Hell, Day 52

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Signe's POV

I sigh "I knew this would come....do y'all want to chose or do you want us to chose?" I ask but everyone stays silent

"I feel like we need to keep Anti" Jack mutters, "with him being this young as a normal kid he'll need a forever mommy, not a orphanage worker" I nod "agreed.....who else?" I ask but again no ego answers

I start to hear them all sniffle though, "a-are y'all r-really doing this?" Jackaboyman asks, "o-or is it t-to scare us into listening?"

Sean sighs "I wish it was that bud.....I really do..." This broke them and they all started to cry

They move to our laps and we hug them tightly. "We don't want to go" Chase cries

"Just give us another chance!" Marvin yells. "We're so so so sorry boys, but when Darks powers are back....its happening" Sean tells them

Mark and Amy walk in and pause "whoa what happened?" I sigh "we aren't keeping the boys....when Darks powers are back he's making them human kids and they'll be put up for adoption.....then Sam will become a baby again and live a new life." I explain

"We're also keeping Anti and one other ego, we just don't know who yet" Sean finishes

We all stood there for a few minutes before the toddlers tired themselves out. "Alright let's have a morning nap. Everyone up" Sean tells them

We get up and put them in their cribs and in bed then leave them to sleep. Dark and Sam left with us as well

We close the door and I look to Sam, "are you sure you're ok with this?" She sighs "I-I won't remember this life anyways.....besides this time I can make friends....try harder...." Sean and I both hug our daughter tightly

"We're doing this to help you" Sean says, "I promise you are going to be our everything this time." I say and she nods, "I-I know, I appreciate it but I want to say I love y'all more than anything"


Jacks POV

It's been a month or so since we've been at Marks house and Dark finally got his power back

We finally decided on keeping Anti and JJ and today is the day Hell ends

"Everyone ready?" Dark asks as we stand in their living room.

The egos are crying but they all nod. Dark sighs "alright, say goodbye, this is the last chance you'll ever get"

They look to us and Chase starts. "Y-Yall have done everything for us....you even put us above your daughter even though we were complete jerks and annoyed y'all.....thank you for trying" he mumbles

Next Sncheep "I know ve aren't your children but you alvays acted as if ve vere your own. Thank you for giving us all a better life than our first and for our new one to come" he finishes

Jackaboyman sighs and rubs his arm nervously "M-My whole g-goal was t-to save people b-but you two saved us....if y'all didn't take us in....that demon would've killed us.....thank you for....for saving me too"

We look to Marvin who stays quiet but looks to us with glossy eyes before running at us with a tight hug.

The other egos follow and hug onto us. "Alright egos take a step back" Dark states

They all stand back and Dark sighs, "Bye guys" he hands them all a small cup of the potion and they all let a deep breath out and drink it

Dark comes to us and hands us a thermous. "This one is for Samantha" we nod and I take it and put it in our suitcase

"Well we got families to put in applications so let's meet up with them and get all that legal stuff out of the way" Jack says

I pick up JJ and Anti and we all leave to the park where we told the families to meet us

There inside are about 15 families waiting and talking. "Alright everyone, these 4 aren't too happy about leaving us so please excuse it if they start to cry. So let's start" Sean says

"A-Anyone wh-whos here f-for M-Marvin come up!" I call with tears in my eyes as I shake.

A few families come up to us. "Boys go sit with Sam" I tell them as I hand JJ and Anti to her

Samantha takes them to a bench and we keep Marvin

First up a women with long brown hair and a man with black hair. "Hi, I'm Joe and this is my wife Crystal" the man introduces

Sean shakes their hands since I'm too upset to. "Is this the little one?" Crystal asks. I nod "Y-Yeah, this is Marvin. H-He's 5 and is....is extremly sweet to everyone" luckily Sean takes over

"I'm sorry, neither of us are very.....excited about this" they nod "we completely understand" Joe says

"Well let's take a seat and you three can meet" Sean says.

We go to a empty park table and sit down. Marvin stands up on his knees and they talk. "Hey cutie, what's your name?" Crystal asks, "Marvin" he mumbles

Darks magic hasn't fully taken effect yet so they are all still aware of everything happening

"Hey Marvin, what do you like to do?" Joe asks. "I-I like watching cartoons....and....and I like my fox toy from my big sister" they both 'aw' "Well do you like animals?" Joe asks He nods

"Well we have a dog, a cat, and a baby bunny at home" Marvin smiles a little "really?" They nod but I need to jump in "sorry but will he have any older siblings?" They nod "a older brother who's 7 yes, he's just dying to have a baby brother"

Sean looks to Marvin, "what do you think buddy?" Marvin looks to us with glossy eyes then to the excited couple in front of us and nods.

"Alright just give us a address and we'll check it out today" Sean tells them. They both smile widely "thank you so much!" Joe thanks as he hands Sean their address on a piece of paper

"No problem, thank you" Sean says. They wave bye to Marvin so we take him back over to Sam and did the same thing for the other 3

Sncheep was adopted by a couple who were told they can't have a child on their own and Sncheep made them both very happy

Chase was adopted by two girls who absolutely fell for him. They loved him from the start and he loved the attention from them.

And Jackaboyman was adopted by a single dad who has a 10 year old daughter at home

We checked out their houses, met the other kids, and soon all adoptions were final and all legal papers were signed

Dark used his magic and sent us back home to Ireland

As we got home I laid JJ and Anti on the couch. Both boys are now human children and extremely tired from today.

Sean and I look to Sam and hand her the thermous. "Are you ready?" I ask and she nods "mhm.....I love y'all...." "We love you too baby girl" Sean says

We hug her and kiss her before she drinks the potion

She yawns so I help her lay down by the boys. "Watch them and I'll get the baby stuff set back up" I nod "I'll get Marzia and Felix to bring our puppy back over" he nods "good idea, JJ and Anti will love her"

Sean goes upstairs and I stare at the three on the couch.

Our babies.....our family

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