Hell, Day 29

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Jack's POV

I answer Mark's call and put him on speaker, "Hey man" I greet, "Don't 'hey man' me!! Why weren't we told!?" He yells

"Shh! God Mark, we're still in the hospital. And we didn't tell anybody, we just had to call Marzia and Felix so they could drive us to the hospital" "So!? It's us!" I hear Amy laugh behind him "Mark calm down" I hear her take the phone

"Hey Jack, sorry he's salty. But we'll be out there in a few days to see y'all. And I'll make sure to bring Chase's blanket" Chases smile lights up as soon as she says that making us laugh

"Thanks Amy, I'm sure he'll love that" "Mhm! Now I'm gonna calm down Mark and we'll be out there soon" "Alright thanks Amy, bye" "bye" we hang up and I start to laugh

"Jesus Mark wasn't happy" they laugh as well. "Mommy when do we go home?" Marvin asks her, "whenever the doctor says we're allowed to baby" I nod, "until then you 5 need to get off the bed so Signe can relax" I order

They whine but all get off anyways. I go to her bedside and carefully take Sam who just wants to be held at the moment."go to sleep babe, you did great" We kiss and it didn't take long for her to fall back asleep

Sam's arms start to move around a little making us all 'aw'  she's so much smaller than I imagined but I'm so happy she's here. Her little bits of hair are brown and she has fairly pale skin. Cutely enough she got a little bit of Signe's freckles on her cheeks. She also has blue eyes that have a tint of green

"Jack! I wanna hold her!" Jackaboyman whines. "Nope, no one can hold her other than adults. Y'all can see her though" I crouch down and they all gather around me to look at her. "Now guys she's super super tiny, and fragile as a infant so no picking her up, and make sure you watch where she is. She's also going to cry anytime she wants something"

As if in cue she starts crying. I fully sit down and sway her a little so she doesn't wake up Signe. "I got it!" Marvin stands in front of her "Sam watch this!" He claps his hands then when he pulls them up from each other a flower appears. She stops crying and watches him in awe

He smiles and starts doing more magic tricks and Sam was loving it, she sat in my arms and watched him until she fell asleep

"Hey we gotta head home and take care of the pugs. We can take the boys with us until y'all can leave if you want" Felix says. I nod "That'd help us a lot. Thanks guys"

"What!?" They all scream which woke up Sam and made her cry. I sigh, "boys it'll only be a few days besides this is why, we can't have y'all waking up Sam and since she's so young she needs a lot of attention so we wouldn't be able to care for y'all"

"But Jack we-" "No Chase, y'all are going. Felix you have a extra key so you can go to the apartment and grab whatever y'all need for them" Felix nods and Marzia picks up Chase and Marvin

"Wait!!" Jackaboyman yells before Felix picks him up, "they have puppies! I'm allergic! I gotta stay" I sigh, "shit you're right. Fine, Jackaboyman you can stay, everyone else goes"

Felix picks up Anti and Sncheep and they leave the hospital with Chase and Marvin crying 

Anti's POV

They buckle Sncheep and I into the backseat but Marzia kept Chase and Marvin in her lap. "We'll buy some car seats later for y'all" Felix says as he pulls out of the hospital

"Hold up now, we aren't kids" I say as I cross my arms. That's when Sncheep jumps "vait! If ve leave Jack for too long effects stay!" He yells "Cwap!" I scream, "if Jack is away fwom us for over 24 hours we have a kid wisp" I say "Aww like yours?" Marzia asks

I roll my eyes and nod "yeah but Marvin and Chase won't be able to walk wight" I explain "Well I was just texting him and he said he'd visit to help put you 4 to bed" Felix says "Now let's get to their apartment, then home"

So after they grabbed stuff from the apartment we were brought to their house which is failry big

"Alright let's get inside and everyone can lay down to sleep" Marzia says, yeah like I'm gonna listen to them

We all go inside but they carry Marvin and Chase again. As soon as we walk in their pugs start to bark and knock us over. "Hey!" I whine pushing away the smallest pug as I stand up "Anti be careful, and Maya, Edgar, bed!" Marzia orders

The two run upstairs "Alright follow us" Sncheep follows behind them to a room downstairs but I don't follow. I turn to go back out the front door but the door is closed in my face. "No go Buddy, come on, to bed" Felix tells me

He reaches down to grab me so I hit him away but ended up losing balance and falling back into the hard floor. I hold back my tears as much as Felix holds back laughter but both of us are failing

"Aww did you fall a little?" He asks me like how Signe talks to Marvin and Chase when they lose balance. I scowl up at him "No I didn't, and I'm not going to seeep! You can't make me!"

Marzia comes up to me and crouches down, "Why are you being so fussy?" I scowl at her and try to move away as she reached her hand to me. As soon as I backed into the wall I expected to be picked up but her hand went to my hair and she gently twirled in on her finger or would just play with my hair in general

It honestly felt better than I thought it would and I instantly melt into her touch. "Aww you just wanted a little attention huh?" I'd fight back on that but this is way too soothing for her to stop now

With how soothing it is I almost instantly fell asleep. "Ready to be a good boy now and listen?" She asks and without thinking I nod. "Alright then it's off to bed" she stops playing with my hair and scoops me up into her arms

She brings me into the guest room where everyone else is sleeping already and lays me down, "night Anti"

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