Hell, Day 18

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Jack's POV

The next day we got back to Brighton and Signe wasn't feeling very well after the flight

Not only were the boys fussy but Marvin crying for her and wanting her to hold him the whole flight made it worse

By time we got inside our apartment Signe had a horrible headache. "Go up to bed baby, I'll take care of everything and bring you some medicine" she nods, "thanks babe" I kiss her before she leaves to our room

"Ok boys today everyone is to be quiet alright? Signe doesn't feel well and- Marvin!" He turns to me from the stair case which he's currently a few steps up

I go over and pick him up "one no going upstairs alone remember? Two, you can't be with mommy today, she's hurting" He pouts at me, "But I want to go lay with her! Please Jack?" But still I shake my head , he's what caused her headache in the beginning

So I carry the fussing infant over to the couch and sit him down by the others. I turn on cartoons on the Tv and make sure to keep the volume low so Signe can't hear it. "Ok all 5 of you are to stay right there until I say other wise got it?" They all nod but Marvin keeps a pout with his arms crossed and refuses to look at me 

Though I show it no attention, I know that's what he wants. I head to the kitchen and start making them some sandwiches when I hear Anti scream my name. 

I run in and Marvin is almost half way up the stairs. I groan and walk over to him. Easily I pick him back up "tattletail" he mutters "Alright no more of this" I go to the closet and pull out (Me! Oh wait no, still in the closet, bye!) a puppy gate that Mark also left but for now it'll be used as a baby gate to keep them downstairs 

So I block off the stairs and sit him back on the couch. "That isn't fair!" Marvin yells at me, "Yeah it also isn't fair you gave my girlfriend a headache is it? Deal with it" I sit him back down and even though I saw his tears I ignore it and go back to the kitchen 

After their food is made I start soup for Signe and some of her tea since she was also saying the plane hurt her stomach  

While the water boils I bring them their food, "Don't make messes please" I say giving them each their food. I know they'll make a fuss if I put them in their highchairs

I tried giving Marvin his but he's still salty  about me not letting him go to Signe. "Marvin you need to eat" he ignores me

I sigh in annoyance, "If I let you take your nap with Signe will you eat?" He nods "Fine, as soon as you're ready for your nap I'll lay you upstairs with Signe" he smiles and grabs his sandwich

While they ate I continued cooking for Signe and making her tea

After it was all ready I carefully took them up to her. "Babe? You awake?" I ask as I walk in, she nods and sits up. I sit everything on her bed side table making her smile

"Thanks babe, how are the boys?" I shrug, "they're being good, other than Marvin who's fussy that he can't come see his mommy right now" she aws at that

"He can come up here babe" I shake my head, "You aren't feeling well babe, I told him he could lay down with you for nap time"

We both stop when my name is screamed from Marvin, "and looks like he's ready"

I go down to him and he's egarly bouncing on the couch and reaching for me. "Hmm you don't seem too tired Marv? Maybe nap time should wait" "what!? No! Please let me go! I'll lay down and nap I promise!" I chuckle and nod, "Ok let's go"

Marvins POV

Jack brings me inside their room and I instantly reach for Signe with grabby hands. "Hey baby, were you grumpy down there?" She asks as she takes me from his arms

I nod, and lay on her "Marvin if you're up here you have to be quiet, you can't move around to much, and you actually have to sleep" Jack tells me. I nod, "I know!"

They kiss and Jack leaves. "Alright time to nap baby" Signe said as she gave me the pacifier. "Bu I wan you" I say through the pacifier that i dont bother to spit out. She'd just give it back to me

"You're with me already, but now you need sleep so you aren't cranky or grumpy in a few hours" "But mommy I-" "No buts baby, it's nap time" she lays down and pulls me to her side.

Gently she glides her fingers through my hair which almost instantly put me to sleep. But right before I fell asleep she stopped. I look up to her and she's silently sleeping

I sit up and put my hands on her stomach, "mommy?" I whine but she doesn't answer me, "mommy!" I yell which made her move a little bit but not a lot

That's when the door opens to Jack, "Marvin why are you yelling? You're supposed to be asleep" he scolds, "mommy fell asleep" I tell him, "Ok? She needs sleep too Marv, here I'll take you down to the crib" he comes to pick me up but I hit him away 

"Marvin be good, you can't be up here while she sleeps" I scowl at him and start to scream and cry making her sit up

"Marvin!!" Jack yells sternly as he snatches me up off the bed and gives me the pacifier making sure to hold it in place

"Sean? What happened?" Signe asks as she rubs her eyes, "nothing babe, sorry he woke you up, you can go back to sleep" he kisses her again so she lays back down

I start to kick at him and try to get down, I want to take my nap with my mommy and that's what I'm going to do. Signe sits back up and reaches for me "I've got him Sean" "No Signe, again you aren't feeling well" she shrugs "So? Moms don't get break days babe. He's fine to stay up here"

I smirk at him as she takes me from him and lays me down by her side again. With Signe being my mommy now, I always get my way

Anti's POV

After Jack left for the second time I jump off the couch, "we were told to stay" Jackaboyman repeats, "So? I've killed that asshole once, I'll do it again" quickly I run to the babygate and luckily it's meant to keep out younger ages, and puppies, so though it was difficult I managed to pull it out of its spot and walk upstairs

I avoid their bedroom and run to his recording room. This is my chance to get the channel while they're distracted

I climb onto the chair and stand on my knees so I can see his desk. Quickly I go to his YouTube channel and go to delete. 'Are you sure you want to delete the YouTube channel Jacksepticeye?' Just as I was about to click yes I'm picked up from the seat

"What's a baby doing in my work area?" Jack mocks as he sits me on his side. I pout and cross my arms, "ha ha, very funny asshole" he looks to the screen, "trying to delete the channel again?" I shake my head and watch as he closes everything out

"If you're so egar for YouTube let's make a video real quick" my eyes widen with fear "Jack no! I'm not gonna be in your shitty videos!!" Mainly because I know the comments would be mean to me

"Aw why not? You're cute....kinda? Plus the internet loves babies and since I'm the adult here you don't really have a choice" I scowl at him

"You're hardly a adult" I mumble as he sits down and sets everything up. "Lets see, a game for toddlers" he says to himself as he googles for games to play

"Do you want to help Winnie the Pooh find his honey?" He asks, I simply flip him off, "Well I didn't hear a no so let's get started"

(I have a idea for maybe a future chapter that'll give Marvin some competition for his 'mommy', so get ready for that!! And remember any suggests are very welcomed and needed lol, have a great day!! Also my profile pic is now Me! So you can all see mah ugly face lol)

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