Hell, Day 51

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Jacks POV

The next morning Mark and I woke up before everyone else so I decided to talk to him about Signe's idea

"Hey Mark......so Signe and I had like a fight last night and I wanted your opinion" he sits up straight since we're on the couch

"Yeah man sure, what's going on? Are you two ok?" I nod "yeah it isn't anything like that. It's about the egos. Signe wants to have Dark make them normal kids like he did to Marvin and then.....put them up for adoption"

"Whoa, dude you aren't gonna do it are you?" I shrug "no idea, she's saying we missed out on almost all of Samantha's life because of the boys which I know is true.....she taught herself almost everything.....we even missed her first word since they all got into a big fight that we had to stop" I mumble

"damn, well maybe it is the right thing to do. Does she want to get rid of all of them?" I shake my head, "Only a few, she said we can keep maybe 2 of them but they need to be normal kids"

"Do they know about this?" I shake my head "God no, and they aren't going to. They'd throw a fit if they found out we want to put them up for adoption"

Jackaboymans POV

"-they'd throw a fit if they found out we want to put them up for adoption"

We all look to each other at the top of the stairs. "They want to get rid of us" Anti mumbles from Marvin's arms

"The real question is who do they want to keep and will they do it" Chase states.

"You guys have fun with that, I'm with Mark and Amy until my power is back, so fight amongst yourselves" Dark states

"Obviously I'm staying" Marvin says smugly, "vhy you?" Sncheep asks. "Duh, I was already their son for years. They won't get rid of me"

"Maybe that means they're just tired of you" I state. "Obviously they'd keep me, I'm the favorite" Chase says

"Oh since when?" Anti mocks, "guys ve can't fight over theese. It isn't even final yet" Sncheep says. We all nod in agreement "true, but if they do go through with it. I'm staying!!" Chase yells as he runs downstairs

We watch as he runs to Jack and hugs onto his legs "daddy! Up!" He whines, both were taken back by it but Jack picked him up anyway

Chase cuddles into him, "what's up bud?" Chase shakes his head, "got scared" he sighs, "how are you even out of your crib?" Mark asks

"Climbed and hurt my leg" he mumbles shyly. "That bitch" Anti mumbles

Anti stares smugly before he starts screaming and crying which startled Marvin causing him to drop Anti which made his cries real

"Run!" Sncheep yells. We all run back into our room and Marvin closes the door

Signe's POV

Samantha and I run out of our room and find Sean craddling Anti at the top of the stairs. "What happen?!" I ask running over

"I have no idea, but he has a bruise on his arm" I coo at him, "you're ok baby, here let me make it better" I take his arm and kiss it making him giggle slightly which surprised all of us

"I wonder what happen" Sean says, we hear a door close and Sam sighs, "I know some kids who might be able to give us some answers"

She goes to their room and opens the door.

We all go inside with her "boys why was Anti crying in the hallway?" I ask and they all shrug

I look to Marvin, "and Marv, how'd a 10 month old baby get out of his crib without someone carrying him out?" Marvin glances away from us

"I didn't do it if that's what you're inferring" he mumbles

We turn when we hear screaming and we see Chase run up and hug onto me "mommy daddy, don't leave?" He whines

"Alright what's going on?" Sean asks. All the boys look to each other and sigh "we heard Jack talking to Mark about you two putting us up for adoption" Jackaboyman mutters

I glare at Sean "You talked to Mark about it?!" He sighs "I wanted a third party opinon babe! I was just asking what he thought about it"

I groan and look to them "Look guys, sit down over here and we can all talk"

We sit in a circle and Marvin crawls into my lap. "Ok so I only brought up the option of that because I don't want to miss anymore of my daughters life. With yall around I've missed my actual child growing up"

"Mom I didn't mind" I hear Sam say, "I did, I always thought when I had my own child they'd be the center of my world. But since the boys stayed at such a young age I had to care for them" I start to tear up slightly so Marv hug me

"Ve are that bad?" Sncheep asks us. "No bud that isn't it" Sean says "its that where as we want to care for y'all and help y'all back, we have our actual daughter. Y'all get multiple lives and this is her only one"

Everyone goes quiet and we're all teary eyed. Dark sighs and stands up, "alright, I will make the egos normal human kids. But I will also make Samantha younger so you can all have a family back, deal?" Dark asks

I look to Sam "baby are you OK with that?" She thinks for a minute before she nods, "will I get my parents?" She mumbles.

Sean and I nod "of course you will! After theyre adopted it'll just be us" Sean assures, "then I'm OK with it" she mumbles

"Now the important question" Dark says

"Which Ego stays?"

Hectic House (Baby Jacksepticeye Egos)Where stories live. Discover now