Hell, Day 31

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(There is a drastic time skip but that's just so I can keep things new and it doesn't get repetitive or boring)

Jack's POV

After a few days past we were allowed to bring Sam and the other boys home but Marzia and Felix watched the puppy which we all agreed to name Pop, Marvin's idea and if we disagreed he screamed

The day we brought home Sam was....emotional to say the least. We had changed Signe's art room into her nursery so it was decorated for our little girl

Signe was crying silent tears the whole time we were home. "Babe it's ok, you don't have to cry" she laughs a little "I know....I'm just happy she's here."

"We get to help right!?" Marvin asks as Signe carefully lays her in her crib. "Maybe with some things but most of it we need to do" I tell them.

"I wanna see her!" Chase whines as he stretches his arms out to Signe. Instead I pick him up, she isn't supposed to be doing a lot yet

I hold him to the top of the crib and he smiles at her "I'm gonna teach you all the trick shots Sam! You're gonna be the coolest baby out there!" Signe and I start to laugh a little bit but then the others continue as well

"I'll teach her magic!!" Marvin says, "I can show her how to destroy her enemy's so no one picks on her" Anti states which I'm not so sure about. "I can save her and show her how to fly!" Jackaboyman states, "and I vill help on care for the child" Sncheep adds and I already know anti and Jackaboyman aren't gonna be doing what they say

"Alright well she needs to sleep now so this room is off limits to everyone except adults. If y'all are ever in here without us it's a time out for a hour" I state as I sit down Chase

I push them all out of the room and look back to Signe who's still watching Sam. "Babe?" She hums in response making me chuckle,"don't stay in here too long, you need to sleep" she nods, "I know" she whispers so I leave her

Back in the apartment the boys are already running around and attacking each other or "playing a game" as they call it "What the hell happened?! You've been out here for 10 seconds!" They all stop and Marvin speaks up

"Sncheep said only they could take care of Sam and that Chase and I  can't!" "It's true,  a baby can't care for a baby" I sigh "Look Marvin, you and Chase won't be able to help as much as the others are going to, but y'all are still allowed to help if we need it"

He sticks his tounge out at Sncheep. "Look y'all just behave alright?" Anti groans and falls to his back on the carpet, "When is this torture gonna end!?" I chuckle, "Well y'all have been like this for months Anti, at this point I don't think it's going to end" they all freeze and look at me with glossy eyes

"Shit" I mumble, "I..I mean it just isn't likely to happen soon!" But they didn't take it and all of them started to cry. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Sean? What happened?" I turn and Signe is carefully making her way out of the nursery.

"I may or may not have said they're going to be like this forever" Signe sighs and walks up to all the boys. "Hey guys, guys, it's ok alright. Even if y'all are like this then we'll be here to take care of y'all I promise"

But this didn't stop them from crying. "Sean help me calm them" She gives Marvin and Chase their pacifiers and Chase his blanket, which Mark and Amy brought back, then she goes to Sncheep and Jackaboyman so I go to anti

"Come here drama queen" I say as I sit down and pull him into my lap. I start the trick Marzia told us about and I start to twirl his hair and play with it and it fully calmed him down. He melts into me and lays against me

After a while Signe calmed down Sncheep and Jackaboy too. "Look we'll both always be here for you 5, we aren't just gonna leave you if you don't grow up"

Marvin's POV

They stuck to their words and we were allowed to help as she grew up. The only problem was she grew up, and we didn't

So by time she was 4, she was older than all of us and thought of herself as the "big sister"

Now she's four and has long light brown hair, blue eyes, and small freckles on her cheeks.

Signe walks in with her since she just picked her up from daycare, and Sam runs over to Chase and I who are playing with some soft blocks. We've been dealing with this for so long we don't even fight anything anymore. There's no point

"Hi Chase! Hi Marvin! What are you playing?" "Hi Sammy! We're just building" I tell her.

Anti walks up to her "Did anyone pick on you?" She shakes her head "Nope!" "Good, if they do I'll protect you from them, ok?" She nods but still giggles, "It's ok Anti, I'm big now. I'll help you now!" Jack rushes over

"Sammy we told you princess, even though your bigger than them, they're your big brothers" she shakes her head, "nu uh, my teacher says that if they younger then I'm the big sister and I gotta help take care of them and mommy let me help feed Marvin!"

He looks back to Signe "She wanted to help babe and I was sick that day" he sighs and looks back to her, "Sammy they are your older brothers Ok?" She sighs, "ok" she mumbles with a small pout. "Good, now head to your room for nap time. Mommy and I will be in soon" she nods and runs to her room which is still Signe's old art room

Jack sighs, "Sorry guys, the older she gets the less she's believeing y'all are older" we shrug, "we all figured it'd happen anyways" Chase says. We all nod in agreement

"Still, what are we supposed to do when she gets even older. She'll think y'all are her actual baby brothers then when she sees y'all aren't growing up then we'll have to explain everything" "then we'll explain, she already knows about our powers since Marvin kept doing magic for her" Anti says

I shrug and turn back to Signe "Mommy?" She looks to me, "Yeah Marv? You ok?" I nod, "I need a drink though" she nods and goes to the kitchen then comes back with a bottle

I thank her and take it before standing up and going to Sam's room. I walk in and go around all her toys. She's sitting in her bed and pouting.

I sigh, we were told not to help her when she's like this but I have to. I go to her bed and since it's a toddler bed I can climb on alone. I sit in front of her "Sammy, are you ok?" She sighs and looks up to me, "I just want to be a big sister like my friends at daycare. I wanna help mommy and daddy with you and the others"

"I know but we're your big brothers" "then why are y'all babies?" "You'll understand when your older princess. Now you should probably lay down before mommy and daddy come in" she sighs and lays down under her blanket

Just before I got off the bed they walked in. "Marv, she needs to be napping" Signe scolds as she picks me up to her shoulder. "Sorry mommy, I was talking to her" Signe grabs my bottle and kisses Sam, "Night baby"

We leave the room while Jack talks to her and Signe sits with me on the couch. She goes to feed me but I push it away, "Marvin come on, you haven't fought this in years" "Can I try a cup?" She sighs, "Marvin you aren't strong enough to hold it. Just let mommy feed you"

I pout but I still take the bottle. No one wants to listen to my theories. I feel like if they treat us like we're older then we'll grow up. But even though they tell Sam we aren't babies, they treat us like babies even more than before.

After I finished she waited for a second "Can you burp alone?" I don't answer her so she pats my back a little till I do burp then sits me back down

As soon as Jack comes out I jump up "Jack!! Can we try my theory" he sighs, "No Marvin we can't, we already told you there's no way we can treat you 5 like your older. Speaking of I know some babies who need another nap"

He picks me up and Signe grabs Chase, "Yup, everyone up to the room"

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