Chapter 30 (Final: Where I'll Stay)

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2 Years Later...

Nashi's P.O.V:

It's been awhile since I've been at the Fairy Tail guild hall, I've been loosing track of time. That it seems like I was there just yesterday, when in reality it's been two flippin years. But I've had a blast with the Cerberus girls, they're so much fun to be around. I finally got my room decorated to my liking. It reminds me a lot of my old room, at least I don't feel too far away from home. 

I've been training five times a week, which it seems like it's a lot but it's actually kinda fun to train with these girls. Though at times I do tend to lose control and almost blow up the entire forest, but I haven't actually done it!.... yet....

Zelia has been working on trying to find out what even happened to me. She's been asking me questions when I wake up, to see if I have any other nightmares related to that major one I had the day this all happened. She's been super helpful with my training!

Yulia has been mainly working on getting my abilities under control, she's basically the shield of this forest. If my magic blows up, she's there to stop it immediately. She's been kinda pushy on the whole process of me getting to where I need to get to.

Lilia has been making sure I've been okay emotionally, and she gives amazing advice. When ever I start to miss my family and have bad flashbacks of what happened, she's there to help comfort me and help me get back on my feet. 

Overall the three girls have done so much for me over the years, not to mention Zelia healed up all my cuts and gashes from the whole kidnapping situation. I still have some scars on my legs and arms, but they don't hurt like they used to, thankfully. It's been a tough two years but I've been getting through it all pretty easily. 

I just don't know if I'm going to be able to face Storm after these years are up...

For now.... This is where I'll stay.


Storm's P.O.V:

It's been two years... 

I know people say she hurt me on purpose... but she didn't it was an accident. I know it. Nobody will be able to change my thoughts on the whole incident. She was scared.... Someone did something to her, and I know it.... Nashi is innocent.

Dad and Natsu have been fighting a lot more than normal, not to mention it gets more aggressive than ever playful. There are moments where they are actually trying to hurt each other, and leaving scars on each other... What happened?

Mom and Lucy have been doing their bests to try and stop Dad and Natsu from fighting. Even Erza can't always control their fights. I hate seeing them so angry with each other. Dad keeps blaming Nashi for what happened to me, but it's been two years.. You would think he would be able to put it past him, but I guess not. 

I was sitting in the guild hall, sitting with Gale and Simon. Erza had another child, which she named Rosemary, her first daughter. Lucy had another son and named him Luke. My family hasn't really changed, other than Dad being so aggressive with Natsu. Gale and I have been getting closer over the two years, as have Nova and Igneel. 

Igneel... Oh where do I even start with him. He's been so out of it for the past two years, he would have emotional break downs every now and then, as when ever someone said anything bad about his sister. He would beat the shit out of them, he's been learning his magic. And he's just as talented as Nashi was at his age... Luna has been growing up to like a little sister to me, but Dad doesn't want me anywhere near the Dragneels. I'm not ever going to listen to that old fart, Nashi isn't at fault for what happened... I just want to see her again.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Dad yelled.

"MAKE ME ICE ASSHAT!" Natsu screamed. 

I held my head low, not wanting to listen to their fights. 

"DON'T MAKE ME FIGHT YOU!" Dad screamed.

"HA! YOU WOULD LOSE!" Natsu mocked him.

"DON'T SAY THAT SHIT!" Dad cursed.

I shook my head as the words started to get into my thoughts yet again. I stood up and walked over to their fight.


"Fullbuster you take that back, right now" Natsu demanded. 

"Make me, flame ass" Dad snapped. 

I walked over and froze them both completely in ice.

"WILL YOU TWO QUIT THE FIGHTING ALREADY!!?!? Dad, Nashi ISN'T insane so don't let me catch you saying shit about her! Natsu, quit starting pointless fights! We get it! You miss your daughter! WE ALL DO!" I growled.

Lucy and Mom stood frozen watching me, I let my ice disappear as the two looked at me. 

"Don't you two miss being friends... Dad you keep cutting deeper with your words, as Natsu isn't any better than you. But at least he isn't calling your child insane." I whispered, "Why can't you just see that Nashi isn't at fault... Something happened to her, she didn't mean to hurt me.. So just open your damn eyes and see that!! It's nobody's fault! But it is both of your fault's that this guild is growing insane because of your constant fighting!" I yelled.

The two froze, and looked at each other before sighing heavily..

Are they actually going to make up?

..... I still can't believe it, Nashi's gone.. She's really gone. 

We can't find her anywhere... There's no point blaming someone who might even be dead.

  For now.... This is where I'll stay. 


A/N: OMGGG!! This book is finally complete! Don't worry there will be a book 2 and I'll let you all know when it's up! :)

Thank you all for reading this book of mine, I never thought it would get as popular as it did. And in full honesty, if it wasn't for you all this book wouldn't have even gotten anywhere. Because I would been too lazy to finish it with all my writer's blocks ^-^"

SO AGAIN A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!! You all made my love for writing only grow! And thank you because you all challenged me with forcing my brain to work and put out chapters for you all. It wasn't easy finishing this book, and you all seriously made the end of this book possible...

And again, I'll let you all know when Book 2 is up and out :)

I can't say it enough so, Thank you all for reading and commenting! :D 

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