Chapter 25 (Revenge)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

It's been a couple of hours and I finally saw the Fairy Tail guild hall, I jumped up in joy. Wondering how Igneel would react. I started to run towards the building and everybody followed me in a giant rush to get home. 

Reaching the giant castle-like doors and slammed them open.

"GUESS WHO'S BACK!!" I screamed happily.

Everybody turned their attention towards me. My mother and her team were back as her face lit up seeing me. She quickly jumped from her seat and ran over to me and hugged me tightly, and crying softly. I saw Erza and Jellal run to Simon happily, and Storm ran to his parents. I wonder where his siblings are.. Dad bent down and pulled Mom and me into a giant group hug. I laughed lightly and smiling more than ever. 

"Where's Igneel?" I asked 

"I was told he was outside" Mom said.

I nodded, and got out of the bear hug and ran outside. Storm followed me since I think his siblings are out there too. I ran outside happily and zooming around playfully and racing with Storm towards the battle field.

Once we reached the field, I saw Igneel passed out along with Gale, Slivia, and Rin. What the hell happened here?! I quickly bolted over to Igneel, and sat on the floor looking at his burn marks. His body was covered in them, along with scratches and bruises. His heart was still beating, it was slow but still there. I heard him whimper softly.

"Iggy! I'm here, it's Nashi. What happened?" I asked softly.

"N-Nashi.. It's really you" Igneel said weakly.

"Yes I'm here, now what happened to you," My tone got stern and serious.

"These.. Kids were here and beat us up, my head is pounding" He whimpered.

"Don't worry, I'll get you to Mom and Dad. Then I'll find these punks" I growled.

I picked him up softly and carried him inside the guild hall, I told Juvia and Gray about Slivia and Rin. Then Gajeel and Levy about Gale, they all rushed outside quickly. I took Igneel to my parents and their once happy expressions washed away at the sight of Igneel's beaten and bruised body. Dad and Mom quickly rushed over, Dad taking Igneel into his arms.

"What happened to him!" Mom cried, caressing his head softly.

"Don't worry about what happened right now, get him some help. I'll take care of it" I nodded sternly.

Dad gave me a nervous look, and I smiled innocently in return. He finally gave in and nodded and took Igneel to the medical room. Mom followed by Dad's side, and checking over Igneel's body. I raced outside, once all the parents were inside with their kids. Storm looked at me growling, I nodded and motioned for him to follow. He got up from his seat and followed me outside. Once we got outside and to the field I turned around to face him.

"Act innocent and weak" I whispered.

He nodded as we started to throw our weakest attacks at each other, and acting injured with each and every blow. Eventually I think we lured the bullies out.

"More Fairy Tail trash?" A boy with black hair cackled.

"Yay, more fun!" Another boy but with navy hair smirked.

Then a boy with orange hair stayed behind them, he looked at the ground with his soulless black eyes. What's his deal?

"Oh.. So you think it's funny to beat up my baby brother?" I growled, my eyes flashing jade.

"Who?" The black haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"My name is Nashi, this is Storm" I motioned to Storm standing next to me, "Now.. Who the hell are you?"

"Sharp tongue I see" The boy with black hair smirked, "I'm Ace, this is Michio and Nete"

Good to know the names of people I'm about to beat the shit out of, right?.. Never mind it's a waste of my time.

"I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you, but honestly you all seem like a waste of space. Never mind, you are a waste," I snapped harshly.

"Wow a really sharp tongue!" Ace laughed.

"If you don't watch it, I have a thin patience for bullies, and you are already pushing that line. Now.. Answer the question I asked, why the hell did you beat up my brother?" My eyes flashed.

"Who's your brother then?" Michio rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me that attitude you piece of shit!" I snapped, "My brother has blonde hair, onyx black eyes."

"Ohhh that weakling!" Ace cackled.

"Watch it" I warned.

"He was so weak it was too easy to beat the shit out of him!!" Michio laughed.

"I told you to watch it!" I yelled, stepping forward.

"If you're that weakling's sister than you aren't any stronger!" Ace snickered.

I blurted out laughing, "Oh that's too good. Thinking a Dragneel is weak"

"Or even messing with the Fullbusters!" Storm cursed.

"Whatever talk your shit then" Michio sighed.

I smirked viciously, my dragon fangs showing through my insane smile. I heard the guild hall doors slam open, I saw Slivia, Rin, Gale, and.. Igneel? They were all bandaged up and we all watching us.

"Beat them up Nashi!" Igneel called.

I smiled, giving him a thumps up, "Don't worry," I winked playfully, "This will only take a minute."

"HA! As if you're gonna need-" Ace started.

Ace wasn't able to finish his sentence..


I knocked Ace straight in the teeth and sent him flying backwards into a tree. Then spinning around and knocking Michio into the floor.

"FIRE DRAGON TALON!" I screamed.

Kicking Michio in the gut and crashing him into the floor, looks like gravity loves him. Next was the little silent one. I turned to face Nete, my head held high as a serious expression washed over my face quickly. I saw his eye glow red and quickly closed my eyes, and turned away. He's not getting me with his mind control magic!

"WATER LOCK!" Storm called.

A barrier was set around Nete, and his red eye faded. I turned and snapped my fingers and just like that the water was boiling hot. Ace launched up and knocked me almost to the floor, I caught myself with my hands and flipped up to kick Ace in the jaw. I landed in a bent down position and leaned back slightly.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!" I screamed.

Letting my raging fire blaze straight for Ace, and knocking him out cold like a light. Michio raced towards me and kicked me in the back of my head. Storm was quick to take action.

"ICE MAKE: HAMMER!" He yelled.

Causing a block of ice shaped like a hammer to mash down onto Michio, crushing him. My fire boiled the water Nete was trapped inside until he passed out from lack of air. Storm removed his water lock, and I smirked.

"Nice work, Nashi" Storm laughed.

"You didn't do so bad yourself" I giggled.

Working with Storm like this... Was awesome..


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