Chapter 19 (Team B)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Lucy and her team were walking around in an open city. Team B were the wizards Lucy, Erza, Gray, Levy, and Juvia. Lucy had been trying to place anything in place that she could, but nothing was coming together and it was making her angry. She just wanted to find Nashi and get home and make her family whole again. Erza had been panicked since Simon went missing, and she didn't know how to deal with the problem. Lucy, Levy, and Juvia had all been helping since the mission started. Gray was just in his own little world, hoping and praying that Storm was alright. Juvia had been on Gray since the mission started, ordering him around and being more brutal than ever before. Gray hadn't lost his shirt since the mission started, which was extremely surprising. 

The team were now in a town, and Lucy had never seen this place before. Even after all the missions she had gone on with Natsu and Happy. Even the other wizards hadn't seen the city before. The building's heights go from extremely short to extremely tall, the colors were insane. From lime green, to bright teal, and even lemon yellow. Lucy had cringed at all the bright colors not two buildings matched. Even the heights weren't matching, this town was driving everybody mad. There were some shops and new markets in place, they were nice but once again the colors were neon, pastel, warm, and even cold. It's like all the colors in the world just got dumped onto this one town, and everybody acted like it was perfectly normal. Which caused the team to start asking questions, not aloud of course.

"What in the world," Gray muttered quietly.

"Gray, shut up before you offend somebody," Erza snapped.

Gray groaned and obey, shutting his mouth and looking up at the sky like all his worries were wiped away. He seemed calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside he was panicking and throwing everything around like a mad house. Storm going missing was driving him completely insane!

"Nashi wouldn't be here," Lucy shook her head in disbelief.

"We should check anyways," Levy pointed out.

Lucy sighed and nodded in agreement, over all the team seemed to be running out of time and slowly to be dying out. Their hope was a small flame that could easily be flicked out with one false move, hoping and praying that would find their lost children. Because returning them to the guild is going to be the best feeling in the world. 

But for Lucy, she just wanted to hold her daughter again...


Igneel's P.O.V:

I sat in the guild hall, on the stool kicking my feet back and forth. Slivia had tried to comfort me but I just feel like hope is running out. Gale, Slivia, and Crystal were the only kids left at the guild hall. Nova, Storm, Simon, and Nashi have all been kidnapped by those stupid girls!! (A/N: My soul hurts saying that.. I love Yulia, Lilia, and Zelia XD)

I sat on the bar stool watching my feet go back and forth, my eyes looking dazed and bored, and not even like they were moving. My eyes were focused on my feet swinging back and forth. Slivia slowly approached me, carefully and slowly. 

"Hey Igneel... Gale and I are going to go play? Do you want to?" She asked timidly.

"No go ahead.. I'll stay here," I muttered softly, my head hung low.

"Oh come on!" Gale growled, tugging my shirt collar, "You're coming."

I yelped as Gale pulled me out the door and to the back garden, where the fighting arena lay. She threw me down to the arena.

"We're fighting, getting you stronger so when Nashi comes back she'll be proud," Gale stood tall.

I sat up and rubbed my sore head, "B-But Gale! She's gone!" I yelped.

"That doesn't mean she's not going to come back," Gale snapped, "Get your ass up and fight me already!" she demanded.

She's really like her father..

I stood up and brushed off the dirt, I got in a fighting stance. But before I could even think about attacking, Gale punched me in the gut sending me flying. Slivia watched with Crystal nervously, Gale was really hyped up about this...

I don't like this, but I'll do it!

I stood up and got ready to send something back, Nashi taught me one magic move on our way here.


Gale got hit with my blazing flames, only one move but it was effective. She was sent into the floor but up. She was about to get up but sent back into the floor.

"Hey there" A new child pushed her to the ground.

And if he could push her to the ground, then he could mess me up..

"You the 'famous' fairy tail child mages?" He scoffed, "You don't seem so tough, you piece of trash!" he growled.

Two more mages walked up beside him. The first one had bright orange hair with black soulless eyes, looking at the ground. The second one had dark blue hair with green eyes. And the one holding Gale to the ground had black hair with glowing red eyes. Creepy.. He lunged at me and crashed me into the tree.

I don't like this... Nashi help!!


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