Chapter 3 (Next Generation)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

Mommy went up to go get the door, and Luna sat next to Igneel. Igneel stared at Luna until she cracked and "accidentally" hit him on the head. I giggled, and looked at my father, he looked shocked and a little scared. He shook his head and turned his attention back to me.

"So, what happened to you face Nashi" He growled lowly

"N-Nothing!" I shuddered

"Tell me, now" He stated firmly

If I didn't tell him, I would be toast... Not kidding

"Haru..." I whimpered looking at the door, trying my best to avoid eye contact.

"WHAT!?!" He yelled

I closed my eyes, and leaned away. He looked at my bruise, and begun to growl.

"He's gonna pay"

I looked at the door, and my mother was outside. Then it opened once more, this caught my attention because the mages where coming inside. Daddy was still growling, I rolled my eyes.

"You can stop now" I sighed in annoyance

"NO!" He yelled

He took my face into his hands and poked at my bruise.

"OW! THAT HURTS!" I yelled and slapped him

He laughed, and so did Igneel. I didn't find it funny, the mages looked at my father in amazement. 

"Flame breath?" Uncle Gray called

My father stopped laughing, and looked at the mages in shock. Uncle Happy came racing forwards and hugged my dad, making me fall backwards. Igneel (of course) laughed at me

"SHUT UP IGNEEL!" I yelled

"MAKE ME!" He snickered

I got up and took him by the scarf and dragged him outside, and next thing to know. He's stuck on a tree.

"Nashi! Go help you brother down! Now!" My mother growled

"In the infamous words of Igneel himself" I said looking at the wall, then looked back to my mother, "Make me"

I got shoved outside, and she locked the door.

"I'M GONNA GET EATEN BY A WOLF AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD!" I yelled and walked to the tree Igneel was hanging from. I sat down in-front of it and looked at my screaming brother.

"NASHI GET ME DOWN!" He yelled

I just sat there in silence, looking at him squirming and shouting. Then the other children came outside, I sat there in anger mumbling to myself.

"I should be training with Daddy right now, but no! I'm stuck out here while they have a 'family reunion'" The heat built inside of me, "Stupid, dumb, idiotic, insane, UGHHH!!" I complained

I fell onto my back, making the grass light on fire around me. I took my hand and placed it to the sky, and started to whisper random things, each word made my fire turn into an object.

"Fairy Tail" I finally whispered, the fire made a weird shape, "That's new"

Igneel finally got himself unattached to the tree and was sitting on a branch staring at the symbol as well.

"What does that mean?" He asked

"Don't ask me.." I questioned my fire

"That's the fairy tail mark!" Simon explained

"I would get out of here, now when she's like this..." Igneel commented

"What?" They questioned

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