Chapter 11 (Nashi vs Nova)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Once the giant magic blast was clear only three figures on the ground whining could be seen, the girls had won. Nashi and the other girls cheered for joy and hugged each other. Wendy ran towards the boys and immediately started healing their injuries. Nova was picked up by her father, Laxus, and her mother, Mira, so she was praised for her fighting skills. Nashi watched them smiling then Slivia got hugged by her mother, Juvia, and she started ranting uselessly. Natsu picked Nashi up and placed her on his shoulders.

"Awesome job champ," Natsu gave his famous toothy grin.

"Thanks Dad!" Nashi giggled in reply.

Lucy walked over with Luna in her arms, as Igneel slowly got up off the floor whining that he had a headache. Nashi was placed down on the floor once again and Nova ran over.

"Nashi! We have to spar!" She smirked.

"A-Alright.." Nashi spoke nervously.

Wendy quickly healed them up and their magic was boosted up. Nashi stood at one end of the arena nervously squirming. She didn't quite like the idea of fighting Nova, especially after seeing how powerful she was. Nashi didn't even know her dragon roar yet which scared her half-to-death. Nova was at the other end of the arena standing high and mighty, smirking and ready to fight. The magical barrier around them was once again placed. As this made Nashi's nervousness grow immediately.

"1...2...3...GO!" Master called

Nova raced towards Nashi like she was a lighting bolt and sent Nashi straight into the wall behind them. Nashi gasped for air in complete surprise, everybody thought she was hurt. But Nashi was more surprised then ever hurt, she couldn't feel a thing yet. Nashi got to her feet and Nova jumped up giggling. Nashi panted and regained herself, she wanted to win this to show how strong she became while her father was gone on his missions. She wanted to win for him.

"You wanna make this more interesting?" Nova giggled.

"W-What do you mean?" Nashi panted.

"A bet," Nova glared playfully, "If I win you have to be my slave for the day!"

"And if I win I want you to ask out Igneel," Nashi giggled at her own plan.

"WHAT!?" Nova boomed. 

Nashi raced towards Nova, she caught her off guard. Nashi ignited her fist in her bright yellow vicious flames. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" Nashi called and sent Nova back tumbling. Nova caught herself before she hit the wall and looked up at Nashi.

"You sneaky little devil.. You didn't want that you just said that so you could catch me off guard," Nova smirked.

Nova was right, Nashi didn't care if Nova asked Igneel out, she just said that to catch Nova in a phase where she could attack with full force and Nova couldn't block. Nashi had Lucy's brain, and Natsu's fiery attitude. Nova flashed into a lighting form and disappeared from Nashi's view. Nashi panicked but then set the whole arena on fire, she blended in with the fire hidden from view as she was now calm and collected. Nova hit the fire and fell from her lighting form and burnt herself more. Nashi's plan worked out perfectly. The arena's blazing flames died with a snap of Nashi's little fingers. She pounced like a cat at this opportunity. She could tell with Nova she needed to attack whenever she could. Nova could easily block or dodge any attack so you had to catch her off guard.

"FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!" Nashi did her famous favorite move.

Nova quickly flipped over the flames and sent her own attack at Nashi, "LIGHTING DRAGON ROAR!" She growled, sending flashing and sparking lighting Nashi's way. Nashi's fire disappeared as she was hit by the sparking lighting. Nashi got her first real hit in this spar. Now they were even. Nova ran up to Nashi and sparked her fist with blazing lighting and sent Nashi straight into the wall. 2-1, 3-1, 4-1. Nova had now four hits on Nashi while Nashi only scored one, this was getting tougher than she thought. And she even knew it was going to be impossible. Nashi got to her feet wobbly, she refused to lose this spar. Even if it was just a simple spar, she didn't want to lose. Nashi jumped in the air, doing a flip and kicking Nova straight on the head.


Nova stumbled backwards rubbing her now sore head, Nashi now got two hits, time to make it even again. Nashi hit Nova in the gut sending her straight into the wall behind them. Three hits. Nova's pride swelled she refused to lose either. Sending more sparking lighting her way, Nashi jumped and dodged the dangerous bolts. Then her famous move to make it even and maybe even finish this, "FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!" she called. And this time her magic hit it's target dead on. 

The magic was so intense it caused a crater in the ground, with a dazed Nova in the middle mumbling useless words. The barrier around them dropped and Nova was quickly healed and Nashi fell on the ground panting. Natsu picked up her legs and started dragging her around, Igneel picked up her arms and they laughed as they ran all over the place with Nashi. Nashi; however, didn't like this treatment and shouted for the to let her go. Wasn't going to happen for awhile, Natsu's pride as a father was swelled beyond compare.


A dark voice whispered a unknown name, as the voice got closer it seemed to be sending dark waves of magic out, and creepily large waves of magic. The voice got louder and seemed more vicious-like, the names the voice was whispering seemed very similar, the three names the voice was naming was.

Lilia, Yulia, Zelia 

Over and over again seeming like a dark cult chant. Then one last sentence was whispered creepily. 

Find Nashi Dragneel 

Then the voice disappeared. Then three young girls appeared in the dark corner of the city, one seemed shy and scared with red glowing eyes and dark brown flowing hair. The next one seemed vicious and proud, with the same red eyes and navy blue hair. The final one had the same radiant red eyes like her sisters but with dark purple long hair, she seemed like she didn't care and had her nose stuck in a book. Wolf ears appeared on the girl's head, and a wolf tail wrapped around and swished in the wind. These girls didn't seem nice, and they were ready to bite.


A/N: I'm sorrryyyyy I needed to add Lilia, Yulia, and Zelia!! They are my own characters that I made and I know people hate when people add their own characters but I just had too!! Don't hate meee XP

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