Chapter 14 (Stuck)

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Igneel's P.O.V:

Why do I feel like the whole world is crumbling underneath my feet? The answer is: it's because I lost my hero, my big sister, Nashi... I just want her back and all I can do is sit here and cry like a useless bug! I'm so mad at myself! I couldn't saved her, but no I ran to Mom and Dad for help and left Nashi alone... It's my fault.. I just want to cry in a corner all day, forever.

"Igneel!" I heard Dad's voice boom loudly

I perked my head up to see Dad approaching me, I wonder what he wants maybe to lecture me on how bad of a brother I am. Nashi did nothing wrong why her! It should've been me!

"Come on! We're deciding on a search team" Dad said loudly

I nodded simply, sitting up from the bar stool and carefully approached my dad. I took his hand to maybe comfort myself, he gave me a weak smile to reassure me. He's really the best Dad ever.

"Listen up brats! We don't know what who ever took Nashi wants! For all we know there could be more kidnappings. So little ones, stay close to your parents!" Master called out for everybody to hear, "As for Nashi! We will send out two search teams! Team's A and B" he said calmly, "The teams are..."

I got ready to listen but I just ended up being consumed by my thoughts, like what if Nashi dies because we couldn't save her, what if we never find her!? I'm so nervous and scared and yet angry I can't stand this anymore!! 

"Team A will be... Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Mira, and Laxus" He spoke loudly, "Team B will be... Lucy, Erza, Gray, Levy, and Juvia" he told everybody.

"I have to be with Iron-head?!" Dad shouted, "And lighting balls?!" he cursed.

"WATCH IT NATSU!" Both Laxus and Gajeel growled.

"Why can't I be with Luce?!" Dad snarled

"If one of the teams do find Nashi, the girl will need one of her parents with her. So the best thing to do is split you two up" Master sighed.

Dad growled, and Mom placed a hand on his shoulder, "Natsu it's for the best, she'll need one of us once she's found." 

Dad finally calmed down and nodded in agreement, while the teams split and started to make their plans of action. 



1 week later...

Natsu's P.O.V:

It was finally time for the teams to depart and find Nashi, but over the week... Nova, Storm, and Simon all have vanished within the night. I can feel the pain of loss with the other parent mages. Only Mira, Laxus, Erza, and Jellal only have one child so this must be extremely difficult for them. 

I said my goodbyes to Lucy and Igneel and my team started to walk towards where we thought Nashi could possibly be. This is going to be a long trip and I don't trust myself to actually find Nashi in time.. What if she's already dead..


Nashi's P.O.V:

I was in a cell, dark, cold and I could feel nothing but pain. I could hear screams, the voices sounded familiar, I forced myself off the floor. My legs cut and bruised I couldn't feel them, they were starting to go numb. I was starving, thirsty, and in so much pain I couldn't bare to stay awake. I leaned against the bars, where Lilia stood by her head low and her eyes tearful. 

"L-Lilia... W-Who is that?" I asked weakly

She looked at me with tears streaming down her face, this worried me greatly.

"I'm sorry" She whispered

I saw some shadows walking around the corner in the long hall way, I tried my best to stand and see who it was. It was five people total, but who?

Turning around the corner my eyes widened with fright and fear, I gasped in shock and fell to the floor crying. Yulia and Zelia were holding the knock-out-forms of Nova, Storm, and Simon. 

"NO!!" I cried out, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" I growled

My fist starting to heat up but I had to keep my composure, they didn't know I broke free of the magic restraints. Well they didn't know... until now.

"Put another pair of magic restraints on the girl," The cloaked man walked by, "Also these three little ones and throw them in the cell with her... We'll drag them around tomorrow" he smirked devilishly, sending shivers down my spin at record speeds.

"You're going to burn in hell!!" I shouted, "And I'll be there watching you suffer in the hell flames!! You bastard!!" I cursed loudly for him to hear.

"Get her to shut up" He snarled viciously

I wasn't scared of him, I was fulling with rage and ready to crack somebody's skull open... This feeling. It was rage. I've never felt something so powerful, this is what Dad was talking about on that day...


"Nashi fuel the rage! Let it feed and then roar as loudly as possible!" Dad encouraged me.

Today was the day I was trying to learn how to do a roar, and I knew I could do with Dad's help. He's such an amazing wizard and my hero! I fueled my rage thinking about what Dad said.

"Think about what it would feel like if you lost us, if we got hurt, would you be angry?" Dad said calmly, "Focus your magic energy on your stomach.. let it sit there."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep, calm breath. I started to get angry at the thought of my family hurt, and focus my energy like Dad said I should. Everything seemed perfect, I fueled the rage inside me..

"Now use that rage to fire everything you got at that rock!" Dad shouted

I tried... but I failed... again..


I will make them pay and this rage will fuel my fight for freedom and once I get out, his face may even look better once I'm done. His skull is gonna be cracked in two thanks to me. And if anybody else takes my revenge from me, it's going to be a sorry day in hell for them. 

"You're going to suffer! Fairy Tail will find us and you're going to regret messing with us!!" I cursed loudly.

"Fine... Get her set up" He growled and walked away.

Nova, Storm, and Simon were thrown into the cell harshly I caught them and hugged them crying my eyes out. Yulia walked into the cell and yanked me up harshly and dragged me away from my friends. They shouldn't be alone right now!! NO! 

I'm going to break someone's skull by the end of the night!


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