Chapter 10 (Girls vs Boys)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

We hung out with the Fairy Tail kids all afternoon, until our parents dragged us inside. We met a bunch of new people, Another dragon slayer named Wendy. She's amazing! Her magic is so pretty and awesome!! I wanna see her in a fight! Think Fairy Tail allows spars between members? I wonder...

I met Aunt Mira's family, Elfman, and Lisanna. I don't like Lisanna, I get an off feeling from her. Elfman has a wife named Evergreen, and she seems.... interesting. They have a son too, I haven't gotten to meet him yet. The master of the guild seems amazing! He calls me a brat which annoys me slightly, but I can get over it. I got to see Dad and Uncle Gray fight again which was of course amusing. Uncle Gajeel tried to stop them but that failed miserably.

As for Igneel, he's been hanging around Nova all day. He seems to be getting quite close to her. They share the same hair color but their eyes tell completely different stories. I learned she also is a dragon slayer because her father is one. Uncle Laxus seems a bit scary... But he's the one I want to get to know the most! Uncle Laxus, Aunt Erza, Wendy, Uncle Gray, and Aunt Levy are the ones I want to get to know the most. Aunt Mira is another wonderful one to know. 

I already love Fairy Tail and I've only been here for a couple of hours! Everybody seemed shocked to know I was the daughter of my parents and that I was a fire dragon slayer. I just hope nobody figures out I can't do the most famous dragon slayer move ever... a roar.

I was sitting at the bar  with my mom, Aunt Erza, Levy, Wendy, and Mira. I saw Igneel running around with Nova, Simon and Storm chasing the two. I want to play... But my mom is forcing me to get to know her friends. Which don't get me wrong they are amazing, but I wanted to play with Storm some more. He seems like an amazing wizard! Maybe we could spar... If only I could get out of talking with Mom's friends. I mean I love them but still this is getting quite boring for me. I have too much energy to sit around and do nothing!!

"Hey Mom?" I asked, hoping to leave.

"Yes Nashi?" Mom turned my way

"Can I go play with Igneel?" I begged and pleaded

"Okay okay fine, go have fun" Mom rolled her eyes playfully at my boredom

I jumped up in joy and thanked her and ran off behind Igneel tackling him laughing. Igneel growled and hit me off I landed like it was nothing. I stood there holding my head high giggling. As Nova walked up behind him, and Slivia followed. Storm and Simon walked behind me.

"Team battle?" Storm smirked

I wondered what that could mean, sparing in pairs? I only spar alone, this would be different. And even if I did spar in pairs I work best with Igneel or Dad. Since they have the same magic as me I don't worry about hurting them. But I don't even know Storm and Simon's magic...

"Alrighty!!" Slivia cheered, giggling.

"I'm all fired up!" Igneel stole Dad's phrase.

"HEY THAT'S MY LINE!!" Dad called from the other side of the guild

This caused the whole guild to laugh at my Dad, oh well. I simply shrugged not knowing if I should say yes or no. Simon nodded smiling down at me, as Storm smirked devilishly at Igneel. I stomped on his foot.

"Watch it" I snapped, not liking the look he was giving my brother.

"Okay okay fire breath" Storm laughed

I gasped, "HEY!" I snapped, "You... you..." 

I don't know what to call him...

"Ice princess" I heard my Dad cough

"You ice princess!!" I laughed

"OI!" Storm growled

I laughed and Simon couldn't help but laugh too. I heard Igneel, Nova, and even Slivia giggling along with me and Simon. Storm's face got flustered as Uncle Gray knocked Dad on the head. All I heard was, "FIRE BRAIN DON'T TELL YOUR DAUGHTER TO CALL MY SON OUT!!" he shouted loudly, my dad followed with, "I'LL DO WHAT I WANT YOU STRIPPER!" he growled. They started fighting, which was stopped by Mom pulling Dad away and Aunt Juvia pulling Uncle Gray away. This guild was crazy... I LOVE IT!!!

Me, Nova, and Slivia were on one team, and Storm, Simon, and Igneel on the other. We decided to go with girls vs boys. We went outside and onto some sort of battle arena they had. How often does fighting happen in this guild?! GEEZ! 

 I was in the middle, Nova to my right, and Slivia to my left. Igneel remained in the middle, Storm to the left, and Simon to the right. I saw my parents watching with Luna sitting on Dad's shoulders. Storm's parents beside them, and Nova's parents on the other side, with Simon's parts next to them. Everybody else crowded around the arena. A magical sphere popped up and around us. I'm guessing so magic doesn't hit anybody else? 

"1...2...3...GO!" Master called

Igneel raced towards me, which I sent him flying into the air with a swift kick to the gut. No mercy from me little bro. Slivia swirled water around Storm catching him and freezing it over. So she's a water and ice mage! Cool! Nova sparked with lighting and sent Simon flying. Lighting mage... But that's not all apparently. 


Sending large waves of lighting sparking towards the three boys. I watched in amazement, my magic is nothing compared to these mages. All of a sudden ice wrapped around my body slowly freezing over. I gasped and started to panic. Then I remembered... I'm a fire dragon-slayer this is nothing. Stupid Nashi. I heated my body temperature and the ice melted and launched towards Storm, who I'm assuming sent the ice, and yelled, "FIRE DRAGON TALON!" this sent him straight into the back of the barrier harshly. I landed next to Nova and Slivia. 

Igneel dodged the flying mage and sent fire waves straight towards me, I giggled stepping forward and letting the fire hit me. My parents smirked. While everybody else gasped. I quickly ate all the fire in view.

"Give me a challenge Iggy" I laughed viciously

Nova laughed and patted me on the back, "Nice going Nash" she used a nickname.

Slivia jumped up and squealed. 



"WATER SCYTHE!" Slivia boomed

All of our attacks combined into one and was sent harshly into the guys. However it seemed they were preparing for it.

"FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!" Igneel copied me.

"ICE BLAST!" Storm followed

Simon sent a million glowing swords to combine with their attacks. Then the magic blasts combined sending us into the wall along with the guys. I weakly tried to stand, I won't lose! Nova and Slivia already on their feet, as Storm and Simon followed. Igneel and I took some time to stand unlike the other mages. Storm sent tons of ice spikes raining down on us, luckily Nova exploded them in lighting. But barely. She seemed out of breath, as Slivia created a giant tidal wave to crash down on the guys. Storm froze the wave as Simon cut straight through it like it was nothing... These mages are so hard to keep up with!! I look like a weakling compared to them! This sucks! Igneel got to his feet faster than I did and crash a large fireball into us. I heard Nova and Slivia scream, as I panted out of breath. The fire didn't effect me, but yeah it caused some damage. 

Nova and Slivia got to their feet wobbly, as Slivia and Nova combined their hands together. A-Are they trying a unison raid!?! I WANT IN! I jumped up and joined the duo, I wanted to try this forever! We stood in a perfect line, our hands connected. Our eyes all closed as we took breaths in perfect unison. We flashed our eyes open to call out all at once. 


A large swirl of our elements combined was sent crashing into the boys. The lighting sparked off the ball of magic, as the holy water swirled in it like it was meant to be. My fire glowed bright yellow and made everything match. 

I wonder if we won...

A/N: Like the new chapter?? I'm curious who you all want to win the spar, I could easily turn this around and have the guys win or have the girls win. It's up to you all! :)

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