Hell, Day 30

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(Omg so many chapters and I still have so many other ideas 😂👀)

Jack's POV

As soon as they left I look to Jackaboyman, "Alright hospital rules, no being loud, and sit down here and play with your toys. Got it?" He pouts. "I have to sit down here the whole time!?"

I sigh, "you're 2, it's not gonna a take much to entertain you" "I'll have you know, I still have a adult mind and-" he stops once I hold out a stuffed panda bear toy "uh huh, sure" I hand him the bear and stand up with little Sam while he played

I smile at her while she stares at me and everything around us until she started to cry. Signe instantly woke up and Jackaboyman started to whine about it

A nurse comes in and smiles "Alright well she seems to be ready to eat, are you ready to try this?" She asks Signe who nods but I can tell she's still drained

I pass Sam to Signe and while the nurse helps her I help Jackaboyman and play with him so Signe isn't too embarrassed

After she finished the nurse left so I go back to her and Sam is still pressed against her chest. "You ok?" I ask her and she nods, "it felt weird" she says while laughing. "What did?" Jackaboy asks, "nothing bud, keep playing" he shrugs and ignores us. He's too young right now and besides I don't think Signe wants to explain it

The rest of the day was fairly calm other than Sam crying and I had to leave them alone at the hospital at around 7 so I could 'reset the time' the others have to be away from me

But that was the problem, when I was putting them to sleep I went to leave but Chase and Marvin refused that. "Jack stay!" Chase yells, "Can I come!? I want my mommy!" I sigh "No, you two are both staying here and I'm heading back to the hospital" they both pout

"Pleeeeeeeeease!?!?!? We'll be good, promise!!!" They whine, "No that's it, you all are staying here got it?" They both start to scream and cry so I give them their pacifiers "Now go to sleep"

Marvin pouted and moved away but Chase stared at me "b-but without you or my blanket....I can't sleep" I sigh and pick him up

I go out to the living room where Marzia and Felix are playing with the pugs, "Hey guys sorry if this is trouble but can Chase sleep with y'all tonight?" Marzia nods, "sure! It's no trouble" I pass Chase to her and she cradles him in her lap. "Do you not wanna sleep alone cutie?" She cooed making him red. I chuckle, "Yeah he either needs me or his blanket and his blanket was left in La. Also please don't forget, Marvin and Chase both need to finish 1 bottle every meal"

"We've got this Jack, don't be so over protective. We can care for babies, right buddy" Felix says as he takes Chase from Marzia

I sigh and nod "Yeah I know, well I gotta hurry back, night guys" "night!" Just as I went to leave I hear Chase yell, "Daddy!!!" That threw me off fully but I guess I need to get used to it, just not from Chase

I turn and he's making grabby hands at me. I chuckle and for his sake, I pick him up and hug him "You're gonna be ok buddy I promise, Marzia and Felix are amazing people" After the hug I hand him back to Felix and leave to get food for us back at the hospital

Jackaboyman's POV

The next morning Jack left to get breakfast but I stayed in the room. Signe is still sleeping but what started me was the baby started to cry

I walk to the crib that's at the foot of the bed and look in. "What do you need Sam?" She doesn't answer me, ok that's just rude.

Signe isn't waking up either so maybe I should go find a nurse. That'll show Jack that I know what to do when a babies around!

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