Chapter 12 (New girls?)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi and the rest of Fairy Tail partied all night long for gaining such a powerful little girl and little boy, and of course the return on their Natsu and Lucy. Nashi didn't feel right about something but she couldn't figure out what it was. She kept looking around seeing if anything out weird, but there was nothing just nothing.

This didn't make the little girl feel any better, in fact it made her feel more unsafe and less protected. She didn't want something bad to happen, but then again who would? She sat on her bar stool swinging her feet to keep her mind occupied. 

Meanwhile the three girls previously where walking through the streets. They were all sisters they shared similar names and the same dominate blood red eyes. There hair color all completely different and styled in their own way. Their face structures were identical along with their body shapes, only their heights differed. 

These girls weren't exactly mages or had any magic just brutal strength and natural abilities they were born with. The tallest girl had the family's red eyes like normal, with dark navy blue hair reaching her lower back, her face was always aggressive like she was going to hurt someone, and she'd even do so. Her name was Yulia, and the oldest of the triplets reaching a height of 5'8. Next was the middle child of their family, Zelia. She owned the natural blood sparkling red eyes, with long dark purple hair reaching the middle of her back, her face stoic and no emotion could be detected from her, reaching a height of 5'5. The youngest and quietest of the triplets was Lilia, she still had the same eyes like her sisters only more soft and sorrowful. Her hair was brown and always covered at least half of her face. Her hair reached her lower back, and she stood at tiny 5'2 compared to her sisters. 

The three girls wandered through the town as Lilia stayed by Zelia and Yulia up front leading the pack. Nashi felt a unusual presence as the girls got closer to the guild hall, the guild doors exploded open to show a smirking devil, Yulia. Nashi got uneasy by that grin on her face and Natsu being the idiot he was, was the first to speak.

"Who the hell are you?" He scoffed

Lucy punched his arm, as Natsu whined in misery. Nashi couldn't take her eyes off the girls as a quick flash of wind spiraled around the mages for only a few seconds. Everybody flinched at the gust of wind, and stepped more towards the middle of the guild hall. 

"Careful they're mages," Master said

This caused Yulia's smile to grow wider and only more insane, as Zelia let out a small laugh of enjoyment. Lilia stayed quiet hiding behind her tall sisters. 

"We aren't mages little man, we were born with our abilities," Zelia huffed, annoyed.

"That's every mage!" Natsu called, densely.

"Not us, see we didn't learn magic. We were born with our abilities and no magic could copy them," Zelia snapped.

"Show us your magic then if your so great," Lucy got uneasy.

The girls smirked, but Lilia kept hiding and shaking in fear. Yulia snapped her fingers, "We will show you the best show" she bowed her upper body, and smirked at the floor. Zelia didn't have physical abilities like Lilia and Yulia had so this would get interesting. Yulia snapped her head up and kicked a table straight at the mages while they were distracted Lilia sped around the room like lighting. The table was dropped and Nashi was now by the girls, Zelia holding her back. Natsu and Lucy gasped in fear for their child.

"Cya later, Fairy TailI" Yulia spat, speaking the words of their guild like they were trash.

Nashi screamed for help but it wasn't any use because they were already long gone due to Lilia's great unnatural speed. Once the girls stopped they were in a forest, a forest Nashi had never seen before.

"Left punch," Zelia said oddly.

Nashi strikes at the girls with her left fist engulfed in flames. Yulia caught her wrist and threw Nashi to the ground like she was nothing.

"Stay down, Zelia has hyper-thinking and she knows what your next moves are. And your strength is nothing compared to mine, try running and Lilia will catch you," Yulia hissed.

Nashi started to tear up, and turned towards the girls there was no way she could get out of this easily. Nashi could see wolf ears on the girl's heads and a wolf tail swishing behind them.

"If I may ask, I don't mean to be rude but what are you?" Nashi asked timidly

"We are werewolves, but not any werewolves we are the daughters of Cerberus." Zelia smirked.

Nashi knew Cerberus well, but only from little myths she was told as a tiny child. Her eyes widened in fear, now she knew she was screwed.


A/N: Anybody actually know Cerberus? From Greek Mythology? Go search him up if not! He's amazing :)

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