Chapter 5 (Parents Meet) Part 1

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A/N: Sorry about it taking so long to put this chapter up! I had a major writing block, then my computer crash. Deleting all my files, including the ideas I had for this series and others. Again sorry! Hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Nashi's P.O.V:

Today was our annual 'Parents Meet' and normally everybody's moms and dads would go, but in my family it isn't the case. My mom would be the only know to go to the meet, so everybody started to think I didn't have a father. It got annoying and at the point of rage, I had to let it go. Even though I wish I could destroy them... 

"Ready kiddo?" My father asked

Today my father was going to go to the meet this year. I couldn't wait to see the look on my classmates faces. This was going to be awesome!

"Yeah!" I responded excitedly 

My mom, along with Igneel walked towards us. And we headed towards our school, Aunt Erza, Juvia, Levy, and Mira would take care of Luna.


~At School~

I smiled and entered the school building, holding my father's hand. Staying close to him, every step of the way. Nothing could wipe off my smile, I was so happy to see all my classmates faces! It would priceless.

Today's schedule would be completely different that the normal class day, everybody would meet up in the cafeteria and just sit and talk for about an hour, then moving to the parents go around and tell everybody what they do for a living. People were always stunned by my mother's magic, which who wouldn't be? But I love my father's magic also, they would combine their magic, and it was always the prettiest thing I've ever seen. 

Then after the LONG introducing the parents, the kids get to go play while the parents socialize. Today was going to the best day of my life, I was certain of it. I wandered around to the cafeteria, and met up with Yumi. She smiled as I smiled in return as we both hugged each other, turns out Igneel found some friends also. One named Ruv, and the other named Lex. They seem like good kids, just they better not mess with Igneel...

"Yay! You came!" Yumi chanted

I nodded happily, looking back at my parents. Yumi's mouth dropped, I giggled at her. Today should get pretty interesting! Mom and Dad walk up, my mom smiled at Yumi happily. 

"Hello again Ms. Dragneel!" Yumi beamed

"Hello Yumi" Mom smiled in return

I looked back at Igneel, he seemed happy with his friends. They were sharing smiles, Igneel meeting their parents. Dad was looking around, he spotted Igneel. I decided to introduce Yumi and Dad.

"Yumi! This is my Dad!" I smiled

"Pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Dragneel! I've heard many things about you from Nashi!" Yumi smiled

Dad smiled in return, looking at me as I kept my bright smile on my face. 

"Nice to meet you too" Dad grinned, "I hope she told you some good things" he joked.

I giggled devilishly, of course I told her about the miserable motion sickness Dad had. We would always go on trains to different places and Mom would knock him out since the sickness was so bad. I mean I felt bad for him and all, but I couldn't help but laugh at my father's misery. Which kid wouldn't?

"I've heard many great things Mr. Dragneel!" Yumi nodded

Dad gave a sigh of relief, "Good" he muttered to himself, then turning towards Yumi once more, "Good I don't want Nashi making my reputation a bad one" he ruffled my hair up.

I growled in annoyance, and tried to fix my hair. I knew deep down inside that Dad was cursing at me, because he and I both knew I told Yumi about his... "problems" he calls it. He always tells me I'll get motion sickness too one day. Though I seriously doubt it, I'm not a wimp like Daddy is. But then he always tells me all dragon-slayers have motion sickness. I'm gonna asked Uncle Gajeel, and Laxus. Maybe they can tell me something. 

Yumi nodded and then dragged me off quickly, I laughed and followed her happily. We met up with some of Yumi's other friends like Calyssa, Yuna, Phoenix, Fae, and a bunch others. But I didn't pay attention to names, maybe that's why I'm so bad at remembering names.. 

The announcer came up on the stage and started to call up the parents, I went back to Igneel, Mom, and Dad and sat by them. Waiting patiently for my parent's names to be called. One after one I got more bored as time went by. Finally I heard my parent's names called.

"Mrs. and Mr. Dragneel?" The announcer asked

My dad stood up, along with my mom. Then whispers exploded into the crowd, everybody was talking about my dad and I will gladly bet on it. Dad and Mom went to the front of the stage and said the basics. 

"My name is Natsu Dragneel, and this is my wife Lucy Dragneel." Dad introduced themselves.  

"We originally came from Fiore, and the very famous magic guild" Mom smiled

"Fairy Tail" They both in unison

"We left the guild due to some personal issues, but I do hope one day we can go back with out kids" Mom smiled at me and Igneel.

"DO SOME MAGIC THEN!" One kid called from the crowd


My father laughed at me, "Settle down kiddo" he told me

I grumbled, but obeyed and sat back down next to Igneel. Iggy looked embarrassed by my actions, drama queen. Since my parents were old Fairy Tail mages people were allowed to ask some questions, after their magic demonstration.

My father's hand lit on fire, like my does often. My mother's hands were filled with light, my parents then joined their hands and sparks of light and fire mixed shot out throughout the room. The magic vanished before it was able to touch anyone and burn them, but it was like indoor fireworks! Some sparks were all yellow, some were orange, some were red, and even some blue and purple! It was amazing.

I eyed through the crowd and found Haru looking at my parents in amazement. His eyes were filled with delight, he almost looked harmless. My parents then stood straight, my father's famous toothy grin on his face, while my mother was showing her famous sweet smile. People's hands started to raise one after another until almost everybody's hands were up. The announcer said they could only answer 5 questions. This better be good.

Calyssa (I think was her name) rose her hand boldly, and waited to be called on. My mother smiled at her, and chose her to be the first question.

"If you were from Fairy Tail then what kind of magic do you use, and then do your kids also have that magic?" She called out

My mom nodded, "I'm a celestial wizard, able to summon any of the golden celestial gates or just sliver."

"I'm a fire dragon-slayer" Dad smirked proudly, "Nashi and Igneel are also dragon slayers,"

Then another girl raised her hand shyly. "Does Nashi and Igneel's name come from a special place?" she asked quietly.

My mother didn't seem to catch what she said, but my father did with his sharp ears. "Nashi's name was picked out by Lucy, while Igneel's name is the name of my father. He was a fire dragon" Dad spoke proudly

After many other questions, we all went outside, and started to play with the other kids happily. The day was going by quickly (thankfully). I saw Haru and his "gang" walk up to me.

This should be interesting....


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