Chapter 2 (Igneel Dragneel)

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Igneel's P.O.V:

I yelped quietly and shot up from my bed. I glanced around sweating, I just woke up from a nightmare. Today would be my second day of school, I was super nervous. The Fairy Tail mages stayed at a near by hotel in town. It turns out, they are my uncles and aunts, not by blood though. I enjoined playing with the kids, Simon was the best! I walked into the kitchen, still nervous from my nightmare. 

"Igneel, are you alright?" Mommy asked

I shook my head saying no, I pouted and looked at the floor. Tears welling up in my eyes. Mommy ran to me, and pulled me into a meaningful hug, I already started to feel better.

"What happened?" She asked, and pulling out of hug and looking into my onyx eyes.

"I had a n-nightmare" I cried

"Awww, Igneel" Mommy looked at me concerned

I heard footsteps and glanced over my shoulder to see Nashi walking in with Luna, linking hands tightly.

"Igneel?" Nashi questioned, "What happened?!"

"He had a nightmare" My mommy finished for me, then looked back to me, "What was your nightmare about?"

"It was dark, and I had nothing then I see everyone picking on me... And hurting me... then everyone told me, one by one they didn't love me.." I sobbed in mommy's neck

"Shhh, its okay. It's alright" Mommy comforted me

Nashi ran to my side, and Luna wobbled over later. They pulled me into a giant hug, and I felt so loved and I wasn't scared. I shook my head and gave everyone a big smile.

"I'm alright! I know it was just dream, and I know you guys will never leave me!" I smiled

Nashi gave me one last hug, and then I heard my mommy speak up. 

"Alright! Turns out your school was cancelled for the next few days, dew to some gas leak" 

"YES!!!" Nashi screamed and I soon followed

Me and Nashi spent the day outside playing different games, until Nashi stopped. I ran into her back and fell to the ground.

"Ow! Nashi why did you stop?" I asked rubbing my sore nose. 

"I feel some magic power, I think its the Fairy Tail mages" She explained

"Okay then?" I questioned

"Lets head back to the house" She said and dragged me back to the house

Surely enough, the Fairy Tail mages were walking up to the door. Nashi yelled


They turned their attention to us, and I just sat down on the floor. It was really boring with just Nashi, she thought so too. We usually played with Daddy also, but he's been gone for almost 4 weeks.  

"Nashi!" All the children cried and ran up to her, giving her hugs.

While I sat on the floor bored out of mind, I missed Daddy...

"Igneel, are you okay?" Nashi asked and bent down to me

"It's boring" I wailed

"Yeah, I know but only a few more days!" She smiled

"What do you mean by that, Nashi?" Gale asked

"Me and Iggy usually play with our dad but he's gone on a mission and Igneel thinks its boring without him. But I can't disagree, the house is a lot more lively when he's home" Nashi explained looking at Gale

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