Author's Note (Please Read)

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(The tiger looked cool... no other reason XD)

OKIE DOKIE!! First off I need to address everything that's been going on from the people wanting an update to everybody who's been commenting! I'm sorry updates haven't been coming out as planned, it turns out I'm SUPER busy this summer with a crap ton of shit. So I'm trying to get stuff out, but I can't really with everything going on. Especially because I'm quickly loosing ideas (you'll see in the next chapter) and it's just getting harder and harder to write without something to write about!

I'm sorry that I keep letting everybody down with the updates and they just are becoming more slow each and every day. I've been dealing with moving my barn stuff from one barn to a whole different barn and that's taking a lot out of me within the day. Then I have my neighbor's pets to worry about as well as my own. So updates will be cut shorter due to all this craziness I have in my life.

But good news! I'm getting my new book out soon and I hope you all will enjoy that one as much as you all did this one! All the comments on this book seriously make my day because everybody is so much fun and I even make myself laugh at my own replies and all of yours. If you've ever left a comment on this book I thank you so much for it because I love to hear any sort of tiny comment, question, etc. This book has blown up WAY more than I ever expected it too. I've been trying so hard to please everybody with the updates and the plot and I really hope it isn't stupid or lame.

Seeing everybody's support on this makes me super happy and it makes me really try and make sure you'll love every single update. Even though the next ones will be shitty I'm going to admit it. But I won't let this book end so quickly, book two will be up and ready to read after this one is finished after chapter 30. It may take awhile but it will be there! XD

And if you're actually reading this author note it means more to me! Because I know me personally I am REALLY bad at reading author notes XD. ALSO! If any of you have any ideas of what you want to see in these last chapters then PLEASEEE share them with me! I would LOVE to hear any of your ideas and it may just make updates quicker and longer but I don't really know XD

I run out of ideas quite quickly so I tried to set up a schedule for myself but everything's gone to shit with that idea. When I get my new book out along with the book two of Lost and Found then I'll make a real schedule I can stick to. Because by then everything crazy in my life will have died down and make it easier for me to update! I will have successfully moved to my different barn, my neighbor's will be back in town, I'll have my hair colored (finally XD) and everything should be easy to plan out.

My updates will be later in the evening (as you all have seen XD). This being because I'm naturally more awake and ready to work in the night time than the morning. So updates will range from 4-9 pm at Mountain Time. AND! Don't ever feel shy to post a comment because I don't ever really judge, I'll most likely always respond unless I just can't figure out what on earth to say XD

Ugh I've dragged this out too long...... Like normal I can't shut up XD


Also if you want to reach me quickly, here:

That's my quotev account and I'm on there more than I am on here. So have any ideas you want to send me I'd most likely respond quicker on quotev than wattpad. But then again it's just an option you don't have to XD

Anyways I'll see you all in the next update!!! (And idk when it will be.. sorry again ^-^")

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