Chapter 21 (Their fight)

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A/N: There will be a lot of pov changes due to I want to have more and more to write about so I drag it out XD

Anyways, hope you all enjoy the book! All I have ever received is positive feedback and I'm so happy you all enjoy this book! I'm thinking of starting another book soon, but I don't quite know yet :/

Igneel's P.O.V:

I watched Gale lay there like she was dead, but her heartbeat lived on. I turned my attention back to Ace, he wasn't going to get away with this!! I growled viciously, almost sounding like a low dragon's roar. I watched Slivia and Crystal run over to Gale. Slivia stood up, tears covering her eyes. The tears took over he beautiful eyes like a waterfall, and she screamed in agony.

"WATER SLICER!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

A giant almost scythe like weapon appeared completely made of water, and crashed into Ace's side. Causing him to slam into the floor. Michio snapped. 

"LIGHT CRASH" He yelled (idfk XD)

A wave of pure white light almost crashed into Slivia, but her body turned into water. Like her mother's would.

"My body is made of water, you can't beat me" She growled, "WATER NEBULA!!" 

Another water attack crashed into Ace, avoiding Michio. I heard a familiar voice as they ran over. I turned my head to look over. It was Rin.. Rin was Slivia's twin brother, also Storm's little brother. 

"WATER LOCK!" He screamed.

He trapped Michio in a lock of water. He screamed and yelled trying to get out of the tight water. I watched helplessly, I only knew one magic move and I wasn't even that good at it yet. But I will still give it my all.

"FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!" I yelled and crashed the fire into Nete.

He had been silent this whole time, but he doesn't get any sympathy from me! He turned to face me as the fire hit his body. His left eye started to glow red, as I felt like my body was being frozen in place. I couldn't move- more like I couldn't control myself. I felt a heat wash over my body, and for once the fire burned my skin. I screamed in pain.

Nete's face remained stoic, with no emotion over his face like a blank canvas. I turned to see Ace and Slivia fighting. Michio broke free of the water lock and started a fight with Rin.. But why do I feel so useless in this fight, I guess Haru was right... I really am just a lonely little boy that is useless and is just sitting there doing nothing to help his friends. Look at me now, standing here screaming in pain and not even trying to help...

What's wrong with me?


Nashi's P.O.V:

I watched in terror as Yulia stood and did nothing, she fell backwards and her cold body limp as she laid dead on the floor. (Yulia nuuu T-T)

The large gash on her chest, as she bled out onto the cold concrete floor. I stared to get dizzy and nauseous at the gruesome sight. Please just let this be a long painful dream, somebody please save me from my own nightmare!! 

I took a step away from Yulia terrified for my own life. I can't do this! I can't! I can't!

I saw a large shadow over-taking the room like madness spreading. I saw Nova pass out and Storm following after. As they laid on the floor passed out, I could myself wanting to also pass out from this nightmare over taking the room. I heard someone screaming my name... I sounded like.... DAD!!!

I quickly shook out of my trace-like state and ran to the walls and started pounding on them. I screamed over and over before the nightmare shadow could reach me. I set the place on fire to block myself hopefully. 

"DAD!! I'M IN HERE!!! I'M HERE I SWEAR!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!" I screamed so loudly I could feel my own ears ringing from the sound.

I could feel tears streaming down my face rapidly, "PLEASE DAD I'M HERE!! SAVE US!!" 

My slamming on the walls got softer as I fell to the floor crying as I heard someone calling my name softly... It wasn't Dad...


"Hello?" I asked, crying.


I shook my head, and stood up once again, "I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!! YOU MONSTER!! YOU KILLED YULIA!!! SCREW OFF!!"

After that all I heard was...


There's that saying again... But what does Dad and Yulia mean truly, how can I stay strong when everything is so hopeless...

Someone.. save me from my own hell...


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