Hell, Day 23

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Doctor Sncheep's POV

After our nap while the others played upstairs with new toys Jack and Signe bought us I sat downstairs on the couch with my candy while watching cartoons

"Don't eat too much, you already got sick"Signe warns as she sits next to me. I shrug and go back to opening my candy but I can't get my starburst open

"Signe can you-" I look up to her and she's gone? She was just here. (Just for context, Signe is there but has her hands covering her face if you can see where I'm going with this lol)

"Signe?" I ask looking around the room but she's gone. "Signe thees isn't funny, I need help vith candy" I pout but still nothing

"What's wrong Doc?" Jack asks as he walks downstairs. "Signe's gone and I can't open my candy" he looks next to me then back to me and chuckles "Is she now? Well where'd she go?" I shrug "I don't know, she vas there then vhen I looked back she vas gone"

"Doc, look next to you where she was" I sigh "she isn't there! I looked alveady!" "Just look" I sigh and look over. After a few seconds she appears and jumps out to me "Peek a boo!" She yells. "How did you do zat!? I must learn it!" They both aw, but why? Did I do something?

"You're precious Doc" Signe says as she pulls me into her lap and open my candy. "There you go baby. But don't you want to play with the others?" I shake my head and Jack sits next to us

"Why not?" I shrug "I haven't had a big part in thees story so zis is my chance" "So if you were with the others don't you think your part would come up?" I shake my head, "no, ze readers like ze others better so I'm down here instead"

"Well I need to head to the mall, wanna come?I feel like more story will develop there" Signe asks me, I nod "sure!" "I'll check on the boys and make sure they haven't destroyed the room as bad as y'all just destroyed the fourth wall" Jack says

Him and Signe kiss and he leaves upstairs so Signe and I head out

Leaving this time was different though, I didn't need the weird backpack or stroller, and she didn't carry me. We walked down the sidewalk and she just held my hand and made sure I stayed next to her

Once we got into the mall I didn't realize how big this place was. I move closer to her leg and she chuckles. "Are you scared?" I nod a little "lots of humans and germs" I mumble as I pull my mask up over my nose and fix my glasses. She chuckles and picks me up to her hip "Well I'm here, so lets go look around"

We look around and I wasn't confused that Signe went into a baby store since she might be getting stuff for Marvin or Chase but she started to look at stuff for infants? None of us are that young but yet she continued looking at things for infants. Clothes, foods, everything really

And that's all she looked at before we left that store and went walking around again. Why would she be looking for stuff made for infants? They don't have a kid, and she's still tiny and at least doesn't look pregnant

Either way, while we were walking around I notice a fountain that people are putting money in. "Vhats dat?" And too far from Jack, luckily I'm one of the oldest so most of my speech is the same

"Oh it's a wishing fountain, you toss in a coin and make a wish. Wanna try?" I nod so she walks over to it and sits me down on the ground by it while she goes through her bag for money

I set my hands on the rim and pull myself over so I can sit on it "Sncheep, careful. Don't fall in" I nod and wait for her to find a coin but as soon as 'wiishu' was screamed, I was startled enough to fall into the water which luckily isn't deep but it is cold

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