Hell, Day 27

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Jack's POV

The next morning we went to get the boys but we can both hear Chase crying through the baby monitor.

Inside the others are complaining and covering their ears while Chase wails and cries. I rush over and pick him up. His eyes are bright red and drooping down but he's forcing them to stay open

"How long has his been crying?" Signe asks as I bounce him on my side. I try giving him his pacifier but it just fell out. "For hours!! He won't shut up!!" Anti yells with his face dug into his pillow

"Chase, Chase, calm down, stop crying" I try while bouncing him and swaying him. But nothing works. I sigh "boys head downstairs and try and nap on the couch" They all run out of the room and Signe takes Marvin downstairs

I take a seat on the ground and hug him to me. "Chase come on buddy what's wrong? Aren't you sleepy?" "I- I need my blanket!" He cries "ok, what if I go buy you another blanket? I'll even buy the same one, would that make it better?" He shakes his head "I want that one!!" I sigh but my phone starts to ring

I almost didn't hear it over Chase. I answer "Hey Jack! Amy found something earlier that I think you need" I sigh, "It's Chase's blanket isn't it?" "Yeah, I'm guessing that's him crying?" "Mhm, he didn't sleep without it" "can't you buy another?" "Not according to him"

Chase screams louder so I should hurry up and end this call. "Shit gotta go, talk to you later" "Good luck man" we hang up and Chase starts coughing and heaving in breaths only to wail out again

"Hey Chase, how about I take you to our room and you and I can sleep. You have the blanket for when you can't lay with me, so lets just go sleep" he nods and tries to use the back of his hand to rub at his eyes

I grab the pacifier from the floor and text Signe to bring a bottle up to the room.

We go into the room and I lay down on the bed and hold him on my chest while the puppy tries to jump up next to me . After his wails stopped and came down to sniffles and small coughs Signe came in with a bottle. "I made a new bottle of the formula we bought" "wh-what's that?" Chase asks as Signe hands it off to me

"It's milk for babies that makes them sleepy. It also tastes better and it's healthier"

I sit up and give it to him. He calms down and drinks everything while staring up at Signe, who sat next to me, and I.

Signe coos softly and sets her hand to his cheek. Gently she rubs his cheek with her thumb, "is that better?" He nods a little and pulls back to yawn. Though he doesn't go back to drinking he lays against my chest with his eyes half open.

Signe continues to rub his cheek until he finally fell asleep against me. "Aww poor thing was just scared to sleep alone" "I don't think it's the alone thing, I'm pretty sure cuddling just calms him down but you know where his blanket is?" She sighs "La?" I nod

"We should go and-" she's stopped by the puppy barking and trying to jump up on the bed again but she's too small

Signe chuckles and lays her head on me. "Besides the egos our family is coming together" I nod, "yup, a puppy, a baby, this house is gonna be hell in a few months" "isn't it always?"

Marvin's POV

Once we were all on the couch everyone passed out. I slept longer than everyone considering I was sharing a bed with him

After we woke up the house was....different. Not only were baby gates set up at every entrance but plug sockets had covers on them and almost everything was put up higher. "Jack!?" I call but Signe comes down instead

"Morning, it's about lunch time so everyone ready to eat?" "Why is all that shit up?" Anti asks but before she answers I notice something "Mommy? What's under your sweater?" Her and Sncheep glance at each other before she shrugs

"Oh, it's nothing really. Let me get to making y'alls food" no way, I want to know now. Time for a plan "Mommy I wanna help!" I say reaching out for her

Obviously she never tells me no so she picks me up and as soon as she did I sit my feet on the small bump I can see. "Marv don't do that please " she says as she moves my feet. "Why? What's there?" "Nothing Marv, please stop"

But since I'm sitting on her side the top of her oversized sweater gets pushed closer to her revealing a big bump on her stomach "Signe!?" I panic and the others noticed to

"Shit" she mutters, "guess I can't hide it too much anymore. Sean!!" Jack comes down with Chase on his side. "What's up babe?" He looks to her tummy and sighs, "It's too noticeable now, isn't it?" She nods and he sighs again. What the hell are they talking about?

"Well guess y'all would all know sooner or later but, Signe is pregnant and is getting closer to giving birth" we all stare wide eyed at them, other than Sncheep, "What!?!" We all scream at once

Signe chuckles, "Yeah, I've been using my sweaters to cover up the bump but I guess it didn't work too well" "is that why the house is changed?" Jackaboyman asks and they nod. "Yeah this stuff isn't for y'all, it's so we're fully prepared to have a infant in the apartment" Jack explains

"That's awesome!!!" I celebrate then it hits us "Signe you shouldn't be doing everything then" Jackaboyman states. "Yeah make Jack do it, you need to relax more" I agree making her chuckle, "I'm fine boys, really I am. Besides I need to make sure I'm prepared to take care of a baby." "You already take care of Chase and Marvin" Anti says with a snicker

"-I take care of you all Anti. It's why I know how much you cuddle at night" we all snicker while he goes red and looks away from us

Jack laughs "Well they are right, since I'm already down here you take a seat and I'll make their lunch" Signe sighs but still sits on the couch by the others

Jack sits Chase down by us and I was the first to move her sweater "Marvin!" She scolds as she pulls my hands away. "What? I wanna see!" "Me to!" Chase cheers "mhm! I can check up!" Sncheep says. She shakes her head though, "you can all see the baby when they're born ok? Right now though my stomach will stay hidden alright?" We all pout but Sncheep nods, "understandable, give zee mother space" he orders as he pushes us from her stomach

I can't wait for her to have the baby, then I won't be the youngest!!!! Wait, what if she gives the baby all the attention!? No! My mommy would never give someone more attention than me.

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