Chapter 22 (Stay Strong)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I could hear Dad's encouraging words, as I could feel my surroundings growing cold. Everything seemed to be dying... First Yulia, then Nova and Storm pass out, then that creepy shadow, and Dad... Why does everything seem so useless.

The saying I heard from both Yulia and Dad, "Stay Strong" 

How can I? This just seems like a light that slowly is being dimmed slowly and I can't seem to even move. My legs are numb, and scared and stained with dry blood. I've been here for who knows how long anymore. These scars don't seem to be healing anytime soon. 

Finally I got a sense of feeling in my legs, as I forced myself to stand. I turned around to face the monster before me, my eyes glowing bright red. I could feel a sense of anger wash over me as I saw the cruel smirk spread it's face. 

"Why did you kill her?" I asked calmly.

"What ever do you mean, child?" 

"You know damn well! Why did you kill Yulia?!" I cursed.

"She served her simply purpose, plus she was getting in the way"

"BUT WHY!?" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

I glanced over at the cold, dead body of my... My friend! There is no other way to describe Yulia, but a friend, an older sister figure. Even Lilia and Zelia seemed like older sisters to me, I won't let this thing get away with murder!

I set the ground on fire once again, this time I heard a small scream come from the nightmare shadow. I smirked, so this thing doesn't like fire huh? Let's set this place on fire then!

With more rage my fire was fueled, I stood there my head held high. My scars on my legs and arms bleeding out, but at this point I didn't even notice it. The fire raised to the roof, and a small silhouette of a raging daughter wanting to see her family again could be seen. I wasn't going to loose! Another small scream was heard from the nightmare shadow as the fire got too close for comfort to the thing. 

But then all of a sudden my fire just died, no light could be seen. Did I pass out? No... I could feel the pain in my body returning slowly, I was certainly still awake. I tried to spark some sort of flame with a snap of my figures, but nothing. 

Then all the pain in my body just vanished like it was never even there in the first place.. What is happening. I knew it was too good to be true...

A large pain shot through my body quickly..


Natsu's P.O.V:

I know Nashi has to be around here somewhere.. Just where?! God damn it! I'm so close and yet I feel so useless! It's driving me insane! 

"NASHI!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping to get some sort of answer.

I waited for a moment, as me and my team stayed quiet to hopefully hear anything. I heard.. Slamming? Pounding? Someone was pounding against these canyon walls, so is someone trapped inside? What the actual-


That's.... Nashi! Holy shit!! I quickly ran to the edge of the canyon to try and hear where her voice was coming from.

"PLEASE DAD I'M HERE!! SAVE US!!" She called out again

I narrowed my eyes to a small crack in the canyon walls, that must be where she is. I quickly jumped off only to hear my panicked team calling for me. I landed on a pathway. I banged against the wall.

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