu back into a tree. Wendy got nervous about how all the boys were fighting non-stop. She stomped her foot on the ground.

"That's it!" Wendy growled, "SKY DRAGON ROAR!!"

Spirals of wind crashed into the fighting males, and they all fell to the floor dizzy. Mira smiled at Wendy thankfully.

"What the hell, Wendy?" Natsu groaned, holding his aching head.

"No more fighting!" Mira shook her head, "Now let's head North"

Mira and Wendy started to walk, as Gajeel stood up first and followed sluggishly. Laxus stood and followed behind. Natsu whined but eventually followed behind his friends. 

After awhile of walking the four dragon slayers started to get uneasy with the new scents they were picking up on. It started to smell like blood dripping from a dead animal, and it sent Natsu over board. He walked towards the scent carefully, and then got tackled by a black unidentified creature. Natsu struggled at first, before lighting his body on fire and the creature whimpered and pounced off. 

The creature turned out to be a vicious wolf, and Natsu stood and backed up to his team. A cloaked man slowly came out of the shadows, he eyed Natsu in particular. A wild, devilish smirk broke through the once stoic face he had owned before. He placed his arms ahead of himself and sent them straight down to his sides once again. Mira and Wendy panicked.

"All dragon-slayers get in a circle!" Laxus spoke calmly

The dragon-slayers nodded, Natsu faced the crazy man, with Gajeel to his right, and Wendy to his left. Laxus directly behind him, with Mira in the middle of the small circle they had formed. More wolfs had surrounded the dragon-slayers, with Mira peeking out from behind Natsu to glare at the cloaked man. 

"FIRE DRAGON-" Natsu started

"SKY DRAGON-" Wendy followed

"IRON DRAGON-" Gajeel bellowed

"LIGHTING DRAGON-" Laxus finished

"ROAR!!!" They all spoke on unison.

Magic of all the dragon's elements crashed into the wolfs and especially the cloaked man who hadn't seen it coming before. The wolfs were down, and they would be for awhile, Natsu motioned for everybody to follow and they all ran west. Aka the direction Natsu wanted to go beforehand.

Everybody followed the fire dragon slayer without any questions and they ran for awhile until they all got out of breaths. Natsu leaned against his knees, looking at the ground panting heavily. Everybody else was out of breath too. Laxus looked around curious as where they all had ran. Natsu had smirked in victory, he could feel he was getting close to the kids, he just knew it.

Well he hoped it was right.


Nashi's P.O.V:

I watched everybody curious, wondering what the hell was happening. Lilia had pulled us to the side, I heard her scream as I looked up at her to see her passed out of the floor. She was being dragged away by some other cloaked person. I growled.


I shouted, but the fire missed completely. It swished around and crashed back into me, sending me onto the floor. I coughed, the fire.... burned me? It's never done that before.. I never get burned. Okay now this is freaking me out again... 

The cloaked being laughed at me burnt form, as Nova helped me to my feet. Storm and Simon growled with their eyes glowing their different colors viciously. Nova eyes sparked with lighting, as mine were enraged with fire. This person messed with the wrong kids. We may look like kids, and act like them, because we are at heart. But we had the pride and strength of warriors, and nothing could break that. Not even this dodge with his little idiotic tricks. 

Nothing will stop Fairy Tail from finding us

My brown orbs that I share with my mother sparked with my father's flames, I finally felt like their daughter like this. But inside I'm breaking down by the seconds, I can't take any more abuse from these vicious people! It scares me that I'm actually going to die....

Mommy... Daddy.. Please save me I need you here and now.

At this moment I sent out large waves of magic power, hoping either Mom or Dad would catch onto it and follow to find us. I just need my parents.

Please find me...


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