Hell, day 6

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Jack's POV 

"Jack" Marvin says with a yawn "What Marvin? I have to get Anti" "He won't get far" He mumbles "The- the thing I learned was when we leave you we become our age" 
"What does that mean?"  He yawns again and cuddles into me "when I got away I had trouble walking and talking cuz I'm 1, he's 3 so it'll be different for him too" "God Dammit, why didn't you say this before?" 

"You wouldn't let me" And after that he fell back asleep. I sigh and run next door. I knock on the door and the woman from the first day opens the door "Oh Jack! Hey!" "Hey Summer, I need help. One of my cousins ran off and I need to go get him. Can you watch the others? They all just woke up from their nap so they should listen and one is still napping" 

"Oh, yeah sure! I can watch them for a while" I nod "Thank you, my girlfriend isn't home so it'll just be you" She nods and I pass Marvin to her "Thank you so much" "No problem Jack, hope you find him" She goes to my apartment and I run out. 

Since they become their current age when they're away from me the boys shouldn't be too hard for her to take care of 

Anti's POV 

By time I get outside I have tears running down my cheeks. I can't stop crying and it's getting frustrating which is just making me cry more. Until I heard Jack scream my name so I take off running down the road 

In my head I heard Dark's voice "Why are you running away you idiot!?" He screams "You need to get back!!" I shake my head and wipe my eyes with the back of my hands

I run for as long as I can until I reach a ally way that I duck into so I can relax. I sit against the wall of a building and pull my knees up to my chest so no one can see me crying. "Anti" I hear Dark say. I shake my head but I feel a presence next to me so I glace over and he's sitting next to me 

He sighs "Anti, I tried looking but I haven't found a way to get you 5 back. Looks like this will be your new form for a while" I shake my head "Tis isn't scawy!" I whine looking up to him but why did my speech change? This is bullshit

"Yeah I know, but you need to get back to Jack" I shake my head "I'm nevew go ba to dat pwick" "Why'd you even run?" I sigh "He wa bein mean" I mumble "For fuck's sake Anti, come on. I'm taking you back" I look up to him and he lifts me onto his side. 

"Hey!!! Put me down!" I whine kicking at him "Dawk!! I don' wanna be cawwied!!!" He just ignores me and starts walking to the apartment. 

I groan and give up but after a while his phone rings. He stops and answers it making me groan in annoyance. Now anyone that passes us starts to coo at me or makes disgusting comments like 'aw look how cute' or 'my Gosh he looks so precious' and I don't!! It's dumb and unfair! 

Dark hangs up so I look up to him "who was it?" he rolls his eyes "Mark, he was telling me how we need to stay away from them when they go to PAX" I perk up "P-PAX!? You don't ti'nk Jack will make us go. Do you?" He laughs "Are you kidding? All five of you will be in that stroller and getting pushed around by him and Signe" 

I groan and hit my head on him "I fogot abou her" I mumble making him laugh "Oh yeah, you know she's gonna love playing with you five" I shake my head "Can't we us stay at a hotewl? I don' wanna go back today" 

"No Anti we need to-" "-pweeeeeeeease Dawk! I'll be good! Pwease!" I beg but he shakes his head so I kick slightly at him "Pwease!!!!!!!" He groans "Fine just shut up and let me text Jack so he doesn't panic about you" "Yes! No Jack!" I celebrate while he texts him 

Doctor Schneeplestine's POV

We're all sitting in the living room when a woman walks in with Marvin cradled in her arms and fast asleep with his pacifier . "Hi cuties, I'm Summer and I'm here to watch y'all for a while" Jackaboy and I nod 

She walks over to us and sits down then looks down at the toys we're 'playing' with "What are you two doing?" she asks bouncing her arms slightly but not roughly. I shrug "playing" I mumble moving the truck I got back and forth on the carpet 

I stop when I start coughing "Oh honey are you ok?" She asks setting her hand on my back. I try to nod but Jackaboy says something first "Sick" He tells her making her coo and me turn red "poor baby, are you not feeling good?" I shake my head 

"I'm ok! Ima doctor, we don' get sick" I tell her making her chuckle, why is she laughing at me? "Oh really now? You're a doctor?" I nod "What kind of things do you work with?" She asks but I don't really know what to say. She picks up a 'reflex hammer', the stupid toy ones that Jack bought me, "Can you tell me what this is?" I nod "wefwex Hamma" She 'aws' and nods

I forgot Marvin said without Jack we go back to our current age. This is gonna suck 

Jack's POV 

I walk back inside the apartment and it's around 7 so most of them should be asleep but luckily Dark has Anti so he's safe and I have one less kid to worry about

Inside she's sitting on the couch with all the Doctor and Jackaboyman who are fast asleep "Hey" I whisper so she stands up "Hey, they fell asleep after I warmed up some macaroni for them" "Oh ok, thanks so much" I thank her "No problem, I put the little one with the cat mask in the crib with the other little boy in the hat" I nod 

"Thanks" "Anytime, where's the one you were looking for?" "Oh, my friend has him. I'm picking him up tomorrow afternoon" She nods "Ok well I'm happy you found him and if you ever need any more help I'm happy to come back. They were all so cute" I can't help but chuckle 

"Course, I think we'll be good though. My girlfriend will be here the day after tomorrow so her and I should have it covered" "Ok good! Well have a good night" I wave to her as she leaves "You too" 

I close the door and look to Doctor and Jackaboy then walk over and pick them up. "come on, lets get to bed little ones" I say bringing them up to their room 

I open the door and lay them in their separate beds, I make sure the baby monitor is on and to be honest I'm really surprised that Chase fell asleep without me but I notice the blanket I bought him clutched to his chest 

That must've helped him sleep, which is good. Maybe now he can sleep without me every night 

But after everything is checked I head to my room and text Singe for the rest of the night. She's visiting her family right now and is gonna be back in a couple days. I already told her about the egos and she's more than ecstatic to come home and see them 

I mainly think she just wants to coo and play with them so that'll be interesting 

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