Chapter 4 (His words)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

Igneel ran to me and hugged me tightly, making me not able to breathe. 

"I have the coolest sister ever!" He bantered

I rolled my eyes smirking, I bent down and gave my brother a full hug. Everyone was staring at me like I was crazy, did they seriously think I'm weak? My father looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Looks likes my daughter wins!" Dad shrieked 

"Keep thinking that flame brain" Uncle Gray rolled his eyes

"You wanna go Ice prick?!" Dad shouted

"Come at me then!" He shouted

"NO FIGHTING!" Auntie Erza yelled

Making Uncle Gray and Dad quiver in fear. That was a very rare sight, I've never seen Dad scared of anyone or anything. This was.... different

"Well, you guys gonna come back to Fairy Tail?" Auntie Mira questioned

"We'll see" Mom giggled

I walked over holding Igneel's hand tightly.

"Aren't you the best big sister ever!" Aunt Mira cood

I laughed, I certainly wasn't. Sure I was protective over my siblings but I always start fights. We chatted for a little then went back home, I was holding my father's and my mother's hands while Igneel sat on my dad's shoulders. 



Today was another day of school, great.. I got off my bed and got ready for school, then I dragged Iggy outside and we headed on our way. When we reached school, I found the one and only (thankfully) Haru Sanders. He was standing at the front doors waiting for me and Igneel. 

"Ha! Look at the loser, his scarf looks awful!" He laughed at Igneel

I growled lowly, I looked behind me to see my brother... Crying. He cared for that scarf so much, his whole world lit up when he got one from our father. That wasn't cool, at all. I saw Aunt Mira, Erza, Uncle Gray, and Laxus walking by looking at me concerned.

"Idiotic Dragneel!" He laughed

He used my last name like it was trash. I am proud, very proud to be a Dragneel so this lit my fire inside.

"Haru shut that mouth of yours! Anything that comes out is complete trash!" I commented

I saw Yumi slowly walk out the doors, watching, scared to approach. I gave her a look telling her to stay put.

"Oh really? Hahaha! You're a pile of trash!" He laughed

This time his gang laughed as well, I felt sadness grow inside of me, but anger was much more present. He wasn't going to get away with this crap.

"Says the talking garbage can!" I growled 

"Is that the best you can do?" He smirked

"My words aren't powerful, but my fist is!" I snapped

I felt the mages behind me looking at me, people said I have eyes everywhere. Maybe it was true.

"Sure you... you.... you Dragneel" 

"Why do you keep using my last name as an insult? If anything your complementing me" I grinned

"Being a Dragneel must suck! For heavens sake your own Dad doesn't love you!" He laughed

I wanted to burst out into tears and run into my father's arm, and for my mother to tell me it was alright.

"Take that back!" I sobbed quietly

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