Chapter 17 (Zelia Fenris)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I wonder why Yulia gave us all this food, whatever it's really good! It's literally the one thing I needed! And I will explode that machine, not just for the sisters for my friends, for my family! I won't let this man get away with whatever he's planning. 

I can get Nova, Storm, and Simon out of this mess but we will need to work together. Next time for sure we can get it! I will win this! I WILL BEAT THIS STUPID DAMN MACHINE!!

I saw Zelia enter the hall, why do these girls kidnap us but then help us. Zelia handed me a book, it was on dragons.. 

"Read the section on the dragon's roar" She spoke, "We will need you to preform a roar, I know you can"

With that Zelia took off down the hall way, a flashlight rolled out of her pocket and made it's way to my cell's door. Nova took the book and looked at the section Zelia was talking about. She handed me the book, and I turned on the flashlight.

"A dragon's roar.. The most famous move a dragon or dragon-slayer has," I read out loud

I kept reading over the section to the three mages in front of me, Nova also helped explain how she learned her roar. I wanted Dad to see my first roar, but I guess that will have to wait after all. I can do this if I really try. I know Fairy Tail is doing everything in their power to find us, now I just have to do my part. 

And my part is getting us out of here, with exploding whatever that machine is! I just have to stay strong, and I know I can! The cloaked man walked by our door, and grabbed us out of the cage once again.


We were placed back into the machine, and hooked up with the magic restraints. I'm getting real tired of all the magic restraints... We were forced to walk around in circles again. We walked around for what felt like hours! Until I saw the three sisters standing aside. Lilia smiled weakly at me, giving me a small nod. Zelia nodded in approval, as Yulia gave me her famous devilish smirk. I smirked back.

I let the magic build up inside of me, focusing all the magic energy I've ever had on my stomach. I took deep and calm breaths but let the rage fill me. This time it was easy since I had so much built up rage! I looked back at Nova and gave her a nod of approval, as a flash went around us.

Lilia had unlocked the restraints, but the cloaked man didn't seem to notice as he sat in his chair relaxing smugly. That dickhead. I nodded as Storm and Simon got ready to attack as well.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!" I let out all of my built up energy.

This time the roar worked with flying colors!! I sent bright golden flames raging at the machine and my friends followed.

"LIGHTING DRAGON ROAR!!" Nova screeched loudly

"ICE MAKE: LANCE!!" Storm yelled

"CIRCLE SWORD!!" Simon screamed

A million ice lances pierced the machine, a bunch of swords followed the ice attack. Me and Nova's roar combined into one as the machine went up in flames.

"YEAH SUCK ASS MACHINE!!" I laughed evilly

Nova, Storm and Simon all looked at me shocked, oops.. Whatever let me have my prideful moment! THIS IS AMAZING!!


Zelia's P.O.V:

The little girl finally did as we though she would. Thank goodness. Right as the machine exploded into sparks Master jolted from his seat. As Yulia raced towards and chocked the man viciously. It was only a matter of time until we got revenge for all the shit he put us through!

Lilia raced towards the children and unlocked all the chains and got them out, meanwhile I just thought of a way to get out. Master was only a minor wizard compared to the real person behind the scenes, my sisters didn't know this. But I did. My hyper-thinking allows me to see any possibilities and likeliness of them coming true. And the possibility of another person behind the scenes ranks up to about 90% possible. 

I watched everybody panic, as I sighed heavily knowing the fight wasn't anywhere close to being over. I needed to find those mages.. But which party is closer? Maybe Team B? But so could Team A... I need to think this over... A single tear slipped down my face.

"The fight has just started" I whispered softly.


A/N: Okay Neptune is officially dead of writing today! Three chapters in one day within two hours. My brain is fried. Anyways question for all of you! Which Fairy Tail Team should find Nashi and the others?

Team A: Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus and Mira


Team B: Lucy, Erza, Gray, Levy, and Juvia

It's up to you! So whatever team gets the most votes shall find Nashi and join the chaos! XD

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