Chapter 20 (Little Bully)

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been updating!! I've been so busy with school ending, friends, and getting ready for an upcoming horse show I'm in. It's this Saturday (On my Birthday! XD) sooo I hope I do good, again sorry for not updating. So I'll be updating all week other than Friday and Saturday to make up for it. Maybe even two updates some days :)

Igneel's P.O.V:

This guy is really getting on my nerves... I'm scared for once, I don't have Nashi to hide behind. Maybe that means I have to stay strong to help Nashi get through her situation, she's going through worse right now! I can do this!

I got up from my hurt position on the floor, and groaned in pain. My head was thumping, and I could barely hear Gale screaming my name. Slivia was getting pushed into the ground by the other two boys, Crystal tried to pick her up to get her away but failed. The boy with blue hair yanked on Crystal's tail.

"Ohh kitty!" He called, tauntingly.

"Leave her alone!" Slivia cried, terrified.

I tried to hold in my screams of both terror and pain, I want my friends to be safe! I don't want them to be bullied! This is getting scary. The boy with black hair smirked evilly at me, sending shivers down my spins.

"Oh how rude of us, we didn't even introduce ourselves!" He laughed cruelly, "My name is Ace."

"Nete," The boy with orange boy spoke quietly.

"Michio," The navy haired boy grinned.

I finally got to my feet, "What do you want with us?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just some people to play with" Ace laughed insanely.

"Leave them alone!" I growled, "And just go away!"

"I'm afraid we won't do that, little boy" Michio stuck his tongue out at me.

I'll burn off that smug look on his face. These boys are just asking for a beating, and it won't be good when Nashi hears of this. I'll admit I don't have the power to beat these idiots. But I know Nashi does! She's so amazing, and so powerful she could beat these idiots to a bloody pulp if she really wanted to! I just have to get my friends away from these idiots. Now how do I do that... Hmmm....

"I'm not a little boy, I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!!" I shouted, "Now leave my friends alone, or you're going to be sorry!" 

"HAHA! He thinks he's scary!" Michio laughed cruelly.

"Now now, Michio. Let's see what the boy does," Ace smirked.

I will hold my head high, and this won't be the last of anything! He's going to regret messing with me and my friends, I just hope my friends don't get hurt.

"Igneel, come on. We are going to beat these guys" Gale chuckled, shaking her head.

What does she have in mind... Oh god now I'm really scared.

Gale shoved the boys off of Slivia and Crystal with her iron fists, her eyes were glowing. Scary~. Her whole aura glowed bright green, showing great aggression and I even saw Michio tremble a little bit. This is getting good! But I still want to see Nashi fight them...

"You can fight me, but leave these three out of it" Gale said calmly.

"No way metal head!" Michio snapped.

"Oh please, all we have to do is beat her and get the other three." Ace whispered.

Luckily my dragon ears were able to pick up on their short conversation. I'm getting scared.. 

Ace launched forward again and sent a crushing blow into Gale's chest, she fell backwards without warning. I quickly yelled.

"GALE!!" I shouted in terror for my friend.

Ace picked her up by her collar, "Now don't go talking tough when your so weak!" he scoffed.

He threw her limp body into a tree, and she fell to the ground like she was dead. I could hear her heart beat... It was slow, but still there.



Natsu's P.O.V:

Why do I have this bad feeling.. Like something isn't right, I hope it's nothing and I'm secretly going insane. Actually scratch that, I don't want to go insane...

Our team kept walking west, and I could just feel the growing connection between Nashi and me. Laxus and Mira were sulking heavily throughout the trip, especially Mira she wasn't her normal cheery-self. It's almost like her soul had been captured by her Satan Soul. Wendy had been extremely quiet barely talking, I could tell she felt guilty. But for what, it wasn't her fault that any of this was happening. Gajeel just kept walking, but something was obviously on his mind. As for me, I'm just hoping and begging that my little girl is alright. And if I figured out she is dead, I couldn't live with myself.

As a father, I'm meant to be there and come save her. But if she died, it would be all my fault. I couldn't bare to see Lucy's heart break like that.. Little Igneel would be shattered completely, he looks up to Nashi so much it's insane. I just hope that all three of them are safe, especially Lucy sense she's carrying a child. It would be a sorry day in hell for anybody that even put a scratch on her. Same goes for my two little kids, Nashi and Igneel.

I just have to keep marching on and find Nashi. 

We finally came to a canyon, it was rocky and very large. It was a deadly fall for sure, as Gajeel almost slipped down, that idiot. Wendy peeked down the canyon.

"It's a deadly fall, so I would recommend we turn around and go another way." She said.

"No!" I growled, "Nashi is close! I can just feel it!"


Nashi's P.O.V:

I saw the flames rising high. It was incredible! Finally I can get out of here, I look around to not see any of the triplets. But I saw Zelia standing there with her teary eyes.

"The fight has just started.." She whispered softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.

Lilia and Yulia walked up with sorry faces, "Stay Strong" Yulia told me.

What did she mean by that.. I quickly saw Lilia zoom out with Zelia. Yulia stood there in front of us, "I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess... Just please.." she whispered. "Stay Strong" 

A large sword pierced right through her chest, as she just allowed it to happen. My eyes went wide and filled with terror.

"YULIA!!" I screeched in fear.

Yes, I know Yulia was part of the reason I'm in this mess. But she's the reason I'm still standing! She was so brave, and confident and I kinda looked up to her as an older sister than I never had. But now... Is she really gone?

I can't do this!!


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