Hell, Day 10

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Jackaboy's POV 

"No no no!!" We scream as they push the stroller towards a building that says 'Daycare' on it. "It won't be long. Besides y'all can have some fun" Signe tells us as they bring us inside. 

A woman at the front desk looks up to us, "Oh my, welcome! How can I help you?" Jack chuckles "Yeah, we need to drop these 5 off for a few hours" She chuckles and nods "Of course, just sign them in here then take them into the toddler room" 

Signe signs the clipboard then they take us down a hallway. "You can't leave us! That isn't fair!" Chase yells at them. "Shhh you 5 need to behave here or you'll be in trouble" Jack tells us 

they bring us into a white room that has a few tables set up in the middle of the room that are close to the floor and have small chairs at them. On the right there are a few book shelves then next to them there are some sleep mats stacked up. To the left they have a few toy boxes set up 

A buch of kids our age are sat at the tables but there's one table open so they take us out of the stroller. Singe holds Marvin and Jack holds Chase as they bring us to the empty table and help us into the seats. 

A few workers 'aw' at us as Jack and Signe talk to us. "We won't be gone for long but we need you all to behave for the workers and be nice to the other kids" Signe tells us 

"If y'all do give them any trouble every one of you is getting a time out when we bring y'all home" We pout and nod but right as they went to leave Chase got out of his seat and ran to Jack. "Please don't" He begs as he grabs onto Jack's leg. 

"Bud let go and go sit down please. We won't be gone long" Chase shakes his head and we all snicker as he starts to cry 

A women walks up to them and crouches down to Chase, "Hey baby it's ok. Mommy and daddy will be back soon, can you come join us? We'll have lots of fun" Chase shakes his head and we continue to laugh at him as the worker picks up Chase and says bye to Jack and Signe 

She sits him where Jack had set him then we all got in trouble for laughing. We could all tell when Jack got too far from us since everyone's speech and walking ability changed 

"At weast I'm na tha only one now" Anti says as he leans back in his chair. "Boys how old are you 5?" A man asks as he crouches by the table. We tell him our ages and he nods, "Alright well right now we're reading a fun story so we need you all to be quiet and listen ok?" We nod so he leaves back to the others and they start reading some kid book 

We ignore them and start messing around at the table using anything we could find to mess with each other but once Anti used his magic and got a toy then threw it at another kid they weren't happy. 

We all thought it was pretty funny but they didn't. We were all put into separate corners of the room. 

"you 5 can stay there until the end of story time" The women told us as she left. I hear Anti groan out in annoyance so I take a quick glace at everyone and I see something super unfair. We're all standing expect for Chase and Marvin. They're sitting on chairs! No fair, I'm younger too and my legs hurt like hell 

Anti looks around as well and sees them and he gets the same expression I did but he actually did something. Anti uses his magic and pulls the chairs out from under them making them hit the ground which is luckily carpet 

Anti laughs but we all turn to them as the workers run to them. They rock and coo at them to calm them down since they were both in tears

One man turned to Anti and picked him up "It isn't nice to laugh when someone gets hurt. Do you know what happened?" Anti shakes his head

"I do!" I yell making Anti glare at me but I don't care. I just want something interesting to happen here since Jack and Signe aren't here to tell us off

"What happened bud?" "Anti move tha chair" I tell him. "Did not!" Anti yells back trying to give me a signal to stop but why stop now? "Mhm, I saw'd it"

"Did you do that?" He asks Anti who shakes his head again "he lying!" "I not lying!" "Ok both of you calm down. Let's just get back to Time out"

He sits Anti down in the corner then comes to me and turns me around and after a few minutes Marvin and Chase stopped crying

I sigh and hit my head on the wall. I hate this

After a few minutes they came and got us "Ok boys, back to the table. We're gonna color and have a snack then it's nap time"

We all make our way back to our seats where coloring books and crayons are with goldfish and sippy cups

The doctor takes the sippy cups from Marvin and Chase though. "Hey!" Chase whines making a worker come over. "Hon why'd you take his drink?" She asks. "They have bottle not sippy" he explains.

"Alright just tell us next time, don't take. Ok?" He nods so she takes their cups and leaves to get bottles

We all start to laugh slightly making Chase and Marvin scowl even more "Wha was dat for!?" Marvin pouts, but we just laugh as she brings out 2 bottles

"Can you hold them alone?" She asks as she sits them down." "They can't!" Anti buts in immediately "Hey, I can!" Marvin says

She looks to Chase "Can you?" "He can't!" Anti says and we all nod. "I hate you guys" Chase mutters as she picks him up.

We all watch contently as she cradles him and feeds him the bottle making our own jokes the whole time.

She sways slowly side to side with him and seems to be talking to him but we're too far to hear what she's saying until she looks to us. "Boys get to coloring" we nod and start drawing and messing around again

I look to my snacks then Anti who's drawing knives so I pick one up and throw it all him. To my surprise he uses magic to deflect it and it hits Doctor Schneep.

"Ow hey, vhat gives" he complains. I was going to apologize until we all hear "There you go honey, you better now?" We look up and she's talking to Chase who's almost fully asleep against her.

"Guess your nap is gonna be a little early sweetie" we all snicker as she takes him over to a mini crib and lays him down

After about half a hour of being bored out of our minds they announced it was nap time for everyone.

They lay out small mats on the ground for everyone to sleep and since we're all kinda tired we lay down until we hear Marvin scream

We look up and she's trying to take his mask off him. "Stop it!!!" Be screams with tears falling which pissed us all off. Only we can make each other upset

"Hey weave him awone!" I yell running up to her and soon the others followed, "Wet him go!" Anti yells.

"Hey, Hey, boys calm down he's ok. We just need him to take off the mask" "He no want to!" I tell her

"Weave him awone bitch!" Anti yelled which we knew crossed a line

"I can't believe you 5 got kicked out" Jack scolds as he pushes the stroller back towards the house. "She made Marvin cry, what were we supposed to do?" I ask "Listen to her since she's a adult. And why did you have to call her a bitch Anti?"

"Cuz she is" Jack sighs in annoyance "Alright whatever, lets just get back home to Signe and you're all taking a nap" we all complain and whine but he doesn't take it and ignores us

Jack's POV

Once they're all in bed I go back to mine and Signe's room where she's still laying in bed

"Hey babe, what happened?" I sigh and lay next to her. "The boys were kicked out since they hurt each other, other kids, then at nap time called the worker a bitch" "Shit, they weren't too happy then huh?" I shake my head "not at all"

"Well might as well just let them play in their rooms til dinner." "Yeah, tomorrow's gonna be a pain for everyone"

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