Chapter 8 (Traveling)

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A/N: THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!! Over 1,000 reads on this story which is SOO surprising!! Thank you all, and I would love any sort of feedback or comments! Reading comments is my favorite thing, and I try my best to respond! :)

(Btw this chapter is a little shorter than normal, promise the next one will be longer!)

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi and Igneel eyed each other carefully not sure if she was joking or being serious. Nashi then went into a daze starting to think how Fairy Tail would be. Igneel started to squeal and jump up and down in his little seat. His loud screeching snapped Nashi back into reality and out of her head. Nashi looked at him confused then back at her mother.

"Are you serious?" She finally had the guts to ask.

"Yes ma'am," Lucy smiled warmly.

Nashi and Igneel's eyes then lit up the second those words were said. They looked at each other and threw their arms up in the air. Igneel, of course, ran around the dinner table until Natsu picked him back up and put him in his seat. Lucy smiled at Natsu and he nodded giving her the okay. Lucy then gathered the kids back up so they would listen.

"And! You have a new sibling on the way!" She gleamed

Nashi's jaw dropped to the floor as Igneel fell over in his seat trying to process what she just said. Nashi leaned her head to the side staring at the wall she zoned out into her own little world once again.

Are you serious?! A new sibling AND going to Fairy Tail!? This is going to be the best ever I can't wait another second! Wait when are we even going?! NASHI SNAP OUT OF IT!

She thought inside her mind until she shook her head and then back into reality she went. Nashi jumped up and squealed as Natsu covered her loud mouth due to his ears started to ring by her annoying squeals and squeaks. 

"When are we going?!" Nashi asked, removing her father's hand from her mouth.

"Tonight" Natsu spoke up

Nashi and Igneel looked at each other and then bolted out of the room like a hurricane, they needed to pack and Nashi was worried about her clothes. Nashi packed around two weeks worth of traveling as she exited her room and back into the living room. Igneel was already in the living room waiting for Nashi, Luna rested in Natsu's arm. Nashi walked into the room and set her bags down on the floor and smiled brightly.

"Let's get going then" Natsu gave his famous toothy grin.

Nashi nodded and ran up to them as they walked out the door and towards the train station. Since they living so far into the woods the walk would be a little while but they would get there eventually. They walked further into the forest until the train could be seen. 

Nashi looked up at her father happily, but only to see a pained expression fall upon his face. She wanted to question why, but before she could she got dragged to a candy shop by none other than Igneel. He bounced up and down and looked at Nashi expectantly, he wanted candy- scratch that he needed  candy.

Nashi whined and tried to walk back to her parents, but Igneel held her hand and stood in place. Nashi groaned in annoyance but finally bought him two-three pieces of candy. They wandered back over to their parents, Nashi looking down whining, while Igneel skipped along side her. Natsu laughed at Nashi's whining and ruffled her hair playfully, she slapped his hand.

"Don't," She snapped harshly.

She threw her father's hand back at his side, and Natsu looked at her completely surprised by his daughter's actions. He was about to question it until he remembered...

"You are too much like your mother," He whispered.

"And what's that meant to mean?" Lucy snapped angrily.

"N-Nothing!" Natsu froze like ice in place.

Nashi and Igneel laughed at their father's scared expression. They finally got their train tickets and boarded the train. Nashi sat next to Igneel and Luna on her lap. While Lucy and Natsu sat across from the two kids. The train started to move, and Natsu's face went pale with a small shade of green.

"Kill me," He whined painfully.

Nashi laughed at her father pointing fingers, until she started to get sick also. She groaned and leaned against the back of her seat. Natsu gave a weak chuckle at his daughter's sickening face.

"S-Shut up," Nashi tried to sound normal.

Though it was obvious she was in pain, in sick pain. She rested her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes to calm herself. Until she fell asleep and rested on Igneel's shoulder. Luna was taken from Nashi and placed on Igneel's lap instead. She giggled cutely and played with Igneel's blonde hair. Natsu then rested his head on Lucy's lap, as she tried to ease her husband's pain by letting him fall asleep. Then the two sick dragon-slayers were out like a light.


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