Chapter 7 (A Vacation?)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

Arson was taken care of, and I was put in my room isolated from everybody so I wouldn't tear somebody apart. Igneel has gotten better, he got a minor concussion. But he's doing just fine now. The Fairy Tail mages are still trying to convince my parents to go back to the guild. I honestly want to go and see what it's like to be a Fairy Tail mage. They finally went home back to Fiore and left me with my boring life... I want to know Fairy Tail.

I sat on my bed lonely, until I heard a knock on the door. I stood up to go open the door, I opened it and saw Igneel standing there. I was surprised, he shouldn't be near me. Do Mom and Dad know of this?

"Igneel! You can't be near me right now" I whispered yelled

He shook his head, "Yes I should be!" 

"Igneel please! You'll get us both in trouble" I pleaded

Igneel sighed heavily and nodded and started to walk away from the door. I puffed up my cheeks to try and ignore the growing guilt I felt. I caved in, I pulled Igneel back into my room. He yelped quietly, as I covered his mouth to stop him from screaming.

"What?" I whispered

"What what?" Igneel asked dumbfounded

"Ugh!" I whined, "What did you need?"

"OH!" Igneel jumped up, "Dad and Mom are talking about going back to Fiore!"

I jumped slightly at the news, were we seriously going to go to Fiore? I was completely surprised and yet joy over filled my shock quickly, I jumped up and started to laugh. All I wanted is to see what my parent's old guild was like and I may get to now! YAY! 


Natsu's P.O.V:

Me and Luce finally decided to go back to Fiore, it would be weird and different. But she wanted the kids to get to know what our guild was like. I don't get it, but whatever there's no changing Lucy's stubborn mind. But I don't dare say that to her face...

I walked up to Nashi's door, and quietly knocked. I heard somebody jump up from the bed and swing the door open like a hurricane. I looked down at the small pink-headed girl she owned the brightest smile ever on her tiny face. What's up with her? 

"DAD!" She screamed in delight

Then tackled me with hugs and giggles of all sorts, what the hell... Nashi is normally mad when we tell her to stay her in her room but now she's all happy and giddy. Okay this isn't my child, who replaced her with a look alike?! 

"What's up with you kiddo?" I asked finally

"I'm just happy to see you" She was lying to me

"Now tell me the truth, you are a bad lair." I said

"I am not!" Nashi pouted

"Are too!" I snapped

"Am not!" She snapped back

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"STOP IT ALREADY!" Lucy screamed from the kitchen

Me and Nashi froze in place, and hook our arms together. It reminded me of when me and Gray would fight but then Erza would come by, so we acted all buddy-buddy. In a way she does remind me of Gray... WAIT WHY DOES MY  DAUGHTER REMIND ME OF GRAY!? 

Nashi and I walked into the kitchen, then Nashi jumped up onto my back and pulled on my hair. Kicking my sides to get me to go faster and faster but this was just getting annoying, let's show her what real fun is! 

"GO FASTER HORSEY!" Nashi called out loudly

I grunted and flipped onto the couch, she fell off my back and onto the floor, I fell softly onto the couch. However there were pillows on the couch--shit. 

Nashi picked up a pillow from the couch sitting opposite from the one I was currently on, and smashed the pillow onto my face harshly. Ow....

I yelped in surprise, and rubbed my sore nose. She smirked and giggled as she ran away and towards the "safety" of Lucy. She hid behind Luce and was still smirking madly, why does she have to be so much like me... Now I see how I can get annoying if we are so alike as people say we are. 

"You little devil" I grunted

Lucy simply laughed at my misery and continued to cook dinner. Nashi stuck hr tongue out at me, and ran around Lucy in a taunting way. That damn child is going to be the death of me one day..

Igneel ran into the room with a paper airplane, and threw the plane at me. It hit my forehead and fell to the floor. It felt weird.. Igneel pouted, waddled over and picked up the plane. He took it and ran outside, Nashi followed him. I guess she's better now. 

I walked over to my lovely wife and wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her cheek. I could smell the lovely food. Luce always makes the best food EVER! 

"It smells delicious!" My mouth started to water

Lucy hit me on the head, "Hands off!" 

"Ow Luce.... You don't have to be so rude!" I whined

"Go play outside with the kids!" Lucy ordered

I whined and tightened my grip around her waist, causing her to jump slightly. I smirked at her reaction and kiss her cheek once more. Little did I know the kids walked back inside and were making kissy faces and weird noises. 

"OOOO!! DAD AND MOM ARE MAKING OUT!!" Igneel chanted loudly

"EW! IGNEEL!" Nashi looked disgusted

Igneel laughed like a maniac and ran back outside and away from Nashi. Nashi (of course) ran after him growling like a wild dog.


"DAD! MOM! NASHI'S GONNA KILL ME!!" Igneel playfully whined

I rolled my eyes and walked back outside to see the two kids run around like animals. They seemed to be having fun, at least I think they were. Nashi tackled Igneel to the floor as Igneel fake cried out for help. Drama Queen.

I wonder where he gets that trait from... *ahem* Lucy *ahem*

I walked over and picked them both up by their collars on their shirts and dragged them inside. By this time Lucy had laid out dinner on the table, and everybody sat down. Lucy went and got Luna from her room and placed her in her little seat. Lucy cleared her throat to gain everybody's attention.. Here we go..

"How does going to Fairy Tail for a vacation sound?" She asked


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