Heavan, Day 2

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Marvin's POV

Crystal carries me inside a big house and I see a little boy run up to us.

"Joshua, this is your baby brother Marvin" Joe tells him, wait damn it. Jack and Signe told us to stick with 'mommy' and 'daddy' while with our families

The younger boy smiles widely "Hi Marvin!!!" He greets happily, "aww he's so cute!" The boy yells happily.

Mommy chuckles, "Isn't he? Now you have to be a good big brother and help him get used to the house and the family" he nods "Ok!!! Can I show him his room!?" They nod

Mommy sits me down on my feet. "Go with bubba Marvin" Daddy tells me

Joshua takes my hand and brings me upstairs. He takes me into a big room that has a toddler bed with blue sheets. Inside the room is a big toy box, a TV, a small beanbag, some coloring books and some normal books

Basically anything I'd ever need. "Here are your books and mom said I can read to you before bed time!" He says happily which made me smile. Jack and Signe were right being adopted can make a family really happy

Joshua brought me to the bookshelf and takes out a small book. "Let's read this one!" He sits down and pulls me back into his lap.

I smile and lean back on him while be reads me the book. I get comfortable with him until the door opens

I look up and see mommy, "aww hey you two, we wanted to let Marvin meet the animals" "but I'm reading to him!" Joshua whines

"You can read after baby, come on let's go" I stand up and so does Joshua. Mommy picks me up and we all go back downstairs and to a big backyard

I see a big dog, a small dog, a cat, and a baby bunny going around making me smile maybe this new family isn't so bad

We all played with the animals the rest of the day until mommy said it was my bedtime

Mommy, Daddy, and bubba all went to my room and mommy laid me in bed. "Welcome to the family bubba, we're happy you're here" daddy told me as he kissed my head.

"Sweet dreams baby, we'll go out and have some fun tomorrow" mommy tells me. She kisses me and they leave but Joshua stays and gets a book. I listen to my big brother read me a bed time story until I finally fell asleep

Chase's POV

(if you do not like or approve of the LGBTQ+ community I suggest you skip this part and don't leave any hate. I have many friends in this community and I support everyone)

My new moms brought me into a cozy country house in the woods.

They sit me inside and we talk. My first mommy has brown hair and blue eyes and my other mommy has dark purple hair and brown eyes

"Ok baby I'm mommy, and this is mama" So mommy has brown hair and mama has purple

I nod "ok mommy" I say shyly, I still miss Jack and Signe and the others more than anything

"Awww honey its ok, you don't need to be scared or worried" mama told me as she cradles me in her lap.

"Let's go see your room, how about that?" I nod so they take me down a hallway and to a medium sized room that has a crib, a toy box, and a play pen.

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