Hell, Day 25

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(Since this is edited for those who have read it, I'll put a thing saying where it changed)

Marvin's POV

It was horrible when we woke up from our naps. Not only did I need to be changed but Sncheep started to act like we were babies as well

"Morning you two! Uh oh, I think both of you need some help huh?" He climbs up next to us and I immeditaly kick at him and try to sit up as he pulls at my shorts. "Marv just vait. I need to check" "No!!! Get away!!" He sighs with a glare "Fine, sit in it then. Just get up" he leaves the couch and Chase and I both sit up

"I wan mommy" I mumble, "mhm...I miss Jack too" Chase adds so at least I'm not alone. They didn't even tell us where they were going. Said it was for adults to know only.

I sigh and climb off the couch then crawl to Sncheep "When they gonna be home?" He shrugs, "Not for a vhile, vhy?" "I want my mommy and Chase wants Jack" I explain

"Do not vorry, they vill be back soon. Now go off and play" I scowl at him, see I'd be like Anti and attack his authority but I know there isn't a point

I'm a year old and he's 3, there's no way I can win anything against him without everyone saying 'I'm just fussy and need my bottle and a nap'

But obviously Chase isn't thinking how I am. "You shouldn't even be in charge Sncheep" Doc turns to him on the couch. "Vhy not?" "You aren't a adult" "But I am older than you two" "So? Anti's older too" "But Jack put me in charge"

"Can you two shut up?" Jackaboyman asks in annoyance. "Jackaboy, be good or I'll tell" we all roll our eyes and I climb off the couch which as soon as I moved I knew it was a bad idea

I scream in pain and immediately tears start, "I twied to change you, das your fault" Sncheep tell me. I scowl at him "Shut up Sncheep!!" He rolls his eyes, "someone's fussy" he mutters

I try to walk to him but I hit my hands and knees which only made the burning and stinging feel worse. I scream more and cry out. "Jesus calm down" Jackaboyman tells me

"It hurts!!" I scream out as more tears rushed down my cheeks under my mask. We all start to hear talking and soon realise it to be Jack and Signe.

Jackaboyman, Sncheep and Chase ran off by I can't move so I continued to scream and cry in pain. I just want Signe to come get me

As soon as the door opened Signe rushed over and picked me up but moving made it hurt more so I screamed out louder

"Marvin, what happened?!" Signe asks worridely as Jack comes next to us. But it hurts way too much to speak so I just hold onto her and cry.

"Sncheep! Get in here!" Jack calls so he walks in "What happened with Marvin?" "Ah that, he had a accident vhen he voke up and refused to let me do it" "Obviously! You should've got Summer" Jack scolds

"Ohh that's why you're crying. Is it burning?" Signe asks in a baby voice but I still nod. "Yeah you probably got a rash baby, let's go get you cleaned up and in a little bath"

The more she walked the more pain I felt which only made my screaming louder but I could still hear Jack scolding Sncheep in the back

"I know baby, I know, it's gonna hurt" she says as we get up to the room. Upstairs Jackaboyman is on his bed with car toys, so that's where he went when they walked in

He looks up and I hear him snicker which just made my red face worse. "Jackaboy, Marv is gonna be real upset in a second. It might be better to leave" Signe advised as she laid me down on a weird mat on the ground

Have they ever used this before? I'm not too sure, I don't think I've ever seen it

He nods and runs past me and out the door. "Ok Marv, this is gonna hurt baby. Are you ready?" I nod so she gets me undressed and as soon as air hit me it hurt even more.

"I know baby, mommy is so mean huh?" She coos as she cleans me off which again hurt so much more. "Ok it's time for some cream, this is really gonna hurt" she warns as the cold consistiny on her hands touched my bottom

I didn't think it was possible but I screamed even louder at her and started kicking randomly. "I know it hurts honey, but try and calm down" she advises as she rubs it in 

After about a minute she stopped and the burning isn't as bad anymore and now I'm just crying and coughing a lot

"Ok next a little bath and you should be a happy baby again" She says as she stands up. She picks me up as well and grabs another diaper and the supplies along with a footie for me then we went to the bathroom

After the water was set and my shirt and mask were off she lifted me up and slowly into the water. As soon as I sat down the warm water made it hurt all over again

Signe's POV

Marvin looked so miserable and upset in the water.  He screamed more and tried to get me to pick him up but the water is going to help him

There's not much I can do right now since he just needs to sit in the water until it calms the rash

While waiting for Marvin's rash to calm down I hear Sean scream my name. "I can't leave the bathroom!!!" I scream back


He walks in with a small dog "Sean?" I question and Marvin lights up "Puppy!!!" He yells trying to get out of the tub but I stop him "Marvin no, no puppy" I look back to Sean who's holding a small puppy with black, brown, and white fur

"Where'd you find her?" I ask while trying to keep Marvin in the water. "I went outside to see if I dropped Chase's blanket since he can't find it, and this little one was out there with no collar. She followed me back up"

"Aww poor puppy" I grab a towel from the side and lift Marvin out of the water but he's still trying to get to the puppy. "Marvin you can't pet the puppy while you're wet, you gotta wait. Besides you might scare her"

After Chase is dressed back and calm again I leave him on the floor and take the puppy from Sean. "Awww hi cutie, what were you doing out there?" I coo. The puppy starts to lick my face making me laugh

"Awww your a good girl huh?" Sean chuckles, "I'm gonna leave posters out and see if anyone claims her. Until then she's gonna be ours" I look up to him with stars in my eyes. We've been wanting a puppy for so long!!

"Really!?" He nods, "Mhm! I think she's a great addition!" "Yes! Have the other boys seen her?" He shakes his head, "I tried to get past them so they didn't scare her and-" "-mommy!!" Marvin whines while pulling at my hand. "I wanna hold the puppy!!" "You can't hold her, but you can pet her" I crouch down and Marvin early starts to pet the puppy

 Sean and I stand up and he calls out to everyone. "All the kids,to the couch!" He calls "We aren't kids!!" Anti screams back, Sean rolls his eyes, "Anyone under the age of 5 sit on the couch or it's a time out!" He yells back and there was no response

By time we were downstairs they're all on the couch. Sean helps Marvin and Chase onto the cushions then stands by me. "Ok so Sean went out earlier and found this puppy" Marvin and Chase were smiling, Sncheep didn't seem to care, Anti was just pouting and waiting to be able to leave but Jackaboyman started to sniffle and rub his eyes "You ok?" I ask as I pass the puppy back to Sean 

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