Hell, Day 45

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Sam's POV

When we got to lunch I saw Sncheep walk in while fixing his mask. "Why's he here?" Marvin asks with a mouth full of his apple slice

"No clue" Sncheep looks around until he sees us and walks over to us

"Why are you here?" I ask, "Anti got in trouble at home so I'm filling in for him" "I thought Chase wanted to come?" Marvin asks though it was hard to understand him due to the apple in his mouth

"Marv make sure you finish eating before you talk" Sncheep tells him. Marvin just rolls his eyes and continues eating

"Why was he in trouble?" I ask as I fix Marvin in my lap since he's falling off my lap

"He went off in Marvin's class, glitched out, almost beat a little kid, and then he used Magic to get home but was caught on camera" "Damn, mommy and daddy can't be happy" Marvin says but quickly covers his mouth

That's the first time he's be fully aware of calling them mom and dad like this. Sncheep and I just look to each other as he covers his face.

"That never happened" he mumbles, "Marv it's fine if you call them-" "shush! I don't care! That didn't happen!" I sigh, "alright fine, I'm still telling mom and dad though" he turns to me with a red face

"No!! You can't!" "Vhy not?" Sncheep asks, "because he already uses that crap against me from when I lost my memory!" "Who does?" "Dadd- Jack! Jack does!" I chuckle "Marvin they're
ok if you call them that. They want you to call them that"

"That's why I don't want to!" "Mom said you used to call her mommy anyways. What's the problem now?" He ignores me and goes back to eating.

I don't get why it's a big deal, mom gives him a note in his lunch and signs it mommy, and when he goes to bed or she's playing with him she refers to herself as mommy so it shouldn't matter

"You should've seen him before you were born" Sncheep says, "he would throw a huge fit if he wasn't being held by Signe." I aww and coo at Marvin

"Sncheep shut the fuck up" he mutters. I quickly spank him as much as I can making him jump and hit back at me but he missed.

"You know the rules, no cursing till you're older" "you didn't have to do that! They always got onto you for acting older than us"

"Yeah I can't do that to the others but you're my baby brother and I'm allowed to if I need to. Mom and Dad told me already" "That isn't fair I-" he stops yelling and settles for pouting

He groans "I'm going to the restroom" he mutters as he tries to get down but I stop him. "Can you go alone? I can bring you to the girls room" he shakes his head

"I've been in there enough with momm- Signe" I let him down and watch him as he goes to the bathroom after he's there Sncheep and I start talking

Marvin's POV

I stand in the restroom for a few minutes before leaving to find where Skip and Willow are

I found them sitting in the back corner on their phones. "Hey guys!!" I greet, Willow looks to me and smiles like you would to a little kid

"Hi cutie! What're you doing?" I groan "Don't act like I'm a kid please" Skip starts to laugh, "What you big now? Skipping out yesterday and being caught by mommy and daddy made you a big boy huh?" I burn red. Why is he teasing me? I thought he was the nice one

"Back off Skip, he's only 5" Willow pulls me into her lap and Skip sits up

"We've got a plan for tonight squirt. You're coming with us" I smile but it quickly fades "I can't leave the house alone" "exactly, Willows gonna 'babysit' you, then we're heading out" I smile but Willow didn't

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this? I'm not taking him with us!" "Willow!! Please!?" I whine, "No! You are not allowed to go tonight. It's way too dangerous for you"

"Come on, I let you tag along when you were younger" Skip tries, "Yeah and those trips hurt me more than dad and mom did!" It was quiet until I hear Sam's voice

"Marv! You were supposed to come back to the table" she scolds as she picked me up from Willows lap. "Sorry if he bugged you" Sncheep apologizes

"Not at all, Squirts one of us" Skip tells him. "Squirt?" Sam asks me. "It's what they call me. These are my friends" "the friends that made mom, dad, and I freak out about you?" I roll my eyes but I'm so happy the bell rang

Sncheep takes me to his side and after we got my lunch box we went back to my classroom

I was more than nervous when Sncheep and I walked inside and to my seat

The rest of the day was failry calm though. Buggs didn't bother me again, and Sncheep didn't embarss me

While Jack was buckling me inside my carseat Sam decided to bring it up

"Oh, mom, dad Marvin said something today that y'all will like" they both look to her "What'd he say?" I burn red and glare at her

"We were at lunch and he was fully aware of calling you two mommy and daddy" I groan loudly and hide my face in my hands trying to ignore the infantile praise from them

"Marv we want you to get used to calling us that. It's a good thing" Signe told me once we started driving

"Can we just forget it happened?" I mumble, "sure but you still called them that the rest of the day" Sam buts in, "but I corrected myself half way!" "Sam don't cause a fit with your little brother" Jack says

"I'm not her little brother!" I scream, "Hey Marvin stop it right now. Sncheep did he nap with the others today" Signe asks

I glare at Sncheep and nod but he shakes his head "No I tried getting him to sleep but he refused to" "alright Marv, it's nap time when we get home" Jack tells me

"But I don't want to sleep!! I'm not even tired!" "Marvin don't scream in the car" Signe tells me. I groan and hit my head on my car seat

"That's all I ever hear. Don't do this, stay away from that, it sucks" I mutter to myself and they chose to ignore me

I'm just ready for tonight! Willow should be calling Signe to come pick me up and watch me

And luckily that's what happened, they let her babysit and we went back to her house

"Alright Marv, I've got some toys set up, some snacks and-" "-where's Skip?" She sighs "I really don't want you going Marvin. It isn't safe" "I don't care I want to go"

"No, I promised your parents I'd watch you tonight." I roll my eyes, "I'm going Willow" I try to leave her room to find Skip but she grabbed me and pulled me up to her side

"Nope, we're staying in here" She closes the door "Willow I wanna-" "- No I'm making the rules tonight and I don't want you hurt"

I groan in annoyance, this isn't fair. I left the others so I could have a adventure not so I could get followed by another mom

Jack's POV

Once it got later in the night and Signe and I went to go to sleep our door opened.

"Chase?" I ask as he slowly walks up to us. He sighs, "can I sleep in here? I can't sleep"Signe chuckles and nods "course, get up here baby"

Chase climbs up between us and lays down. "Guys why are y'all being rude to Marvin?" He asks which surprised us

"We aren't being rude, we're making sure he listens and knows everything" Signe explains "Don't worry about him Chase. You're still a kid too, you need to relax and have some fun" I say but shakes his head

"Y'all have all been focused on Marvin so we don't do much" I sigh and pull him into me "Yeah but you're still our little boy. Especially for me, you used to be so clingy" he chuckles, "I kinda am still but like I said y'all are always with Marv"

"How about we change it, where do you want to go this weekend?" Signe asks "uhm....i don't know. Can we ride roller coasters?" I nod "Sure! I'll text Mark and tell him we're headed out there to go to Disney"

He jumps up "Wait really!?" We both nod, "You want to so lets go!"

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