Hell, Day 16

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Marvin's POV

I crawl out of her lap but the others still laugh at me.

"Boys!" Signe and Amy both yell loudly and sternly. "No more of picking on Marvin! He's gone through too much for you 3 to keep picking on him about this!" Signe scolds

"Woah baby you ok?" Jack asks walking up to us. She nods, "I'm perfectly fine just.....I'll tell you later ok?" He nods then she looks to the other three

"All 3 of you, corner now" all three quickly run to a separate corners in fear

Signe sits me back on the blanket and Amy puts down Chase. Before they leave Signe gets down to me and kisses my cheek "be careful, we're right upstairs if they say anything" I nod and she leaves

"Wha da fuck Marv? She waent  dat pissed earlwier" Anti says but he keeps his face in the corner

I ignore them and go to a toy where I put shapes into the correct area

Signe's POV

"Wow....I didn't know that happened" Sean mumbles as I pause the baby  monitor recording

I nod, "that's why we were even more pissed than Before" I explain "yeah I am too, shit. Poor Marvin" he mumbles

It's silent until we hear yelling from downstairs

Quickly we all run downstairs and Marvin is in the corner with his legs to his chest while Schneep, Anti, Jackaboy, and Chase yell at each other

I grab Chase, Mark grabs Schneep, Amy takes Jackaboyman, and Sean grabs Anti

We all hold them on our sides but they're still screaming at each other. But they're all talking at once so we have no idea what they're yelling about

"All of you stop and shut the fuck up!!!!" Sean yells as loud as he can, which kinda gave me a headache

They all stopped screaming at each other but every single one of them now has tears on their cheeks but I don't think that's his concern right now

"Now what the hell happened!?" He yells but no one answers. "Someone tell me or everyone is being spanked and put to bed" he threatens

"We were fighting" Chase says simply, "Ok but why?" Amy asks, "because they were being complete assholes about Marvin's situation" he finishes

"No we weren't! He jus needs tah 'top bein a baby and get ovew it! We all went though shit!" Anti yells

"Ok y'all might be over it but he isn't, people take things in different ways and some take longer than others" Mark says and we all nod

I look over and Marvin's still crying so I sit Chase down and walk over to him and crouch down

"Hey baby, it's ok. I'm here" I say. He looks up at me and jumps to hug me. "Are you ok?" He shakes his head, "anti hit me and they kept screaming mean things" he mumbles

"Don't worry, they can't get you if I'm here. Promise" I stand up with him. His legs wrap around my stomach as much as they can while he lays on me

I hear him quietly whisper to me, "thank you for saving me mommy" I smile, "no problem baby, I've got you"

I turn to everyone. "I'm gonna take Marvin to the room Sean and I are in to calm him" they all nod, "yeah we'll get them calmed" Sean tells me

I nod and take him upstairs. First I get my laptop open and sit on the bed with it while running his back

"Let's watch some cartoons and nap a little ok?" He nods silently so I turn on some kids cartoons and lay back with him

Jack's POV

It took maybe a hour before they all understood. "So there's not gonna be anymore teasing him right?" I ask and everyone nods but Anti

"Hey I'm not pwomising anyting. I pick on da mama's boy before dis happen" I roll my eyes "fine but be good the rest of this trip. Now everyone, other than Chase, back to your corner"

After they went back i turn to Mark and Amy "fuck I'm so sorry this happened here guys" Mark shakes his head "it doesn't matter, we're happy to help you know that" Amy nods in agreement

"I know, I know, but this is y'alls house and we brought 5 toddlers here and basically fucked everything up" "You didn't Jack, it's ok. Kids are kids, tantrums and fights are going to happen. Besides tomorrow's a new day" Amy tells me

I nod but catch a glance of Chase trying to climb upstairs so I go and pick him up "You know the rules, and why are you going up there?"

"I wanted to check on Marvin" "Ok just tell me, I'll take you up there"

I carry him up while Mark and Amy follow but they go to their room instead

I open up the door and Signe is laying down with Marvin who's fast asleep on her. She's watching some cartoons meant for younger kids on her laptop

"Hey princess?" She looks up to me "hey" she whispers, "Hey Chase wanted to see how Marvin was" I whisper walking up to her

"He's doing better, we watched some cartoons which made him laugh, then he fell asleep" "good, I'm sorry for all of this y'all" Chase says

"Don't be bud, things happen." I tell him, he shrugs then yawns. He's probably tired from all the yelling, they most likely all are. "Want to nap too?" He nods so I lay him on the other side of Signe

"I've gotta watch the others so see you in a hour or so" I tell Signe. I kiss her then I kiss Marvin's head and ruffle Chase's hair before I leave back downstairs to watch the trouble makers

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