Chapter 15 (Lilia Fenris)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I was dragged into another dark room, but I heard screaming again.. Was it my friends? No, it was Lilia? The screamed went dead silent. This is getting scary. The lights flickered on, and I tried to shield my eyes from the burning rays but it was no use. My hands were tied by magic restraints... AGAIN!?! OH COME ON!!

The cloaked man stood there, with a beaten and bruised Lilia standing weakly next to him. Her injuries were deadly serious. I wanna help her! I tried to activate my magic, and I felt heat rise within me, even with these stupid restraints. The fire quickly died though, damn it. (A/N: YES I'M MAKING NASHI SWEAR BECAUSE SHE CAN BE A BADASS IF SHE WANTS TO XD)

Lilia leaned against the wall, her injuries bleeding out. This can't be happening! She hasn't done anything! I don't care if she was my kidnapper she's so sweet and innocent! I tried to struggle free, she was going to die! I hear more screaming, as Lilia fell to the ground. NO! 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!" I growled viciously, my dragon fangs showing.

"Why would you care?" The man gave a cruel smirk

He forgot my legs weren't chained... hehe

He walked closer and I swung my leg with all my might and knocked it straight into his head, he fell into the wall with great force. I laughed cruelly. As I tried to rip the restraints, but that part wasn't much use. Yulia and Zelia's eyes went wide, as Zelia took the chance and ran to her fallen sister. Thank god. Yulia gritted her teeth and sent a hard punch into the man's stomach, he coughed up blood. I wanted in!!

He blasted the room with a large wave of magic and Yulia was knocked out cold on the floor, as with Zelia. He growled, I didn't move from my aggressive stance, he deserves to be punished! He walked closer and I kicked him in the head again, but he pinned my legs to the wall I was chained to. Damn it!! He took a step back and sent a knife straight at my head, cutting my cheek. This time I didn't flinch I held perfectly still and my eyes sharp and trained on the man in front of me.

Blood ran down my cheek and onto the floor, this didn't hurt as much as it did to see my friends so brutally beaten, and hurt to the point of where their breathing was so soft and scratchy. I can hold on for them, I will hold on for them. And Lilia. I screamed, but not in pain in anger. And the room around me lit on fire with my brilliant bright yellow flames.

"LET ME GO ALREADY!!" I cursed

My flames heated up and rised extremely as my anger grew, my eyes turned into those of a dragon's. My teeth gritted together as my fangs were very visible. The man seemed to be panicking due to my great flames. I smirked in victory.

But soon all I saw was darkness, and felt a great pain go straight through my chest. I screamed in pure agony and pain, then blacked out before I could see what happened. My flames died.


Lilia's P.O.V:

That girl has so much strength I can't even believe it, she's so much more powerful than I could ever hope to be. Her magic was still active with the retraints, maybe she actually does have inner magic like I do! But I'm too soft spoken to even ask. I would talk to her when Master and sisters were out and she was extremely sweet. Her laugh caused me to laugh. I'm nothing special compared to her strength. 

To clear things up, I'm Lilia Fenris. One of the three daughters of Cerberus. Me and my sisters can transform into a different form of Cerberus that we call Alexandrite. Me and my sisters plan to leave this place in style, we hate Master. The only reason we kidnapped Nashi, is because we could use her to help us destroy Master. The other Fairy Tail mages we also kidnapped to help, I've been feeding Nashi. But not just any normal food, the food was filled with a special potion Zelia made. The potion would help with her magic abilities and strengthen them, we haven't even touch Nashi when it came to her cut up legs and arms. That was purely master. He would even give a sickening laugh while torturing the poor girl. 

Master would beat me if I even dared to speak a word, and that's why I've been so bruised and pained. Why does this always happen to me? I'm just a weak little dog that nobody truly cares for I guess...

I watched Nashi as the magic blast hit her chest, then I blacked out cold as well. Poor girl..


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