Chapter 26 (Exceed Friend)

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A/N: Sorry about not updating! I got into another writer's block, as well as I went to visit my family. Which they all live in a different state. So I went to visit them... without my computer. So I couldn't update! Anyways! Here's the delayed update. Also I've figured out a new schedule for my summer! Once school comes around it will be different :/

Sunday: Update for Lost and Found (Time 4:00 Mountain Time)
Mondays: No update
Tuesdays: No Update
Wednesday: No update
Thursday: Update for Lost and Found (Time 6:00 Mountain Time)
Friday: New book comes out! (Different series)  (Figuring out details!!)
Saturday: No update

(Also Schedule will change once Lost and Found is done after chapter 30! And times may be off because I HAVE A LIFE TOO! SURPRISINGLY XD) 

Nashi's P.O.V:

After working with Storm, I want to start a team with him when I grow older. Make a team of my own. It would have me, Storm, Igneel, Simon, and Nova. When I turn 15 I'll start that team and we can go on missions together! I'm so excited! 

Me and the others were now in the guild hall and sitting by and lounging around. Nova and Igneel were taking up a storm, while Storm and I shared past funny stories. 

"And then Simon hit me into the floor" Storm said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

I laughed at his embarrassed expression, "You idiot"

"Hey! At least I didn't run into a tree while trying to get away from my little brother" he smirked.

"S-Shut up!" I cursed.

He laughed at me, as I turned away from him pouting. He's such an idiot, but yet he's so much fun to talk to. But he still is a Fullbuster.. and I've heard sooo many things about that family from Dad, since he hates Gray so much. But I don't think Storm is all that bad, but my dad would kill me if he ever heard me say that. Or the fact that I'm slowly growing a SMALL crush on Storm. It's nothing serious!!

Storm got up from his seat, "Say Nashi, wanna spar with me? 1v1" he smirked.

I smirked darkly, "Oh hell yeah!" I said excitedly.

Storm took my hand, causing my face to heat up, and dragged me outside. We went to the battle arena outside, as all the kids gathered around to watch. Especially Igneel, Slivia, and Rin. My parents stood by along with Storm's. Storm got into a battle position, as I stood there confused. Holding myself nervously, I didn't exactly want to fight Storm..

Master walked out, "Fight begins in... 3.... 2.... 1.... GO!" he shouted

Storm didn't waste anytime to knock me into the ground. I winced in pain, as I could feel the rocks piercing my soft skin. I tried to stand, and forced myself to my feet.

"OI! FOUL!" Dad growled.

"THAT'S NOT A FOUL FLAME HEAD!" Gray snapped back.

The two started to scream, as my ears started to ring from their loud voices. Storm kicked me once again into the dirt. As I couldn't catch myself and lost my balance cutting myself up more. I winced again, as I stood up and shook it off. I've suffered worse than this. My vision went fuzzy for a moment, from me standing up to fast as I couldn't see Storm creating an ice hammer. The hammer smashed me into the ground, as I tried to push up but my legs were still too weak after the 'incident.' I heated up my hands and smashed my fist into the hammer, causing it to explode into pieces.

"I'm not giving up so easily!" I snapped, my eyes flashing jade as I stood up.

Storm smirked and watched me stand, waiting for me. Bad idea. I jumped forward and smashed my flaming fist into his gut. Storm went flying back into a tree. I huffed in pain as my arms and legs were too sore to fight with my all. I still needed to heal quite a bit. So this fight will be tougher on me, and it barely even started and I can feel my cuts reopening. 

Storm got up and smashed his fist into his palm, "ICE MAKE: FLOOR!"

I could see the ice spreading over the floor and started to panic again. I can't walk on ice! The ice spread over to where I was standing, as I stood perfectly still to not slip. Storm launched forward.

"ICE MAKE: SWORD!" He called

And hit me with a giant ice sword, causing me to fall back on the ice and start to slide away. "SCREW YOU FULLBUSTER!" I growled as I fell back. I tried to catch my grip, and finally realized... I'm a FIRE dragon-slayer I can melt this ice, I'm so stupid. I heated my palms and melted the ice and caught myself before I fell down the hill. I stood up and melted the ice around me, and smashed my fist into the floor causing ice to shatter. Storm smirked, "Well played" I heard him whisper to himself. Then I whispered to myself, "This one's for you, Dad" 

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" I screamed

And smashed my blazing flames into Storm. Causing him to fall backwards, as he then smirked as the floor went to ice yet again. I slipped backwards as we were now both on our backs, not able to get up.

"FIGHT END! WINNER: IT'S A TIE!" Master called.

"BULLSHIT!" Dad and Gray called in unison.

I laughed as I leaned against a tree relaxing, then I looked up into the tree and saw something brown and white look down at me. It looked like a... cat? The cat jumped down and landed on my lap, as it opened his arms in a happy motion. The cat turned out to be a little exceed, wearing a purple and white vest. He had black eyes, and a brown and white paint-like pattern.

"Hello! My name is Casper!" He giggled.


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