Chapter 9 (Fairy Tail)

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A/N: Do you guys like the new cover photo? I'm just curious, I'm worried it looks bad ^-^" Let me know what you think :)

Igneel's P.O.V:

Once the train finally came to a stop I had to shake Nashi to wake up, she wouldn't budge. She literally knocked out like a broken light that would never come back on. Weird... And here I thought only Dad was the one with the weird motion sickness. Unless she hid it from me, I'm going to question her later about this...

I stood up, letting Nashi's head fall harshly onto the seat. She bolted awake, standing to slap me across my head. I chuckled playfully at her growling, as Mom kindly woke up Dad. The two were finally up, Mom took Luna and we headed outside.

We walked around and I saw so many new things! It was amazing! My eyes lit up at the new sites I've never seen buildings this big! Only trees and small school buildings, but holy crap these take our school to a whole other level! This truly amazing! I can see why Mom and Dad loved it here so much and it was hard for them to leave. 

I ran ahead from everybody and looked around with the brightest smile on my face, Nashi ran after me and we ran through the streets of the town. We laughed and screamed in delight, Nashi sparked her flames and I followed. We got a open park like setting with a giant tree in the middle of it all. 

Nashi could hear some laughter as she turned around and spotted a few kids. They weren't mages, Nashi and I both couldn't sense any magic power. They strolled up to Nashi and I. One kid looked us up and down almost looking like he was scanning us like a computer would. 

"You're new right?" He asked.

Nashi laughed.

"No, we've been here for 20 years," She sassed playfully.

I snickered not meaning any harm, but they took it wrong. And shoved Nashi angrily. She caught herself easily as it didn't seem to do much against her only sent her back a foot so she could catch herself. She growled.

"Watch yourself," She warned carefully. 

Fire started to lick at her heels, showing off her magic. The fire glowed bright yellow as it slowly crept up her back until it surrounded her full body. Her magic power radiating off of her like the sun's rays traveling all over the planet. It scared me a little bit, but I knew she wouldn't really hurt me.

Eventually, I think, my parents caught onto Nashi's magic and ran after us. Once Dad showed his face the kids turned and ran off, Nashi looked back at him innocently smiling like nothing ever happened. Dang she's a good actor (I wish I could curse but Igneel is so young XD)

 We then walked around town for another hour, and stopped at a restaurant that my parents used to visit all the time, apparently. Mom and Dad sat across from us, with Luna sitting on Nashi's lap. I wonder if I was that clingy to her when I was little. And I wonder if I'm going to get a brother or another sister soon? I can't wait to find out!! 

Dad almost got everything on the menu and I followed, we were pretty similar in tastes so I'm just gonna eat off of his food. Which annoys him, but that's why I do it! It's fun seeing him annoyed and whining like a kid. Nashi and Mom got their own food, Nashi got some hot chili pepper chicken wings, while my mom got a salad. So boring. 

Once our food finally arrived I already took half of Dad's food, which caused him to whine already. Nashi made sure I didn't look twice at her food, which I didn't. If she really wanted to she could throw me through five walls at once... I rather not. Mom didn't have to worry about her food being stolen, seeing as she was the only one who enjoyed a simple, lame salad. 

Finally we finished everything on our plates, and I can see why Mom and Dad loved that place so much it was amazing!! Dad payed and we went on our way. We started to walk through the streets of Magnolia. We reached a building that reminded me of a giant castle, it had this weird symbol on a flag at the top. What does that symbol mean? Nashi looked up in amazement, her eyes sparkling in view of the grand building ahead of us. 

Mom and Dad laughed at our reactions, their laughing snapped me out of my dream world and back into reality. Nashi and I both looked at our parents curiously. They motioned for us to follow, and we did so. If I remember correctly Dad told the Fairy Tail mages to not tell the guild where we are, and that they found us. Maybe so we could surprise them? We walked towards the strange castle-like building. Nashi and me staring at each other full of questions. To my giant surprise, Dad kicked the door open, and Mom pulled us behind her.

"LOOK WHO'S BACK!!" Dad yelled at the top of his lungs.

"NATSU!!!!" The whole guild roared loudly

Nashi and me covered our sensitive dragon ears, they were ringing like I was trapped inside of a ringing bell! This place was LOUD!

"LUCY!!!!!!" The guild boomed next

Dad and Mom were dragged into the center getting hugs and laughs, until a blonde little girl with blue eyes came up behind me.

"Igneel, this way" She told me

It was Nova, and Storm was behind her. Nashi and me were dragged out of the guild and to the back where we met the Fairy Tail kids from before. Nova, Storm, Simon, Gale, Sylvia, Rin, and Crystal. If I remember correctly they all were children of some of the top wizards of Fairy Tail. and Fairy Tail being the number one guild they have to have some pretty awesome magic..

Maybe I'll ask them about it..


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