Hell, Day 13

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Jackaboyman's POV

While walking around I notice a comic book area with a big super hero on it off in the distance!! I need to go there!!

"Jack! Jack!Jack!" I repeat since he's talking to Mark, "Hang on bud, adults are talking" he tells me, I pout and look to Signe who's whispering to Amy since Marvin and Chase are still asleep

We're about to pass it though!! I try walking to it but I'm pulled back by the backpack.

With a pout I look to the clips on my chest that are keeping the bag on me.

First things first

How does this work??

I move the buckle and look at it and all it has are two things on the top and bottom

I try pushing them and they go down but not fully. I'm not strong enough to undo it

I try a few more times and finally I got it off. I glance up to them and they're all still talking so I quickly run off as fast as I can to the superhero place

Once I get up to the booth 2 workers, a man and women, look down to me. "Well hey there buddy, do you like superheros?" I smile and nod "I one!" Damn too far from Jack so balance will be lost soon

The women gasps a little, "you are? What's your name?" I fix my mask a little, "I'm Jackaboyman! I saves Jack fom ba guys" "Aww well I think we need to get you a cape huh?" The man says

I smile and nod, my old one is too big now. I start to lose balance so I grab onto their booth table cloth. I pull a couple things down but they don't mind too much.

"Oh having trouble sweeite?" She asks, I nod "a wittle" she coos and picks me up and over the table to her side

She shows me a bunch of capes on a wall "Who's your favorite super hero?" The guy asks, "me!" I answer, "Ok, well what colors do you know?" "Wed (red) an bwue"

The man takes down a blue cape for me and ties it around my neck "there you go buddy, it's a little big but you should be fine" I smile widely at it

"Tank you!!!" "Aww no problem cutie, now let's get you back to mommy" "I finds her!" I say so she sits me back down but let's me hold her fingers for support

"Are you ok to walk alone?" The guys asks, I nod "Ima big kid! I gots it!"

I let go of her fingers and continue walking past the booths though while walking I tripped on my cape and hit the concrete

Immeditaly I cry and wail making people around me coo and try to help but that was until I saw a guy in a red suit get down to me.

"Uh oh, did you fall little guy?" I nod a little while sniffling "Oh come on you've got it right! You're a superhero just like me" he stands up and picks me up with him

He has a weird bolt on his suit, mines just plain red. "There see, no more tears" he says calmly "Now where are your parents? My superhero brain says you ran off?" I giggle slightly, how'd he know That!?

I want a superhero brain, I can kinda fly.....I..I help Jack! That's my power

I nod though "Alright well do you know your name?" "Jackaboyman!!" I say happily making him chuckle "Alright Jackaboyman, I'm Flash, let's go see if we can find your parents alright?"

I nod, I already saw most of the stuff here so there isn't much else I can do

He starts to walk around with me, "So what do your parents looks like?" "Jacksepticeye!" I say hoping he'll get the message and bring me to Jack

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