Hell, Day 1

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Jack is laying in bed this early morning in Ireland on his phone looking at fan art from everyone when various high pitch screams caught his attention. The fact that he lives alone makes this even more unsettling 

He rushes up and downstairs where 5 toddlers are running around either screaming, crying, or climbing on stuff in his room. "Whoa! Hey!!" He screamed but none of them stopped. 'What scares toddlers?' he thought to himself then it hit him 

"If you 5 don't stop it's time out!!" He screamed and all 5 stopped. "Thank you, now everyone on the couch! Now!" All of them ran and climbed onto the couch. They all sat down and watched Jack 

"Now who are you?" He asked and one of the kids in all black started to laugh and stand up on the couch "You know us Jack! We're you!" Jack examined the kids looks more and finally face planted 

"Chase, Anti, Dr., Marvin, Jackaboy, why are you 5 toddlers?" He asked annoyed "Magic!!" Marvin yelled throwing his arms in the air to release confetti. Jack groans and moves his hands "Thanks for the explanation Marvin, Doctor, do you know what's going on?" "No clue Jack, sorry" "Chase?" He asked hopeful but Chase shook his head as well "Sorry dude" 

He groans "Great, fucking great" Anti leans back on the couch "Looks like we'll be staying here! Get used to us bitch!" He said smugly throwing a pillow from the couch at Jack and hitting his chest 

"Hell no! You can all go back to your own worlds and leave me" "Can't" Marvin said "Why not?" "Ve vere kicked out! No 'children' in ze 'dangerous' demon vorld!" Doctor said and the others nod "So we came here, figured you'd be a bro and help us out dude!" Chase yelled 

Jack sighed in annoyance "Why'd I make you all" he mumbles "Ok fine, I'll watch y'all" "Yay!!" They all scream jumping up on the couch "Hey hey hey!! Sit down!" Jack yelled but none listened

They all just went back to running around Jack's apartment. The first toddler Jack saw was Anti running into the kitchen so he quickly ran after 

"Anti!" He screamed picking up the boy and pulling the knife from his hands "Hey! Give that back you bitch!" He screamed but Jack set it on the counter 

He looked over his bar and saw Chase throwing stuff at Jackaboyman who was dodging everything "Hey! Chase, Jackaboy! Stop it!" He yelled running over with Anti on his side. As soon as the two saw him they ran opposite directions away from him 

Jack rolls his eyes "Ok I need a new tactic" He walks over to the closet with Anti kicking at him. He opened it up to a folded up puppy pen. "Suddenly happy Mark left Chica's puppy pen here" He said to himself as he pulled it out and set it up in the living room. 

He sits Anti inside it "Stay there" He said running off to catch the others 

Next he caught Marvin who was busy throwing around his confetti and releasing doves. Quickly he swipes him up to his side "Jack!!!" Marvin whined as he set him next to Anti in the pen 

After that was Jackaboyman who was hanging off his curtains. "Jackaboy!! Get down now!" He yelled running over to him. Jack grabbed him by his sides and pulled him down but he wasn't moving "No!! I wanna stay here!! The people need my help!!" "No they don't! Get down before you get hurt!" and to his surprise Jackaboyman started walking across the metal lining of the curtains 

"Stop! Get down now!!" but he didn't listen. Jack groaned loudly and climbed up on a chair, he grabs a hold of him and pulls him down. 

He sits him back in the pen where the other two were trying to escape but the top of the pen was just over their heads making it impossible for them to get out 

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