Chapter 28 (Pool Party)

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A/N: I told you I was running out of ideas.... so this happened.... .-.

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi was being held by Storm, as Storm softly placed Nashi on the floor. Storm smiled innocently like nothing happened, while Nashi was a blushing mess. Nashi's leg were slightly shaking, from both pain and nervousness. Casper floated down and landed on her head, and smirked at Storm. 

Storm shrugged it off, and rolled his eyes at the flying feline. Casper giggled and flew around Nashi's head. Storm and his siblings walked inside, while Natsu glared harshly at Storm and Gray. Lucy wandering over to the frozen Nashi.

"Hey sweetheart? Mind me asking if you maybe... possibly have a small crush on Storm?" Lucy asked softly.

Nashi flinched, "WHAT?! PFFT NO!! He's an idiot and a total jerk! No way!" she turned away, her face turning bright red.

"NOW THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" Natsu laughed.

Lucy turned and glared at Natsu, and gave him the knife to the throat motion in order for him to stop. Natsu laughed nervously and stopped looking away from Lucy and at the ground.

"I'm going to go inside and get Luna" He muttered quietly

Igneel giggled, and followed Natsu inside. While Lucy turned back to Nashi, who's mind was now racing with questions. 

*Do I seriously like STORM!? Like come on Nashi! I could get any guy I want and yet I fall for the idiot Fullbuster?! I'm so dead.....* She thought to herself.

"Nashi you can tell me, I'm not like your crazy father" Lucy laughed slightly.

"M-M-Maybe" She whispered, blushing like crazy.

"Good for you sweetheart, now go get him" Lucy winked playfully.

"MOMMM!!!!" Nashi whined and ran inside.

Lucy laughed and stood up straight, shaking her head playfully. Lucy then walked inside to meet up with her family.

Makarov stood at the balcony of the guild hall, "LISTEN UP BRATS!!!" he screamed.

Everybody slightly froze but looked up to meet the gaze of Makarov.

"Tomorrow we will have a pool party to celebrate our children's return! SO DON'T YOU DARE FORGET! I'm looking at you Natsu"

"WHAT?!" Natsu whined, "YOU PICKIN A FIGHT OLD MAN!?"

"Just shut up" Makarov growled.

"Yes sir" Natsu froze

Everybody laughed at two playfully.


The Next Day At The Guild Hall...


Nashi wandered inside the guild hall, holding Luna's hand as they walked. Igneel walked along side Nashi and Luna. Natsu and Lucy bickering behind their backs.

"No Natsu you should be supportive!" Lucy growled.

"I am! Of her hatred of the Fullbusters!" Natsu whined.

Lucy smacked Natsu upside the head, as he froze in place for a moment or two. Lucy sighed heavily and walked inside the guild with her kids. Natsu shook his head rapidly and kept whining as he followed Lucy.

"Natsu if you don't stop whining-" She was cut off.

"I'll trap you in a pit of fire and light" Nashi growled.

"WHAT DID I DO TO YOU!?" Natsu stood shocked.

"Nothing, but pissing Mom off is pissing me off" Nashi shrugged.

Natsu deadpanned immediately after her words. Nashi giggled and walked outside to the back of the guild hall where the pool was, as well as all the guild members having fun and splashing around, laughing and screaming.

Nashi's eyes immediately landed on Storm talking with Nova, as she started to get a little jealous but tried to wash away her feelings. Igneel laughed and ran over to Nova, as the two started to run around and try and push each other in the pool. Gale and Simon walked over to Storm and tried to shove him into the pool. 

Nashi stood frozen, watching the three. Luna laughed and clapped her hands, as Nashi looked down at her little sister. 

"Come on Luna, I'll help you swim!" Nashi smiled, but she couldn't get her mind off of Gale and Nova with Storm. 

Yes, Nova is younger than Storm but that still doesn't stop jealously now does it? Gale being the same age as Storm and Nashi, was the one she really worried about. 

Before Nashi and Luna could walk off, Nashi was stopped by Lucy.

"Nashi, tonight me and your father have to tell you and Igneel something" She spoke.

Nashi wondered what it could be as she nodded and walked Luna over to the baby pool. Nashi stepped into the shallow water and helped Luna in the water. The water was shallow to Nashi but not so much to Luna.

Luna laughed and softly splashed Nashi, as Nashi sat down and very softly splashed her little sister back. Luna jumped up and down, laughing as she splashed Nashi more. 

Storm heard the small giggles and glanced over, seeing Nashi and Luna playing causing him to softly smile at the two girls. 

Luna waddled around the small pool, as Nashi kept an eye on her at all times. Luna crawled onto Nashi's back and kicked her sides weakly.

"Go horsie! Go!" Luna laughed

Nashi shook her head playfully, as she stood up and trotted around like a horse. Luna enjoyed this and laughed as she messed with Nashi's pink hair. 

Nashi let Luna down carefully, as Nashi sat down on the edge of the pool, hanging her feet in the cool water. Luna waddled around looking at everybody, Nashi kept an eye on her like normal not trusting her around all these crazy wizards. 

Storm was shoved into the water by Gale, as she giggled cutely at Storm. Simon chuckled softly, as he spotted Nashi and walked over to her. 

"Mind if I sit?" He asked Nashi.

Nashi laughed, "Geez you're so formal, go right ahead" she smiled.

Simon chuckled nervously, as he then sat down next to Nashi. Luna waddled back over to Nashi and sat down next to her big sister happily. Kicking some water at Storm and Gale, who were now splashing some water at each other. 

Simon and Nashi started to talk, happily. Storm kept glancing over at the two and didn't exactly love the idea of Simon getting so close to Nashi. But he didn't exactly know why, he was about to go over to them. But Gale tackled him under the water while laughing playfully. Storm growled happily and went straight under the water. 

Nashi glanced at the two and quickly looked away, *Stupid Storm* she thought to herself. She smiled at Simon as the two continued to talk. The sun started to slowly set, as Simon went home with his mother. Storm got called by his parents, as well as Nova and Gale. Nashi, Igneel, and Luna all walked over to their parents.

Lucy smiled at them all as she started to walk home. Luna was picked up by Lucy, as Igneel was placed on Natsu's shoulders. Nashi held Lucy and Natsu's hands, as she smiled sweetly.

*I don't need Storm, I just need my family.... But that won't stop this stupid heart of mine* Nashi cursed mentally. 

A/N: GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY!!!!!! I talked with my friend, and my god girl damn you creative. She helped me with finishing this book! And the plot with the second book! SOOOO!! That means updates will be quicker!!! Thank you all for sticking with me through this rough writers block :)

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