Hell, Day 15

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Amy's POV

"Here we are!" Signe tells him as we get out of the car.

He pouts a little "Dis sucks" he groans "he too far"

"It's not that bad, look what do you wanna do first?" He shrugs and looks around until his eyes stop on a big slide "There!!"

We give each other nervous glances before we make our way over. I stand by the bottom and she climbs up the play set

"Signe you're the perfect height for this!" I call to her making us all laugh.

She sits on the slide and fixes him in her lap. I record as she slides down with him, his laughter echoed through the slide and by time they got to the bottom he had the biggest smile

"Aww was it fun Chase?" He nods happily "mhm! That was awesome!" "You know the swings here feel like you're flying" I tell him, "wanna try those?" Signe asks as she leans down to the side so she can see him

He nods and reaches for me so so take him and we go to the swings. Carefully I sit him in a baby swing and make sure he's comfortable

I stand behind him and push him forward while Signe stands in front of him and pushes him back by his feet

Jack's POV

While walking around the convention all 4 were complaing it was too cold, Marvin was screaming and crying out for Signe

It's honestly been the most annoying day so far. "Why not just drop them off at daycare?" Mark asks, I roll my eyes "wish I could but last time they went to one they all got kicked out"

Before Mark said anything Marvin pulls on my shirt from my side. "Jack! I want Signe, where is she?" "She's at Mark's with Chase since he wasn't feeling well"

"But I want Signe!" He pouts, "Well you'll have to wait a few hours" he scowls at me "I want my mommy!!" He finally screams

The other 3 burst into fits of laughter and tease Marvin.

He holds onto me and hides his face I  my shoulder. "Dat's da funniest ting I ever heawd!" Anti yelled through laughter

I sigh they are acting out so much today I'm really debating spanking them instead of a time out

After the laughter stopped the teasing started

The whole time we were walking around they picked on Marvin

"Where's you mommy ah, huh Marv?" Anti asks him, "do you need her to hold you or are you just gonna cry more?" Jackaboyman asks, which surprised me. I didn't expect anyone to be rude other than Anti but even Schneep teased him

"I think he just vants to cuddle with her and take hiz vottle" (wants and bottle 👌) Schneep said, "I do not! I hate the bottle and I hate when she snuggles me ok!? So shut up!" Marvin fights back

"Oh he is gonna cwy more. We've alway know you a cry baby but Jesus Marvin. I bet awl you nee is a diapea change" Anti says and once I saw Marvin cry I end it

"Ok guys leave him alone right now" I scold, "aww look now daddy is fighting for you" Jackaboyman says, which again, surprising

"He's not my daddy and she isn't my mommy! Leave me alone!" I sigh and look to Mark. I give him a look as to say call the girls so he does

"Hey Amy, tell Signe there's a little one here that needs her" Mark says making the others snicker

They talk for a while so I calm down Marvin even though it caused more teasing. "Here Marv this'll do it" I take out his pacifier from the diaper bag and give it to him

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